Adam Kokesh EXPOSED - Works for 'Organizing for Action' / 'Obama for America' - DO NOT ATTEND MARCH

We attempted to contact Adam Kokesh about this, and all he could say was: "WOW!! That's some seriously damning evidence... I guess I've been exposed as The R...

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Comment by truth on May 28, 2013 at 4:00pm


Comment by truth on May 28, 2013 at 4:00pm

here ya go curtis, for chit and gigles from aj site no less :) Will Adam Kokesh Lead An Army 'CRISIS ACTORS' To A Made 4 TV Event?

Was AK's arrest staged for branding purposes?

Will the MSM remain silent on AK until the 4th of July then, script the event as a 'REAL' armed patriot uprising that must get crushed by the feds going door to door across America in the months to follow?

Will 'crisis actors' STAGE THE 'ANTI SHOTS HEARD AROUND THE WORLD'? ... Where poor little ol feds got fired on and, like Monty Python, plenty of FAKE blood spraying everywhere will be shown over and over in HD.

It's seems AK is sounding more and more like a 'anarchist' provocateur as we get closer to the 4th.

Maybe a hologram army of gun toting AK followers will appear to be storming the capitol and it won't even matter to a nation of dumb down sheep what the truth really is?

Comment by Curtis on May 28, 2013 at 3:56pm

Laser shadow lol yur a joke. Go suk Alex jones dik a little longer. AN armed march is BAD as FUK.

Comment by TheLasersShadow on May 28, 2013 at 5:25am

Patriot movement gets good idea ... que disinfo agents!!

*Curtis arrives on scene*

So everyone is an agent, no planes on 9/11 etc... Yea Curtis if I had to point to either someone who lacks any critical thinking skill or is a paid disinfo guy it would be you pal.

Comment by truth on May 26, 2013 at 6:59pm

we wont agree on Ron or everything Curtis , my point is some see the worse, and its understandable.but a predictable pattern. Be happy we are free here to disagree, I am on a ban watch on 3 sites over this :)

Comment by Curtis on May 26, 2013 at 6:43pm

LOL how can you be a GOv plant when your IN THE GOVERNMENT? lol THINK

Comment by Curtis on May 26, 2013 at 6:12pm

Ron Paul lol. You still sucking on that? They gave the "movement 1 guy in politics to pacify and give hope to a crew on the verge of recklessness. Do you know what political "hope" is ?  1 ounce of it is 100x stronger than fear. Show me 1 thing Ron Paul has made a reality. even if he got 1 bill passed they pass 20 more against and nullifying it. hes a lame duck and his son has already been exposed by LUKE Rudowski ( another gatekeeper) Whatever. Just keep on that fence there James. BTW what island are you on? Are you even American?

Comment by truth on May 26, 2013 at 5:52pm

Funny, all the same people on 12160 that support this type of theory are the same ones that said Ron Paul was a gov plant.

Call me a coincidence theorist I guess.

Comment by Curtis on May 26, 2013 at 5:34pm

Before there was a nationwide, grass-roots Tea Party movement, there was another nationwide, grass-roots movement that brought thousands of Americans to Washington, D.C. They called themselves the “Gathering of Eagles.” I covered two massive, GoE rallies against the Soros-funded, anti-war Left in March 2007 and September 2007. GOE activists continue to expose the transnational progressives, anti-military bullies, and phonies who operate under the “peace” banner.

One of the groups that GOE dogged was Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) — whose members have included bomb-threat bullies and death-threat nutballs who threatened to assassinate me, fake Army vet Jesse MacBeth, and another prominent member who smeared the Young America’s Foundation by faking an anti-Muslim hate flyer and smeared David Horowitz with similar race-card playing flyers, then weaseled out of the attacks by claiming they were “satire.”

The last two incidents involved an IVAW member named Adam Kokesh. He marched in uniform in mock patrols for the anti-war movement, paraded around holding an upside-down American flag (see Jonn Lilyea for more), was arrested for defacing signs, and traveled to Germany to urge soldiers to abandon their posts and seek aid and comfort with his anti-war minions.

Read more:

Comment by Curtis on May 26, 2013 at 5:11pm

Optix gets a+ for humor, but detention for not knowing. Detention is held in local refurbish military base. BCNU

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