I came across this article today and wanted to share it plus add a few comments to it. I will post the 14 signs but if anyone wants to check out the full article click HERE

Everyone is talking about 2012 and the end of the world. many people have a different idea as to what “end of the world” means. From my point of view, the world isn’t going to end. More accurately, the world as we know it will end. The structures, the deception, separation, money, slavery etc etc. These non resonating repetitive cycles we are in are all coming to an end as they are part of an old un-evolved archaic game.

14 Signs (from external source)

#1 – Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis – At first it seemed like a fluke; but now it’s a pattern. The weather is becoming increasingly extreme. Over 120 tornadoes recently struck the U.S. Midwest. Texas is on fire and suffering through an extreme drought. And where there aren’t fires and droughts, there are floods. This is only the beginning… watch for more freak weather over the next 18 months.

#2 – The silence of the bees – Colony Collapse Disorder continues to accelerate across North America. We already know it’s being caused in part by chemical pesticides (and possibly worsened by GMOs), but the chemical industry is engaged in a full-on cover-up to deny this truth while the pollinators of our world suffer a devastating population collapse. (http://www.naturalnews.com/028218_p…)

#3 – The failure of nuclear science – The Fukushima catastrophe proves one thing: Scientists are dangerously arrogant in their planning of large-scale projects, and they fail to account for the awesome power of Mother Nature. Nuclear science promised us clean, greenenergy — but now it has delivered a silent, invisible poison that’s infecting our planet.

#4 – The vicious pursuit of Wikileaks – In an age of such rampant deceit, there is no room for the truth. So those who tell the truth (Wikileaks) are viciously pursued as if they were criminals.

#5 – The rise of the medical police state – The armed SWAT raids on Maryanne Godboldo in Detroit are only the beginning (http://www.naturalnews.com/032091_M…). The truth is that the medical system uses guns to force its vaccines and chemotherapy onto children and teens across America. The medical system has become so utterly useless, corrupt and dangerous that it must actually invoke guns in peoples’ faces just to “convince” people to take itsmedicine. This is a gunpoint-enforced medical monopoly that exists as a threat to our healthand our freedoms.

#6 – The increasing frequency of food shortages and crop failures – Notice the spike infood prices? That’s just the beginning: Food prices will continue to skyrocket in the years ahead due to extreme weather, the loss of pollinators and the global contamination of crops by GMOs. Real food is becoming increasingly scarce in our world. You might want to think about starting a home garden…

#7 – The runaway destruction of the world by energy companies – The radioactive fallout from Fukushima isn’t the only way in which energy companies are destroying our world: Don’t forget about the Deepwater Horizon and the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico — a spill that isn’t over, by the way. They’re still spraying Corexit in the Gulf one year later!

#8 – The continued GMO contamination of our planet – This may be the worst chapter in the coming collapse: The widespread genetic pollution of our planet through GMOs. This is a crime against nature and against humanity. It is a “gene spill” that may never be contained as it spreads its deadly DNA across the world’s food crops, leading to crop failures and starvation (http://www.naturalnews.com/032167_g…). The use of GMOs is the closest thing to “Satanic” that you’ll find in modern agriculture. The agenda behind this is pure evil.

#9 – The tyranny and criminal crackdowns targeting real food (raw milk) – When you can’t even sell honest farm food to your neighbors without being targeted and arrested by the cops, something is terribly wrong with the world. But this is happening today, all across America. Now the feds are even targeting the Amish! (http://www.naturalnews.com/029322_r…)

#10 – The escalation of the counterfeiting of the money supply – In a failed economic system approaching collapse, the moronic leaders can only think of “solutions” that actually accelerate their own downfall. The runaway counterfeiting of money by the Federal Reserve (with its “quantitative easing” and other counterfeit methods) is a classic sign that the end of our current system is fast approaching. The economic insanities are obvious to anyone who can still do math.

#11 – The plummeting intelligence of the masses – One of the most disturbing signs that we’re already in the collapse is the great dumbing-down of the masses. The drooling, CNN-watching television zombies who dominate our landscape offer absolutely nothing of value to the world. They are the “mindless consumers” who get vaccinated, watch television and eat processed, pasteurized junk food. They’re on psychiatric meds and believe everything thegovernment tells them. Most of these people, of course, won’t make it through the collapse.

#12 – The complete and utter fabrication of the mainstream news – Much of the mainstream news is now utterly and completely fabricated these days: The reporting on Obama’s long-form birth certificate; the news about the war in Libya; the coverage of the economy and the U.S. debt… it’s all so utterly false and unbelievable that an intelligent person watching the news can’t help but explode with laughter. It is a sign of this collapse that the information sources relied upon by the masses are unable to report the truth anymore and must resort to weaving politically expedient fictions on everything from health care and medicine to the fate of the U.S. dollar itself.

#13 – The ongoing pharmaceutical pollution of our world – Beyond the GMO contamination and the radiation contamination of our world, we are also experiencing the masspharmaceutical contamination of our planet. It’s not just the pharma factories that dump their products into the rivers (http://www.naturalnews.com/025415_w…); it’s also the fact that well over half the population is now taking drugs almost daily, and those drugs pass right through their bodies and end up in the water supply where they contaminate the fish (http://www.naturalnews.com/025933.html). Even beyond that, the drugs end up in the human sewage sludge that’s packaged and sold as “organic soil!” (http://www.naturalnews.com/029504_o…)

#14 – The radioactive contamination of the global food supply – Here’s one that’s really insidious: The global food supply is now contaminated with the radioactive fallout from Fukushima. We’re told the levels are “low,” but we’re not told the truth of how radioactive cesium isotopes persist in the food supply for centuries. How is the human race going to survive its exposure to CT scans, radioactive food, chest X-rays, TSA body scanners and even the secret DHS mobile X-ray vans that can penetrate your body with X-rays as you’re walking into a football stadium? The total radiation burden on the human race is now reaching a point of mass infertility. That may be the whole idea, actually.

