Dear Chris,
I was absolutely stunned to wake up this morning and read that Victorian Police had issued a $68,000 bill to Canadian activist Lauren Southern.
Why did they issue this bill? Did she do something wrong? Did she break the law?
No. They issued this bill because – wait for it – some violent, far-left thugs, threatened to protest her.
I am not joking. This is what really happened. Rather than going after people who actually cause violence, the Victorian police are trying to shut down a legal, law-abiding speaker and prevent her from giving a lecture. Because of threats made by some Marxist thugs.
This is just not on.
If you believe – like I do – in freedom of speech, then join us in our campaign and contact the Victorian Government to demand action at
This goes to the very heart of freedom of speech in Australia. If the police can force someone to pay $68,000 or else be silent, then freedom of speech in Australia is dead. If anything, shouldn't the people responsible for violence be given the bill? Apparently not in Victoria today.
It doesn’t matter if you agree with Lauren or not – this isn’t about her, this is about the fundamental right to freedom of speech.
Our democracy is based on freedom of speech. What the Victorian Police are doing goes completely against this.
This is the behaviour we’d expect to see from a tin-pot dictator in some authoritarian regime, not in a country like Australia.
Here’s a short video I made on this just now (I don't normally make videos, but I was /particularly/ incensed by this!)
(If the above doesn't work visit
PLEASE – if you believe in freedom of speech, if you believe in the rule of law, if you believe in doing what is right, click the link below to URGENTLY contact the Victorian Police Minister and Shadow Police Minster and DEMAND that this evil edict be rescinded.
She was also to speak at a venue in my town, then without warning the mayor shuts it down, goneburger ! Him, the city council and regional facilities now have the R.S.C suing them all at the High Court under the bill of rights act- and righty so. Hopefully they will all learn a lesson and not do it again. Plus false policing fines should be in the mix.
What are they afraid of? The Truth? I guess we now know who your Victoria officials work for! not you.
Police in Oz are under control of Freemasons, parading masonic insignia openly. Having eyes is not enough to be able to see.
The police serve evil
"Destroying the New World Order"
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