is This the Beginning of the End of The Central Bank Fiat Currency System? God I hope so!

An Unacceptable Threat and Unacceptable Proposal

 By Anna Von Reitz

Date: 13 March 2022
To: UN Secretary General Guterres
From: Anna Maria Riezinger-- Fiduciary
The United States of America
Dear Mr. Guterres:
You have been in receipt of numerous communications from this Office and from our Office of the Head of State for The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States. While we are a Federation of independent and sovereign states, we are nonetheless present in international and global jurisdictions--- and while we are not Signatories of the United Nations and not possessions of the UN Corporation, we keep abreast of the most obnoxious and repugnant actions of your organization and hereby lodge our objection and protest against another such mindless overreach of authority. We refer to the attached United Nations Directive 001, The Start of the New World Order, etc.
Let us make this explicit: the opinions of incorporated franchises of any corporation, however much that corporation and its franchises may be involved in providing governmental services, are not binding upon the people or the assets of any sovereign nation. Period. Ever. At all. This applies to decisions of the UN Security Council as much as it applies to opinions issued by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Please get this concept firmly in mind: The opinions of the incorporated entities don't count. The opinions of the owners of those incorporated entities and the Treaties and Contracts governing those owners are what count. The owners and employers of all those corporations are speaking to you now, so you can forget about what our misguided and misinformed employees have been doing behind our backs.
You can also forget about the misrepresentations of the Central Banks and the UN CORPORATION, which have colluded to create the idea that our countries are bankrupt and that our countries are deeply in debt. Neither claim happens to be true.
In fact, no sovereign state is eligible for bankruptcy protection by definition. None of our countries have ever been bankrupt. None of our countries have ever been incorporated as franchises of any other country. All our sovereign states enjoy state immunity and post indemnity bonds to cover our operations; the indemnity bonds are based on the debts already owed to us. Thus, there is no profit to be made by bringing claims against sovereign entities and no other avenue available to resolve charges against sovereign entities.
Another common misunderstanding is the idea that our countries are in debt to the UN CORPORATION and to the Roman Catholic Church, a misunderstanding that has been promoted by funky bookkeeping on the part of the Central Banks. These banks have kept track of the debt side of a ledger and have applied interest to the debt side of that ledger to promote the idea of "National Debt", however, those same banks have failed to balance the books by applying the equal and opposite "National Credit". Their excuse has been that nobody with the authority to commit the National Credit resources has given the order.
I have been given the authority over the Code FLAT resources and hold the American US Trust Resources, both, to straighten out this mess and I have informed the governments of the world that: (1) they don't have a National Debt because they have equal National Credit that simply wasn't applied; (2) we have given the necessary Order to clean up this little misunderstanding as the first step of transitioning out of the World Bank matrix and into the new Bilateral Banking System.
Because no country on this planet is actually in debt, does not mean that they automatically have credit in the new system --- which will be properly monitored to prevent any more chicanery. To obtain their pre-paid credit and access the full spectrum of banking, financial, and currency services available in the new system, each country will need to resume operation of their Public Government and establish their own Bilateral Bank. All Bilateral Banks exist under the same simple 12-page charter and connect to each other via a 1-page Bank Treaty.
Banking is no longer going to be a mystery nor is it going to be used to defraud and control the masses. Private corporations in the business of providing governmental services will no longer be running wild and seizing upon authorities and exercising powers that don't belong to them. And you can be sure and you can tell your bosses and your United Nations members, that The United States of America will not be called "the former United States of America" nor will it be called "America Area 0002".
The so-called service corporations have to drop this nonsense, or the United Nations and the UN CORPORATION will simply be called "Out of Business" and the persons involved will be serving lengthy jail terms or be facing execution for conspiracy against their own national interests. As for the banks, all the central and commercial banks are already bankrupt and in receivership. You will shortly receive your copy of the second World Bank transition directive.
Anna Maria Riezinger-- Fiduciary
The United States of America

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Comment by Doc Vega on March 17, 2022 at 12:31pm

Burbia after speaking to a former US Army intelligence officer who servd in Korea who said given the task of putting down a cvilian uprising they would have no compunction about killing fellow countrymen. This view seems to be supported by the recent facebook statement made by a female Army sergeant stationed at Fort Sill who said she would love to kill Amricans! Who and where this bitch is from makes me wonder what people like these are doing in the service of our country She should have been shot on the spot for saying something like that. Nuts!!!

Comment by Doc Vega on March 17, 2022 at 12:24pm

Burbia, you are so right. When you castrate the mind you castrate society as well.

Comment by Burbia on March 15, 2022 at 1:05am

Thnx Doc. I respect your opinion. Its a shame the following generations never gotta experience freedom. I feel as though I was at the end of freedom. Going back to the following generations, they don't know why it's necessary to fight for freedom. What is that quote about not knowing you are in a prison. I feel as though (((they))) have achieved the invisible prison.

Comment by Doc Vega on March 14, 2022 at 3:25pm

Gotta say one thing for this lady she most definitely a patriot! 

Comment by Burbia on March 14, 2022 at 7:28am

After seeing World Bank at the end of the letter, I can't help but believe anything will be enforced unless the people seize control. Russia is being cancelled. This echoes of Germany pre-WW2. It is also a show of power. World Bank is the off shore bankers we are told about running our country by proxy courtesy of the US government. Biden is signing legislation over digital currency and the Fed Reserve is trying to create its own digital currency. The lie that it is free of government control what's worse is that the paper trail is digital, attached to every transaction. Asucj as I don't want the reset to happen it looks like it's on track. If Project Looking Glass was real, then maybe the people have a breaking point and will resist and enforce law on the corruption.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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