Not everyone is an inventor. However, it is in any case good to know about all kinds of arcane tech, as the best way to win against our overlords' is to develop that of our own, in my opinion. In addition to military applications, it's good to for us to know as much about alternative health, energy and agriculture as possible, as well as specifics like tissue regeneration, reprogramming one's mind and intelligence enhancement.
"Technology" simply means "applied knowledge", by the way.
Rex Research is an unparalleled collection of patents, technical papers, news stories and other written word / diagram resources on all kinds of alt tech.
A few of my favorites -
Leon Sprink ... The Urzeit (Primeval) Code ... Subliminal Influence Methods ... Manipulation of Gene Function via Sound ... David Wells Weather Control ... The Hutchison Effect
It is said that 80% of mankind's technical knowledge is patented. Thus -
Google Patents .... European Patent Office Worldwide Patent Search
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Sci Hub gives access to 64,000,000 free scientific papers.
The Merck Index of Chemicals and Biologicals Online version, searchable, free. Started as a catalog of chemicals for sale, and evolved into a reference work. 120 years and running. Heavy book with thousands of thin pages, like a large Holy Bible. Has chemical properties, drug specifics, references for synthesis, uses, toxicity, etc. I wore out two editions when I was 20 - 21. Downloadable as Ebook (4 Versions)
Torrent sites - Many ebooks and videos on survival, improvised tools and weaponry, field medicine, et cetera can be found. As well as on subjects like spiritual healing, weather modification research (Reich), Viktor Schauberger's and Gerry Vassilatos' books, and so on (last time I checked).
7 Best Torrent Sites October 2019
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