VIDEO: ID this Cop said "I will fcking kill you!" #Ferguson - POINTED GUN #OfficerGoFuckYourself - Rebelutionary_Z #ChiCam

Here are the racist Obama jokes the DOJ reportedly uncovered in its Ferguson, Missouri police investigation

Shocking footage out of Ferguson, Missouri shows a police officer pointing his gun directly at protesters and press while remarking, “I’m going to f***ing kill you!” The scene was witnessed by Infowars reporter Joe Biggs who was also filming the incident. The clip shows a Ferguson officer with his gun rai

#OfficerGoFuckYourself "suspended indefinitely."

Rebelutionary_Z #Ferguson-just got in to town 7 hours ago by Rebelutionary_Z Citizen Journalist. You can do this too! I will be in #Ferguson to stream and tweet on the ground from the PEOPLES perspective (whenever possible). -help me do what I do if you can,


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Shocking footage out of Ferguson, Missouri shows a police officer pointing his gun directly at protesters and press while remarking, “I’m going to f***ing kill you!”

The scene was witnessed by Infowars reporter Joe Biggs who was also filming the incident. The clip shows a Ferguson officer with his gun raised pointing it directly at a citizen journalist who was live streaming at the time.

“Oh my God, gun raised, gun raised,” states the journalist, before Biggs remarks, “gun pointed.”

“My hands are up bro, my hands are up,” states the journalist before the cop responds, “I’m going to f***ing kill you, get back, get back!”

“You’re going to kill him?” asks another individual before the journalist asks, “did he just threaten to kill me?”

When the cop is asked for his name he responds, “go fuck yourself.”

Another clip shows the officer pointing his gun as protesters demand he lower the weapon. A second cop intervenes to make the officer lower his weapon as more irate demonstrators demand to know the officer’s name.

The officer’s response to people asking for his name almost immediately prompted the launch of the Twitter hashtag #officergofuckyourself.

Biggs live tweeted the incident, while Infowars reporter Mikael Thalen also had guns pointed at him during a separate incident.

The Huffington Post’s Ryan Reilly also witnessed the incident.

Other protesters called for the officer to be barred from ever being allowed to carry a weapon again.

Some even called for the hacker group Anonymous to uncover the cop’s identity.

Biggs took this photograph of the cop at close range.

The incident is certain to stoke huge controversy given that authorities in Ferguson have repeatedly broken promises to de-escalate tensions amidst continued unrest.

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Comment by Less Prone on August 22, 2014 at 2:27pm

The motto of Masonic 33 degree; Ordo ab Chao, Order out of Chaos, says it. The current trend of decadence is planned to continue until the rock bottom, 90% of humanity destroyed, trough horrible chaos. If they achieve that the next phase will the order they dream of, complete decadence of humanity, society of mindless zombies run by psychopathic "elite".

Mackey's Encyclopedia of F.M.

Comment by Less Prone on August 22, 2014 at 1:36pm

The term NWO is misleading as it's no better but actually worse than the old evil world order. I prefer to call it the Old Evil New World Order or OENWO. New National Order, each nation respecting the others, would be so much better.

Comment by Less Prone on August 22, 2014 at 1:19pm

So Alex, as I said the the Nordic countries are going down hill. Some things are better and some worse than in the US, but the general trend is bad. In the bigger picture, the North America and Europe are being taken down by destruction of the industrial base of economy, exploding debt and unemployment. The arising service based economy with the main professions as police officers, soldiers, prostitutes, public servant bureaucrats, fast food workers, usury bankers, porn stars, drug dealers and pimps of all kinds simply does not create enough sales revenues and profits to keep the societies afloat and feed the unemployed, old and sick. We are going down in an accelerating speed. Is it Europe, US or Canada that will hit the rock bottom first? Who knows. The pack of cards is reshuffled and the new game has the BRICS countries rising. But will it mean better life for their people?, yes and no. In general freedom and humanity is is decline on this whole planet and oases of peace and tranquility where you can prosper by hard work are drying up.

