Impending Attack on Syria


Impending Attack on Syria

Tracking the latest developments involving the impending military assault on Syria.

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Will the West Stage a Chemical Attack To Justify War in Syria?

Activist Post

It appears the United States is determined to engage in yet another war without having been attacked or even having their allies attacked. The brazen Obama doctrine of preemptively bombing civilians to prevent a humanitarian crisis may soon be coming to another lucky country; Syria.

Although the build up to this conflict has been brewing for some time, it has now begun to boil..

Syria loads chemical weapons into bombs; military awaits Assad's order

The Syrian military is prepared to use chemical weapons against its own people and is awaiting final orders from President Bashar Assad, U.S. officials told NBC News on Wednesday.

BULL BISCUITS! This is just a repeat of the Saddam's nuclear weapons lie used to start that war.

This will backfire on the US. As soon as they stage a false-flag attack on the Syrians using chemical weapons they hand Iran the perfect political justification to abandon the mutual defense treaty and stay out of Syria.

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Comment by Anthony Kimbrough on December 7, 2012 at 9:55pm

So-so. I've seen some really good work come from there and some really bad.

Comment by Anthony Kimbrough on December 7, 2012 at 3:09pm

That isn't a bad idea Larry, not at all. I think everybody that is human must have some good somewhere in them. They have spent a fortune trying to figure out how to not die and live forever, but they actually don't live. That tells us they fear death and one cannot live life to it's fullest, really live, when fear is present. Perhaps if they see the other side of the coin, and they have to love someone else besides themselves, and surely someone can reach them. Even the blackest of hearts has something left in it good, somewhere. If not, cut the things they love off, like money and power. I try and not buy if I see it belongs or comes from TPTB, and I stand firm on my ground of not relenting my power over me. Mighty Oaks snap before they bend. Perhaps it is time to be mighty Oaks. When they die they are dead, their children that follow them by example are the same, Lucifer has no bonds or power other than that we allow him to have. When we die we come alive, and nothing more they can do to us. Our children that follow by example live on. Perhaps they need to know that. Mighty Oaks that are struck down, in their wake, create saplings. Dead trees that slowly die produce nothing when fallen.

Comment by Anthony Kimbrough on December 6, 2012 at 10:55pm

  Oh yea, it will work. Bush, Obama, Regan, Clinton... pick one, each have stepped us just one step closer to the agenda they set forth. There is no difference, but you are one of the few that know that. I think that is why I feel more comfortable coming to this site, or similar. Went yesterday to Pigeon Forge to get a few Christmas gifts for the grandkids and while I'm sure there are smart people to be found, the majority of them are stupid. America is one prime example of throwing money at education ain't the solution. I blame TV and all the technology, but the school system is just as bad, controlled by the same people.Already though they kill without war, guess war is to take our eye off that. Starvation in some areas and disease on other areas.

   I'm not sure if we all have the same God or not, but unless they restrict me from my God or try and force me to their god, that shouldn't matter to me. I can't demand freedom for myself or my family without demanding freedom for all. I don't understand how others can believe differently no more than they probably understand how I do, and that is ok. It keeps the world an interesting place. There should be our commonality, not in replication of each other, but in respect for each other. There is a beauty in difference. A common belief in morals at the fiber. A desire to be not a clone but an individual, and to accept and allow others to be individuals as well, while each respects the others' rights. 

  Like you Larry, I pray for the ones who are being attacked. There are good Christians, Muslims, and Jewish people that are systematically being exterminated by the Zionists. Perhaps the other religions should take note along with those with no religion, for TPTB have a religion mapped out, and it will not be voluntary. One would also think that the lap dogs that serve these Luciferic bastards would be smart enough to know that when they have what they want, they will be of no use to them. By chance, on another board, I ran into one years ago. He could not understand why I would fight to defend my property or belongings. The discussion went for days and I got a look first hand at his philosophies. Though he was Jewish by nature (or at least hid behind them), I was stupid enough to let it get heated on my part. I would imagine whatever list he gathered, I'm probably already on it. :) This guy had no compassion what so ever towards people other than the belief and group he was a part of. That is what we are dealing with.     



