Six cops charged with robbery, kidnapping, extortion

Stories of shakedowns, brutality, kidnapping, and theft have dogged a group of the city's Narcotics Field Unit officers for nearly a decade. But despite multiple investigations, cases against them never stuck.

Federal prosecutors set out to change that Wednesday, laying out a sprawling racketeering case against six of the unit's former members. The charges paint them as rogue cops running roughshod over the rights of their targets, confident that few would believe anyone who dared complain.

As the years went on, the 26-count indictment suggests, Officers Thomas Liciardello, Brian Reynolds, Michael Spicer, Perry Betts, Linwood Norman, and John Speiser became only more brazen.

Between February 2006 and November 2012, it states, they stole more than $500,000 in cash, drugs, and personal property - all while using extreme force, and falsifying police reports to downplay their takes.


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Those corrupt idiots has been watching too many Hollywood flicks.

Hi Daniel! Lol so true. Their movie would be called, "Corrupted
Encounters of The TURD Kind".

It seems that they are doing exactly what they are expected to do, by the real government.

Some time ago we proposed some personal reforms and in review we doubt that many that listened actually cared or acted; Throw TV out the window without opening it thereby breaking free of the Lairs Symphony.

But now it’s perhaps too late as there are so many human interest stories that float in from all parts of the world; Middle East in flames, Russia mobilising, USA water unfit for humans or fish as they jump into your boat to escape whatever was dumped into rivers, lakes and floating toilets, South Americans flooding across the border (stop to think, are they not called Americans), the homeless (only god knows the true count) being offered Free Housing by DHS with meals and tracking chips, yeah round them up for their own good and yours as well, unsightly as they are, a possible reminder of what may happen to you when you no longer pay the mortgage, police seemingly out of control but actually In Control. We can go on and on as the list of events multiples but we think you get the theme – Overload.

So what to do or perhaps what not to do.

Pack, take your skills and leave the country is a current suggestion by some local experts, thereby leaving the house to the future residents (S-Americans or squatters)

Great but where to go??

Carry on as you are hoping that you will fit in with the new systems.

Draw a nice bath (bubble foam if you like) turn on the radio to an old classics station, line up some beer or wine on the rim of the tub and just relax. Option here to tip the radio into the tub (accidently of course).

Apply for employment within the DHS system. This may prove a delightful way to get out of Harm’s Way. A nice uniform with an appropriate logo designating your Service Area. New friends of the same ilk. Use of the weight room to build up to the standard physical requirement (No Neck). Pick of a nick name (sorry Knuckles and Buzz Cut have been taken, please select another choice). Lifetime Get out of Jail Card voiding any civilian claims against you (he must have tripped down the stairs or she’s trying to blame me for frisking her All Night). Whatever!

The 3 R’s. The Roof, The River or The Revolver as a final end….

Stay tuned for any additional options.




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