It is like the recession of the 1930's again, but worse. The  next chapter after that was WW2, and for us WW3.

Comment by Ragnarok on August 22, 2014 at 12:21pm

The so-called left in Scandinavia are like super nazis many of em cant read or write trust me i know.  

Comment by Ragnarok on August 22, 2014 at 12:19pm

Sweden has a much stricter healthcare system than here. Go into any hospital here and you think you're in the middle east. But Sweden has a much more modern hospital system. My dentest is in Sweden i dont dare going to a danish torture doctor.

Comment by DTOM on August 22, 2014 at 12:05pm

It's not a focus on Denmark, but Redice have a interesting new interview with an American woman (a self described 'person of color') who married a native Swede, and her resulting experience of life in Sweden. Her experiences with the 'wonderful' Swedish 'free' health care system and how, if you critique the 'status quo', you are demonised with the catchall term 'racist' are worth a listen alone -

Comment by Ragnarok on August 22, 2014 at 11:54am

What i said before public hospitals here is outdated and the staff is more or less pulled in from the street. 


Comment by Less Prone on August 22, 2014 at 9:35am

The truth is that Denmark with the rest of Nordic countries are going down hill. The politicians and public servants are compromised, bought, blackmailed or too dumb to fight against the evil old new world order. Immigration is brought in, not for cheap labor, but "humanitarian" reasons. People move to Nordic countries very often for social welfare and this is encouraged by the forces driving the mankind to decadence. Why, are people who will never adapt to the surrounding society, its rules and customs, let to immigrate? Issues that border insanity or were things of the past arise; genital mutilation, oppression of women, child abuse and murder for family "honor" just some examples.

Comment by Ragnarok on August 22, 2014 at 9:18am

Or maybe you just have very effective undertakers.

Comment by Ragnarok on August 22, 2014 at 9:15am

So all the free hospitals and medical clinics are not free and what about the social security amendment act et cetera its a lie or what.? Cos i dont see any dead bodies lying on the streets over there.

Well ive tried to explain this to many, many times cos its really quite simple its just how to look objectively enough.....but i guess people doesnt want to. 

Comment by Ragnarok on August 22, 2014 at 3:58am

Well you obviously dont.... The people sitting in the folketing is nothing more than lazy ass legists, journalists, school teachers and police men and a single nail polisher theres no geniuses among them thats for sure, besides many of them have never had a job outside 'politics'. Every single one of them are traitors not only against the danes but towards all earths inhabitants. Theyre a puppet government and is clearly controlled by the global corporate elite. 

Comment by Ragnarok on August 21, 2014 at 7:19pm

You havent read up on the EU laws which grants special benefits and so on to foreigners and theres a special domestic law as well that does the same. So go figure you have paid taxes for 30 years to get turned down for benefits and someone whos has no idea about customs or culture never worked a day in his life gets housing and rents paid for doing absolutely shot other than negative impact. You cannot understand this concept since the US is based on something entirely else.

Your danish boyfriend has probably been too much influenced by cheap pr to know any better since been indoctrinated as a toddler so hes been telling you H.C. Anderson fairy tales.

Comment by alex shore on August 21, 2014 at 3:03am

STILL, with all that said, it is still better then here,So your holiday is not for "the enjoyment of ones time off" but to go to a beach town and bypass the beach and go to the filthy part of town? why else would you go on a holiday but to suffer like the poor...ya right dude  "seen injustice"?   how about living it.  IF we can afford to go to a medical facility, we run the chance of death of infections, it is a risk, but rather go then not. Right now I can't at all.     And by the way , you said "You  treat everyone the same"  "foreigners "  ? thats what your country gets for letting them in to do the dirty work the Danes did not want to you have to pay the price, BUT still, it's better then here. 

