Connecting the dots with Chemtrails, H1N1, Vaccines, and the NWO Depopulation program , Fema Camps, disposable coffins, eugenics, Codex Alimentarius,

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Comment by Carol J Burns on November 15, 2009 at 2:24pm
It starts out white for me but It takes my computer awhile then will show the youtube video. Then takes a little while to load after that.
Comment by peter b dunn on November 14, 2009 at 9:08pm
cant see it its just a white square?
Comment by Carol J Burns on November 14, 2009 at 9:31am
Comment by Carol J Burns on November 13, 2009 at 4:59pm

What is the Cytokine Storm?

We think of external microbes as our worst enemy during an outbreak of influenza or bronchitis but our own immune system is potentially more lethal. When our body detects foreign microorganisms indicating an infection, our body might respond by over-protecting the site of infection. The body may race so many antibodies to the infection site that they collect in a cytokine storm. When the infection is in the lungs, for example, a cytokine storm can potentially block airways and result in suffocation. Medical researchers have identified the causes and stages of the cytokine storm and are working on treatments to weaken an overactive immune response.

At all times, white blood cells circulate in the bloodstream and are the first to sense if a virus or bacteria has infiltrated the body. Immediately, our body sends immune cells, including T-cells and macrophages, to attack the infection. During this stage, our immunity functions properly, and immune cells attack the microbes so they do not get too strong a foothold in our lungs.

For reasons not completely known, too many immune cells can be sent to the infection site. This happens when a particular type of molecule in the body, known as cytokines, activate the immune cells at the infection site and cause more immune cells to flood the site of infection. This propagates what is referred to as a cytokine storm where far too many immune cells are caught in an endless loop of calling more and more immune cells to fight the infection. The cytokine storm ends up inflaming the tissue surrounding the infection.

When the infection is in the lungs, severe inflammation caused by a cytokine storm can cause permanent lung damage. A prolonged cytokine storm will eventually shut down breathing altogether. Airducts get clogged and cells no longer properly absorb oxygen. This is what makes the cytokine storm so deadly in certain epidemic strains, such as bird flu. Even bronchitis, other varieties of influenza, pneumonia, sepsis and possibly rheumatoid arthritis are susceptible to triggering a cytokine storm.Of course, flu vaccines are usually effective at preventing the flu during its peak season. But they are no guarantee, especially when flu strains mutate after the vaccine has been manufactured. Therefore, researchers are pursuing other methods of preventing the cytokine storm by bioengineering a drug that could slow the snowball effect of antibodies. They hope to force the cytokines to recirculate in the bloodstream, rather than pool in the lungs. Experts predict that a major influenza pandemic could kill millions of people worldwide as it has done in centuries past.

Comment by Carol J Burns on November 13, 2009 at 4:25pm

Three-Stage Vaccinations May Create Perfect Cytokine Storm

"Squalene produces auto-immunity and eventually death in everyone who takes it"

vaccine4The vaccine is to be given by a series of three injections. Speaking on the Republic Broadcasting Network with Dr. Rebecca Carley as host on July 11th, meta-analyst and vaccine researcher Patrick Jordan reported belief that the first injection will be for the purpose of turning off the victim's immune system. The second injection will be for the purpose of loading people with deadly organisms. And the third injection will be to turn the immune system back on for the purpose of creating a cytokine storm that will deal a lethal blow to the body.

In his chronicle of the connection between vaccines and death, Jordan pointed out that in 1915 the pertussis vaccine became available and was widely given. This bacterial poison from whopping cough, called pertussis coxon, so depresses the immune system that it is used in laboratories today to turn off nutrafils and reduce white blood cell counts. Then, in 1918, soldiers who had received the pertussis vaccine were deployed to Europe, where they were given another unknown vaccine. They were then exposed to a Lucite gas, which is an arsenic compound, and phosgenegas, a chlorine compound. As a result, their immune systems kicked in with a cytokine storm that killed many of the otherwise healthy young men. This is the 1,2,3 punch Jordan is warning will come again with the "swine flu" vaccinations.

We have been conditioned to think of external microbes as our enemy during a time of influenza. But our own immune systems are potentially more lethal. When the body detects foreign microorganisms indicating an infection, it can respond by overprotecting the site of that infection. In its hurry to get antibodies to the infection site, the body may dispatch so many that the level of cytokines becomes highly elevated, creating a cytokine storm that can be fatal. For example, during a lung infection, a cytokine storm can potentially block airways and result in suffocation. (What is a Cytokine Storm,

Jordan continued by painting a picture outlined in the WHO Memorandum Number 1 with a study that found virus infections make antibody and antigen complexes. These complexes can clog blood vessels or implant tissue, making the body eventually attack itself. The main focus of this study was kidney disease. Animals with induced immune system deficiency were infected with lethal virus until every single cell in their bodies reflected the disease. But for a time these animals ran around like there was nothing wrong with them because their immune system was so depressed that it was making no effort to fight the disease, and there was no immune response. The WHO experimenters then took their lab animals and stimulated the cell-mediated immune response, and the animals died immediately from their bodies attacking themselves in the kind of cytokine storm associated with the 1918 Spanish flu./body>

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