These are some of the more obvious and blatant signs that the world we are living in is changing rapidly. To some these signs may come as a shock or something to fear. To others they are perfect as they are ready to see the world shift into an entirely new experience. if these signs come as a worry to you, ask yourself why. Why am I worried about the world changing into something different?
Much Love

8 Responses to “14 Signs That Our Modern World Has Begun Collapsing”

  1. Cody Ray says:

    Hello friends, Thank you for all of your dedication and useful information it is truly appreciated. I am here in Missouri near the New Madrid fault, I’m sure your aware of the dangers that could possibly happen here. But I am not nervous, I am not scared, Knowing my brothers ARE out there and spreading the truth too, Finally an age of peace is coming

    Namaste, I love you all.

  2. Lucio Saints says:

    A great and interesting article.

  3. Florence says:

    Thank you for the interesting article. As usual your clear insight has hit the nail on the head. (I was going to say “was right on the money” but due to the upcomming crisis that would probably seem a little redundant). :-)

  4. diana says:

    hmmm, interesting; maybe this is the way to change all :-)

  5. Abigail Winston says:

    Mass infertility is the best cure possible for all these problems. THERE ARE TOO MANY PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET! This is the root cause of all the problems.

  6. This is a great article and I have no reservation in it’s truth ! I will keep sharing this and thank you so much!

  7. Tracy says:


    If you would like to make a difference in the government please go ot your states
    republic website. These are people who are NOT putting up with our corporate government any longer. We all need to take back our Republic. This is not voting for the current people in office. Google: join the (your state here) republic. We need everyone.
    This will stop taxes and take care of the money situation as they will repeal the Federal Reserve which is not Federal at all. We CAN change things together. It’s not radicals!
    Its for the people by the people.

leave a reply join the discussion!

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It seems odd to include tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis as an indication of the collapse of the system, nature has always been unpredictable, gone through cycles and has been much worse than what is currently reported.  The greed, stupidity and theft by our "elected representatives" is the worst damage on our system, then the corporate/government owned media makes it almost impossible to get the truth to the millions of people working hard to keep their noses above the water line.  Most are so sick of hearing how they are getting lied to, stolen from and the impending doom sensationalism from the tabloid/entertainment style network news, once the place to get honest reporting now just heavily infested sound bits with ads,fear mongering and repetition all have desensitized the country.  There is no hope left!  The government along with their bed mates are pushing consumerism, apathy and blatant disregard of everything once held dear. 

The war on oil, the restrictions on drilling and pressure from the well meaning, destructive EPA puppets have put us in a very dangerous position, we are broke, at the mercy of our enemies (not the government's enemies) and is manipulation at it's worst to justify the record profits and price gouging of gas prices thrown as usual onto the tax payers.  The drug companies own and run the medical schools, pushing their drugs rather than curing anyone, jobs being exported to other corrupt governments leaves the Americans in a very bad position. 

Greed is the reason for all of the negative behavior worldwide.  It seems that even the government reps have been sold a bill of goods, that if they become rich, they somehow are more intelligent, powerful and immortal (when really all it means is they have sold their souls to the devil). The lack of morals, integrity, honesty and ethics have destroyed the earth, society and removed the future for our children and their children. 


The fear mongers are also making a fortune selling survival crap for those who think they will want to live after the desperation hits the fan, society collapses and Marshall law is the norm.  I feel the only answer is to get the remaining intelligent people together and one by one take down the big corporations. Either by boycotts or releasing the truth about who owns the corporation, who are the investors and exposing the profits hopefully encouraging people to avoid the corporations, they will fall one right after the other, leaving mom and pop companies to get the monies.  I am not sure people will be willing to stop eating the sub standard stuff they call food at the drive through, but it would be a start, then, foreign owned companies, they have to go.  We need to stop hiring illegals to do the jobs that remain here.  It will take some work to gather the information on the companies that are stabbing us in the back, and it will take some work to identify the politicians saying they are on our side, yet investing in the corporations killing us. 


I would like very much to be involved in getting all of this together, however I would have to be convinced that the system has some structure untouched by the treasonous thieves running us off the cliff.  If my vote is manipulated so that some inexperienced/ego maniac/big mouth with no birth certificate, ethics or spine can get to the white house riding on the racist/fear mongering/promise of making things right then it is all too late anyway.  Let's see a game plan, lets get together and start moving in the right direction.  Let's start with McDonald's, Mobil Oil and Monsanto... just get your food, gas and bug spray somewhere else. The time has come to  fight back.  We have to win...if not the movie "Idiocracy" will be exactly how life will be.  Any like minded people out there?  Oh, don't waste your time spreading the plan with Yahoo, they do not allow free speech, unless you agree with them on everything, they like it the way it is...


When I watch the news I can't bring myself to laugh at the brainless content, I get angry at these bastards insulting our collective intelligence. I give thanks that I was educated by a quality school district that was rated 3rd in the nation so that I can think critically and not be part of the lemming masses poised for a suicidal run at the cliffs as it seems society is on the brink of doing. People need to wake up and you have to have the courage to confront them in a group speaking forum and inform them.
please clarify, states republic website?
@ Patriot Horse Yes it it is biblical signs it says so in the Bible that these are signs of the times!


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