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Comment by Christopher A. Brown on November 19, 2010 at 8:00pm
My point being that feasibile explanation requires that theories be able to survive inquiry into obvious inconsistencies.

None of the remote or plane or not talk explains anything, even if it were feasible.

I do have completely feasible explanations that are totally consistent.
free fall
total pulverization
superfine, heated particulate
smooth, square cut column ends x the 1,000's
heavy steel assemblies heaved hundreds of feet

That explains things by using the true structural design.

I can provide and exact law and a specific office that a qualified person can file a legally defined request to "amend a vital record", specifically a death certificate, as a way to USE THIS INFORMATION.

Okay, who really needs the truth?
Comment by Christopher A. Brown on November 19, 2010 at 7:51pm

No one has yet provided an answer to a simple question . . . that can be phrased 2 ways to address both no planes and remotes.

For the no planer:
"Why did the perps make people think that WTC 1 was first hit by a plane then demolish WTC 2 first?"

For those that believe in remotes:
"Why did the perpetrators choose to have a backwards impact/fall sequence?"

For the nano thermite issue: report.pdf

Not one of those provides pressures and velocity for nano thermite IF it is claimed it is an explosive, it that is really not a claim.
Comment by JoJo on November 19, 2010 at 1:46pm
Yes creaming Planes--dead wrong Vincent !
Most outlandish thing is-- 19 Arabs with box cutters :^(
Vincent--you beLIEve everything you watch on Kosher TV?
NOTE of ALL CONCERN: Ever wondered why American government is using the childish excuse of 90 day cease of settlements and Israel will get F35 and USA UN protection?
BLACKMAIL--if Uncle Sam does not give us what we want--we will tell 9/II was an inside job and we got paid for it--that missing 2.25 $trillion--we got receipts.( We/us--is Israel)
Think this is baloney? Do some research on Woodward Wilson USA President SEX Black Mailed by Zionist Jews to enter WWI

Why are the planes fuzzy?--little grease on the photo shopped copying lenses!
When folks say No planes-called nuts. When Jews said--Saddam had Nukes--Americans lapped it up. Same with all the pre-planned bullsh!t from Government--like Atta's wallet intact--blah!
For over 100 years,we been told Arabs as bumbling idiots and in 2001 masters/professionals in terror, expert flyers and after 9/11--couldn't blow-up their shoes or underwear.
No Muslims did 9/11 only Israel Firsters could have done the dirty deed. Cattle Rustling came to a sure stop--when good folks took action :^(
Comment by illuminated-dj on November 19, 2010 at 12:22pm
Comment by illuminated-dj on November 19, 2010 at 12:08pm
vince i either believe they were just remote controlled planes or drones/missiles made to look like planes
Comment by JoJo on November 19, 2010 at 7:34am
Cris-thanks for the reply-There were no planes of any kind used to smash into buildings on 9/II
;Please do see this video first- whole affair 9/II is all pre planned acting
1) http://www.youtu

at this video ?-- now this comes from very sick youtube poster.Came across it while searching for the top reference
BeLIEve it or Not--it's all a scam--Arabs did it--they hate our freedoms...... (to lie that is)
Comment by Christopher A. Brown on November 18, 2010 at 11:47pm

This question needs to be answered. It has the same justification for the "no planes" issue as it does for the remotes.

"Why did the perps make people think that WTC 1 was first hit by a plane then blow up WTC 2 first and create a backwards impact/fall sequence?"

There are only 2 answers that came back that had any reasoning at all, but it was flawed reasoning because to create that backwards impact fall sequence was very damaging to the credibility of the ruse.

1)WTC 2 fires were going to go out and there would be no reason for the building to go down after the fires went out so they dropped it.

2)The perps did it to make us wonder why they did it. (No kidding, somebody actually put that forth as a reason!)

The perps really needed the planes to justify war on Muslims and to make sure that they were identified the passport of Atta was planted.

I feel that 757's were used specifically because they cannot be remoted easily. In fact I have only heard of it being done once in the 1980's.

The proffesional aviation community would know for certain there were no remotes used because they know only "fly by wire" planes like the 747 can be flown remotely under those conditions.

So, accordingly the perps purposefully stayed away from planes that could be flow remotely.
Comment by JoJo on November 18, 2010 at 8:53pm
Can someone prove to us or show one TV network's video of actual planes hitting the World Trade towers? One's they did show were from 2 Quebec brother's videos day after.
You will not find such a video shown on Sept 11 2001.Only DOCTERED videos the NEXT day.After WTC1 BLEW up,it is understandable that no TV network/NYPD cameras were filming but hundreds of cameras were pointed afterwards towards both towers. BIG ZERO were shown upto minute reporting.WHY NOT? Because there were no planes . WTC1 2 each floor had tons of high explosives--Blasting sequence was top to bottom (not like WTC7 Bottom to top)
The first Explosive laden blasts in the top upper floors,were supplemented with large stored diesel flue.
If only Nano-thermate was used, by now examples of tested range explosion would have been shown--none.
Only Concrete Bunker Busting bombs were used, If they won't show Pentagon plane hitting,then you know that WTC's smashing planes are photo shopped.
Comment by Christopher A. Brown on November 18, 2010 at 8:03pm
Lawrence, you have a solid position. Absolutely, hopefully some of the detail I can provide will provide the capacity to explain HOW, what you know happened indeed did happen. And yes, the truth is shocking. Holding on to the certainty you have will pay off because now there is reason to understand.

