This will be my final mental contribution to 12160.   To drive the point home regarding my viewpoint I will refer to some statements made on Coast to Coast Monday Sept 17 by Craig Hulet.  "Of the 100 largest corporations in the world 51 of them are corporations.  Not nation states."  For those who do not make associative connections of words and their roots observe that the dictionary characterizes "entity" as an attribute of a corporation.  Corporeal is the physical aspect of nature.  The entity in the corporate body is Satan-Lucifer-, the adversary of God.  Additionally, Mr Hulet;  "This corporate government has every corner of the world mapped out for their control, and is capable of crushing anyone who gets in their way"             You have a choice to make.  Trust mans' attempt to overthrow the "corporation".  Or , trust that God  will do as He declares in many places of the Bible.  The Beast has no respect for the law,truth, despises charity.  What does this corporate entity worship. Force,brutality, deceit , perversion, lust, corruption, bloodshed, much bloodshed.  What sane person would truly think that such a monster could be defeated with lawsuits, demands, demonstrations, protests, constitutions, etc?          Will unplug myself from 12160 9-21-122 as there is nothing further to be said that would add to or take away from the forgoing.  In His Service

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Comment by truth on September 27, 2012 at 4:11am

AL's gone

Comment by Al Barnes on September 19, 2012 at 7:00am

Howdy Troy--Thought I made it clear why.  I have digested 3 times the amount of information necessary to understand what is coming down the pike.  Short of force answering force with force, what recourse have we?  Negotiating with the beast is not on the table.  Do you trust that they imported all those guillotines for display purposes?  Does it or does it not tell us in Revelation that many will lose their heads?  I have said many times to many people that submission is not an option.  That would equate to acceptance of the mark of the beast.  The following from Timothy 3:7 was the hurdle I had to surmount at a personal level in order to love truth, no matter how repulsive it may be, and place that truth (facts) before wishful conjecture.  No quote better serves to illustrate that than Timothy 3:7 "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth"  The spotless white deer you see to your left is not spotless.  Close examination reveals a bloody hind leg.  After the song and dance produced no rain the people finally had to accept that the famine was as the prophet of God told them.  Some will endure.  Some will not.  The wise amongst them made preparation a priority for their families.  Others, sang and danced in the dark

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