Comment by J. Patriot on December 6, 2012 at 2:14pm

Comment by margaret on December 6, 2012 at 12:41am

Divide and conquer tactics of the elite...Rothschilds zionism is evil...They are Satanists...They call themselves Jews but they are the Synogogue of Satan....Revelations 2:9   The elite use many ways of divide and conquer...Rep vs Dem...Black vs White....Religions....etc....We all have one Creator with many names....Remember that old saying United We Stand, Divided We Fall ??? We could win this thing for our children if we could unite in truth...

Comment by Anthony Kimbrough on December 6, 2012 at 12:36am

I might add that the boy digging his own grave, that wishes to be a Martyr for his god. Just how bad is it that he that he would do this?  Just how evil are the ones who directs him and the ones who suppress him?  

Comment by Anthony Kimbrough on December 6, 2012 at 12:30am

That question has gone on for many years by intelligent people. Sadly with no logical answer. All 3 of the religions have a common God, one of love, kindness, and compassion, seems they all want to be the favorite by doing the opposite of His essence. Just my thought but I don't think it is the actual religion itself, but those who use the weak minded to do their bidding. Perhaps a mixture of ignorance and arrogance of many, and the self defense of others. I think it is Zionism, I'm not sure if it has changed the last few hundred years, or perhaps it never was or was always like that. Ignorance though seems to rule the day. "The devil is in the details", so to speak.

  I don't think Obama is crazy, just controlled, a lap dog if one will. I also think Romney is no better. 2 dogs attached to the same leash. With the diseases, addictions, constant amusements, twisted scriptures, and information control, most find it easier to just set back and ignore it, or go along with the crowd. We fall and perhaps have already fallen, we just haven't noticed the thump or ground yet. NATO is run by the UN, and we know what placing "un" in front of a word does, we can actually even see it, as in freedom undone. They aren't suckered nor is Obama, just under the control of an order to make a One World Order.

  Perhaps though it seems like a light at the end of the tunnel to destroy religion and governments. You as well as I and most that come from small areas know that no hole goes unfilled. When I was a kind 3 or 4 families pretty much owned and ran this little town. Some good and some bad. Oddly enough I liked it back then. Labor and money though was well controlled as to who got what. Farm boys like me, well we didn't have a lot of money or power, but man were we ever rich. Rich people have money. Poor people have God. These days though they have dependance on pharma and government, and fall from faith opr to a false faith. Get out of line and they starve you or cut your drugs off, or audit your taxes. Instead of destroying what we have fix it, but that would take a major undertaking and effort, which I fear is not possible.

  So they send boys and girls off to kill, with a banner saying it is for a land that is far away. The give them false religious teachings to back that up. They take away a loving, merciful God, or change His nature. Give kids video games that kill easily. Like me Larry, you are no spring chicken anymore, and have seen I'm sure a lot. These kids go into battle thinking they are superior and the enemy is evil, or a threat. That is the only way one kills another human. They teach them to kill with joy, yet that is short lived. They do not teach them the stench that comes from a body, even when they are dying. They don't prepare them for the screams, but those are the easier parts. They never tell them that taking a life, even in a situation that is survival, one dies a little inside too. When the action has stopped and the adrenaline is past... the hurt that comes. "Thousand Yard Stares" may come in handy sometimes, but they are there because of a reason, and it ain't macho. So what happens when these people see that those people are just people? 

  I have a friend (Lou) that died and came back (NDE) who once said he was taught that "Man will prey upon man, until man prayed for man". That goes along with what Jesus said, evil cannot be fought and defeated with evil.      

Comment by truth on December 5, 2012 at 9:14am

US Senate vote pushes for Pentagon military action in Syria

The US Senate has voted nearly unanimously to assess military options to cripple the air force of Syrian President Assad. Lawmakers said the action aims to stop the killing of civilians, but critics claim it may herald a Libya-style no-fly zone.

Ninety-two Senators voted to move forward with a Pentagon report on possible military options in Syria, with six opposing the legislation.

Comment by Anthony Kimbrough on December 5, 2012 at 1:04am

Shame. Put religion behind horror and people with gladly commit atrocities. That seems to come though with and without religion. I think the world has gone nuts. 

Comment by J. Patriot on December 4, 2012 at 12:02pm

Just another example how these criminals think! Madness! These criminals are commiting more and more war crimes as time goes on. Innocent women and children are being murdered by these monsters! We can only pray for the Syrian people. Looks like a repeat of Libya. Just a matter of time until NATO finds an excuse to start bombing the hell out of Syria!  


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