I'll try to answer some of Vincents questions. I'm a part time equipment operator and the control of the 757 happen to be similar so I'm bringing some very pertinant info about "remotes".

Vincent L. Guarisco wrote:
"they flew the planes into the buildings as the official excuse to bring them down. If you don't believe this to be true, please explain yourself here on this thread."

Yes, planes were flown into the Twins, but the belief that cheny and rummy flew them probably cannot be substantiated. Planes had nothing to do with the towers coming down, just like Lawrence says.
As far as what did bring them down, pay special attention to the containment issue in the thermite answer with regard to "planting". It is NOT that simple.

Back to remotes, my question never got answered?

"Why did the perps make people think that WTC 1 was first hit by a plane then blow up WTC 2 first and create a backwards impact/fall sequence?"

I don't believe there is a good reason to do that, in fact there is good reason to do everything possible within the perps power to see that the first building his is the first to go down.

I already had logically determined that there were no remotes for the same reason.

Flight 11 hit the wrong tower. The above link explains how if remotes were involved, the impact/fall sequence would be correct. Meaning the Towers were on timers. The behavior of flight 11 indicates that its pilot did not know that its target hasd already been hit so had to reposition with the radical turn which CAN be completed by one pilot and another person to operate the throttles. 757's are "hydraulic over hydraulic" servo controlled and are extremely difficult to set up for remote flight. It's been done once, and that's it. They were used because people in the world of aviation technology know this making it obvious to that knowledgeable segment that there HAD to be Muslim pilots. From the movements correct perspective, the hijacked planes can only be seen as very important to the ruse and war it enabled.
If the planes were remoted you can be sure the pilot was under complete control and well informed. On the other hand if the hijacker was a mind controlled Muslim working with the infiltrated shadow government, he might not follow orders but would still hit a tower. He would gladly leave his passport with handlers to be placed where it would be found.

Vincent L. Guarisco wrote:
"had their assets plant exposives: Nano-thermite. Afterwards, using remote access,"

Nano Thermite explosives:
This misinformation is mostly ACCEPTED by the truth movement and the attempted use of it associated with 9-11 truth causes rejection of FACTS: A recent scientific analysis of WTC dust by Mark Basile finds evidence of thermite and nano sized particles of aluminum. No where in his report does he describe nano thermite as being a military grade explosive.
No researcher into the performance of nano thermite has ever stated pressure and velocity specifications for nano thermite including Neils Harrit who first analyzed nano sized particles found near the WTC. Here are independent papers. report.pdf

A letter from the Navy regarding "nano thermite"

NOTE: The masses of molten steel underneath the WTC can ONLY be caused by ordinary thermite classed as an incendiary.
Accordingly uses of the nano thermite misinformation is not needed and any use of the nano misinformation serves to cause officials to ridicule 9-11 facts after consultations with experts reveal that nano thermite is not explosive and is not generally developed for any common uses although it may have many.

nano sized particle found at WTC:
Thermite in place immediately adjacent to detonations of conventional explosives in the basements, activated or un activated, would generate both components of iron oxide and aluminum oxide which would be reduced to extremely small particles by the high pressure gasses. This would extinguish combustion. If molten steel was present, small particulate iron would result as would aluminum which could then oxidize quickly in such small particle size.

Some of Niels Harrit comments on nano thermite.

"It’s very, very possible that different varieties were used, and I personally am certain that conventional explosives were used too, in abundance.

RT: When you say “in abundance,” how much do you mean?

Niels Harrit: Tons! Hundreds of tons! Many, many, many tons!

RT: So we are not just talking about nano-thermite. In fact, we are talking about both nano-thermite and conventional explosives used in large quantities…"

Most of the uses of nano themite misinfo in the 9-11 truth movement omit mention of Harrits information on conventional high explosives. All mentions of nano thermite omit any description of how the containment for "nano thermite" might be done. "nano thermite" is subject to this requirement to achieve destruction of the structural elements of the Twin Towers as is the use of any conventional high explosive. Optimum placement and distribution ARE required to attain total pulverization of materials near detonations.
Comment by Christopher A. Brown on November 18, 2010 at 2:55pm
Vincent L. Guarisco wrote:
"I am a firm beliver that both planes that hit the twin towers were flown via remote tower".

Belief is one thing, logic is another.

IF the planes were remoted, WHY did the perps choose to have a backwards impact/fall sequence?

That sequence seriously compromises the ruse. The perps would not want people to think that though and I was on in 2004 reading posts by the first psyops plants that the "backwards sequence" didn't mean anything to them.

Later one of the admins from that site, provided r.gage with an excuse to ban me from ae911 when I had 3 threads there asking for proof of the steel core columns and gage never responded. Here is an accounting of my efforts to get the architect to use evidence.

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