“Our duty is to obey the United Nations,” Says Pope Francis — What Kind Of New World Order Thinking Is That?

This article is NOT intended to offend readers of Activist Post.com, nor any platform readers to which it may be reposted. The main purpose for my delving into absurdities the current Roman Catholic Pope Francis expounds is to point out, if Catholics and others have not realized yet, the RC Church probably has been overtaken, if not compromised, with the very antitheses, or contrary opposites, to what apparently logic and ethics cannot defend morally for the church’s more than 1.2 BILLION Catholics in the world, per Vatican figures in March 2013.

Pope Francis has an almost unprecedented distinction of being one of very few popes to step in and replace a formerly reigning pope, e.g., Benedict XVI, who, apparently, has become a burr in Francis’ side.

One seriously has to question why Benedict XVI voluntarily resigned rather abruptly, since he seems to still be actively defining doctrine and dogma for the RC Church. For those who researched into a rather questionable ‘past’ of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, born December 17, 1936 in Argentina, some unpleasant issues emerge [1], which ought to be factored into why a JESUIT probably was elected to the papacy seemingly at a time when the New World Order (NWO), the Illuminati, and other “key eugenics actors” are involved in an ever-expanding, plus accelerated, implementation of the Hegelian Dialectic [problem, reaction, solution].

Pope Francis probably is, and may be, dowdy or, more likely, is in lock-step with NWO dictates since he’s endorsed a “Leftist” agenda:

GMOs, i.e., genetically modified ‘phoods’ as ‘healthful and necessary’ to save the world from hunger and starvation
Catholic Church Endorses GMOs As Cure for World Hunger
Pope Francis Joins Non-GMO Campaign [Jan. 9, 2016]
Pope Francis Endorses the UN Agenda 2030
Pope Francis Calls For a Conversion Experience to Support Agenda 2030
Will there be a one world religion or a no world religion?

One would think, based upon the above ‘endorsements’, that Pope Francis seems to be in lock-step with Leftist philosophy, something anathema to the church’s long-held conservative teachings. Is there an intent of creating a new prurient and revolutionary ‘religious culture’, which probably will empty RC Churches’ pews faster than the unfortunate priest pedophile crimes hidden for decades!

However, with the introduction of “Transhumanism” I think we could be looking at a future where human higher consciousness is tethered to a “science-made soul, one that displaces Creator’s gifts of Light and Love to us.”

The video below explains from a Catholic viewpoint why everyone who values Creator God’s creation, Nature and Natural Law—not fraudulent or consensus science as a ‘god’—ought to be extremely concerned, plus not remain ‘asleep’ at the technology agenda buttons we constantly push.


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12160 trivia- the original creator of this site went ape crazy on Christmas eve over similar negative articles on the church. He deleted the whole site with 6 months of blogs ect nuked in to ether. This is where I came in and rebuilt the place. I was raised catholic, not one today but I do get bummed when I see this obvious shilling. I feel for my family who just seeks a decent way to live their life, through fellowship.

Boris - I did not intend this as shilling of the Catholic Church.  It was interesting to me that church members and leaders of the church are striking back at what the Pope is saying and are pointing out that the Free Masons have infiltrated.  It actually gave me hope that the church can be won back from the NWO infiltrators.  I apologize if you or anyone else found it offensive.

oh, I mean, the Catholic Church shilling for NWO :)

Oh good, I was afraid I had offended.  I have friends and family that are Catholic (I even know a couple of Priests and Nuns) and they are good people.  I would never do anything to make them look bad.

Thank you sweet Lady

Whew. I thought we weren't slutty enough according to Alex Jones original intent of his site to which we splintered from.

Vatican administrates proceeds from CQV trusts worldwide. They own our surnames written in DOG LATIN.

I Have NO USE FOR ANY MAN MADE DENOMINATIONS, My BOOK tells me to go in my prayer closet and talk to GOD in private(it's a telepathic thing) I never could understand how millionaire "preachers" could spread the WORD of a man who by all accounts did not even have a spare pair of sandals. I can find no SCRIPTURE where CHRIST asked anyone for one single dime let alone steal from widows.



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