Hello all,

If some of you were not aware, 12160 has gone through a bit of a change in management. After years of plugging away on 12160, James decided it was time to put down the admin hat and move on to other pursuits in real life as well as blogging online.

James will always be the creator of 12160, even though his name is not attached to it anymore. His tireless work, time and passion for sharing truth can still be seen throughout 1,000's of pages on 12160. He was in many ways the driving force for keeping the site alive for years. Even though his role as admin leader is no more, his presence will forever linger. Thank you James for all that you have given and done for 12160. You are greatly appreciated and sorely missed!

So now, it's time to meet the new management/admins.

Less Prone




Old Denmark


If you have any questions/concerns, please contact The Admin Team. Or if you'd like to contact a specific admin, please feel free to do so. We are here to help and assist you as best as we can.

Also, please donate to 12160 if you can folks. Any amount would be appreciated. 12160 Welcome to a Revolutionary Concept in Public Communication - ...

Thank you,

The Admin Team

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Good job! and thank you!  ...that's a good trust-worthy team.

I'm sure James will be back.. miss you James

Y'all are great folks and I look forward to the spirit of James's work here being carried forth.  Thank all of You for stepping up!

Best wishes... and thanks for founding this blog site  thanks to the rest for managing the site.. hats off to you all @@


But hey, that happens!

Hope his departure was all cool all round!

All The Best, JAMES!

Yea, we can not expect people to do these jobs for ever, inevitably at some time people have to step down and get their life back.

James is a legend in his own right and his work lives on; - we all at times need a change of scene and new direction that perhaps after time will lead us back to where we first started - though far more content, enriched and alive!  Keep up the good work my fellow Droogs...

Best wishes James, and lots of success here on in.

Hello, and thank you to the new team - wishing you all great success also.

I hope one day James will come back

Hi Admins - anyone know why only the 12160 logo appears when posting a link on other platforms and not the lead video or photo the article is heading?   http://12160.info/profiles/blogs/police-ordered-to-act-brutal-kill-...


Hmm, I'm not sure Exposure. What platforms are you speaking of? I think it has something to do with the Ning network set up. But let me look into it. Maybe it's something we can fix on our end :)

First, mahalo James for your years of work, seen and unseen The BEST to you Friend! Congrats New Admin Team! You're great people, and I personally appreciate all your work too! Rock on Truth here on 12"160! Jame you take care Aloha keep in touch!

James has done a wonderful job, I miss him so. Cheers to the new admins, thanks for all you do. Of all my sites I am most proud of this one. I've closed many of them to spend more time here.

Thanks to everyone that makes 12160 the best site for truth on the net. Much love to you all.   ~Tina


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