Comment by Ragnarok on August 21, 2014 at 12:59am

Lets shot that propaganda duck down for good. Free healtcare here is a trip to a filthy state hospital....yeah you know the good old eastern Germany kinds if you lucky to not die of a simple procedure the staph or some other nasty infection will get you. Also the staff and doctors there is often taken out of some old horror flick and not the sharpest knifes in the drawer.

Also have in mind we are one of the most expensive countries in the world. Hightest taxes on almost everything you can think off exept alcohol of course and almost free if not free psychotropic drugs.

Speaking from personal experience it often doesnt matter where you live the systems are the same they might call themself different but the whole global power structure is based on that western system like it or not. It dates back to powerful families of europe who still sits on top. Ive been to enough countries to see how people gets treated ive never spend a holiday just laying on some shitty beach or hanging out at a bar all day so seen plenty of injustices there as well. 

The so-called socialistic welfare is a myth only people who are foreigners, career criminals or people who are not intending to work ever get the big benefits. But at least it sounds good in people ears and mind. But its pure fiction.

Comment by alex shore on August 21, 2014 at 12:45am

BTW  your" I treat everyone the same"  you just gave a good example of "labels"     AGAIN !!!"whites" ,"arabs"  you come from one of the richest countries in the world, who are you kidding?  in your country at least your rich take a better care of the poor , our countries rich SUCK, they are the parasites ..but sorry denmarks violence is not even close to the good ol U.S

Comment by alex shore on August 21, 2014 at 12:28am

man, why did'nt you say you are from denmark?  hA!!  I had a danish boyfriend!  I love denmark!  you will never understand american culture or what I am living in!!!  ha you fooled me, joke, you guys take care of the poor and have healthcare! violence to you is like a fart from a fairy!   spare me, ha

Comment by alex shore on August 21, 2014 at 12:23am

and so your life experiences are YOURS , "MY LIFE?REALITY MINE>>>UGG> U UNDERSTAND?  different human different experience, UGG ...maybe if I speak "cave man, you understand..UGG?

Comment by Ragnarok on August 20, 2014 at 11:56pm

First of all ive lived on the steets for some time when my ass got kicked out by an x. So dont give the tales from the hood stories. I have lived in area where there was only a few percent whites and ive never experienced any violent actions towards me. 

2 times some arabs have tried being smart asses but nothing really happened another time some silly african teen tried to be hardcore in a bus in front of his friends but i just starred at him until he felt it wasnt funny anymore. But i think ive had like 30-50 confrontations with fellow whites and im just the kinda person who minds my own business im not looking for trouble or to prove some neanderthal foolish macho thing. Have in mind most people nowadays is brought up by TV so they imitate from birth the shit they hear and see from their oblong god.

BTW nothing wrong with horrorcore and blunts as long as theyre both good. 

Comment by alex shore on August 20, 2014 at 11:27pm

"afraid of white guys"-  nOW , LETS CHANGE WHAT YOU SAID A BIT TO MY HOODS  " I would be more afraid of a bunch of mainly black guys growing up with GANSTA RAP and Horrorcore and penis envy ( WELL, NOT SO MUCH THAT ONE)is  flashing guns over practically nothing and having a GANSTA-like mentality, interpreting and making up laws and rules as they go a long. Many of them SMOKING A BLUNT and who knows what.       like I said, north is the crazy white meth heads, here it's young violent black young men.   and you clearly "don't treat everyone the same" bullshit, I don't play games, I'm straight-up.there is clearly not only a class division but race as well, your comment about whites I can apply to anyone, though cultures are different, nothing wrong with that, but some in SOME places are more violent, it's just a fact, the sooner you accept that the sooner change MAY come..

Comment by Tara on August 20, 2014 at 11:14pm

All the links reiterate the fact that this shooting (whether you agree if it was justified or not) is being used to bring on the tanks, the guns, sound cannons, tear gas, agent provocateurs and all other weapons to silence folks. And that my friend is wrong.

There is a little thing called the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, protecting our rights to FREEDOM OF SPEECH! And that includes all of us, the big bag of nuts in the country ;)

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