
Target Iran

Documenting all military aggressions, and sanctions against Iran.

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Israel budgets $3 bn for strike on Iran

Started by Ragnarok. Last reply by Tara Mar 25, 2014. 2 Replies

Israel budgets $3 bn for strike on Iran - reportPublished time: March 19, 2014 18:19 Edited time: March 20, 2014 12:28Israel’s 2014 military budget includes at least 10 billion shekels devoted to…Continue

Tags: Politics, Knesset, Big-business, Banks, Moshe-Yaalon

Iran Gives OK for Counterattack if Invaded

Started by Cryptocurrency. Last reply by Zeets Mar 17, 2013. 2 Replies March 17, 2013Iran launched a guided missile destroyer Sunday on the oil-rich Caspian Sea. Photo: Press TV.As tension grows over Iran’s nuclear program, the Islamic Republic has given…Continue

Tags: if, Invaded, Counterattack, for, Gives

Iran Test-Fires Missiles Near Strait of Hormuz

Started by Central Scrutinizer. Last reply by Consciencious Objector Jan 2, 2013. 1 Reply

By Associated PressTEHRAN, Iran -Iran's navy says it has test-fired a range of weapons during ongoing maneuvers near the Strait of Hormuz, the passageway for one-fifth of the world's oil supply.The…Continue

ABC News: ‘October Surprise’ Could Decide Election

Started by Cryptocurrency. Last reply by Cryptocurrency Oct 1, 2012. 1 Reply

Close polling figures increase likelihood of an unexpected twistPaul Joseph Watson October 1, 2012ABC News has released a story suggesting that an “October surprise” will impact next…Continue

Tags: Decide, Election, Could, Surprise’, News:


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Comment by Tula on January 13, 2012 at 2:26pm


Comment by Tula on January 13, 2012 at 2:25pm

Comment by TommyD on January 13, 2012 at 2:25pm

If you are pointing the finger at Freemasons I suggest you climb a little higher up the pyramid...while much of what you are stating COULD very well be fact, those guys with their funny little rings and secret handshakes are not the capstone...

Let us add another ingredient to our cake....what secret knowledge are the Freemasons charged with keeping secret from the rest of us?

Comment by Thomas Gambill on January 13, 2012 at 2:21pm

In fact, Target Iran will be used for WWIII; as planned in this segment:


In 1834; the Italian revolutionary leader, Guiseppe Mazzini, was selected by the Illuminati to direct their revolutionary program throughout the world. He served in that capacity until he died in 1872, but some years before he died; Mazzini had enticed an American General named Albert Pike into the Illuminati. Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one-world government and ultimately he became the head of this luciferian conspiracy. Between 1859 and 1871 he, Pike, worked out a military-blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world which he considered would forward the conspiracy to its final stage in the 20th century. Again I remind you that these conspirators were never concerned with immediate success. They also operated on a long-range view. Pike did most of his work in his home in Little Rock, Arkansas.


Pike's plan was as simple as it has proved effective. It called for communism, nazism, political zionism, and other international movements to be organized and used to foment three global world wars and at least two major revolutions.

"The first world war was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to destroy Czarism in Russia, as vowed by Rothschild after the Czar had torpedoed his scheme at the Congress in Vienna, and to transform Russia into a stronghold of atheistic-communism. The differences stirred up by agents of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were to be used to foment this war. After the war would be ended; communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions.

"World War II, when and if necessary, was to be fomented by using the controversies between Fascists and political zionists, and here let it be noted that Hitler was financed by Krupp, the Warburg’s, the Rothschild’s, and other internationalist bankers and that the slaughter of the supposed 6,000,000 Jews by Hitler didn't bother the Jewish internationalist bankers at all. That slaughter was necessary in order to create worldwide-hatred of the German people and thus bring about war against them. In short; this Second World War was to be fought to destroy Nazism and increase the power of political Zionism so that the state of Israel could be established in Palestine.

"During this World War II; international communism was to be built up until it equaled in strength that of united Christendom. When it reached that point; it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social-cataclysm. As we know now; Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin put that exact policy into effect and Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and George Bush continued that same exact policy.

"World War III is to be fomented, using the so-called controversies; by the agents of the Illuminati operating under whatever new name; that are now being stored up between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. That war is to be directed in such a manner that all of Islam and political Zionism (Israelis) will destroy each other while at the same time; the remaining nations, once more divided on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion; physically, mentally, spiritually, and economically. 

Comment by TommyD on January 13, 2012 at 2:13pm

@ Vincent, I was being facetious. Nukes are definitely a concern but I am trying to point out that they have more high tech toys to test out.

Personally, if someone decides to kick start the end of the world with nukes....WTF can any of us do about it?

And to be honest, who would want to survive a prolonged nuclear winter?

Comment by Thomas Gambill on January 13, 2012 at 2:10pm

My comments have nothing to do with religion, but the reality of why Iran is being used.  All of the current and former middle eastern leaders are in fact Freemasons.  Quadaffi is living somewhere as is another Freemason named Saddam to this day.   Even Castro from the Beginning, Milosevic, and many others are in fact Freemasons.   The Spiritual side of this discussion is the reality and main reason this Target Iran is happening.  

Not bringing in the other factors is like discussing how to make a cake and only discussing pouring in the milk and nothing else. 


"In 1834; the Italian revolutionary leader, Guiseppe Mazzini, was selected by the Illuminati to direct their revolutionary program throughout the world. He served in that capacity until he died in 1872, but some years before he died; Mazzini had enticed an American General named Albert Pike into the Illuminati. Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one-world government and ultimately he became the head of this luciferian conspiracy. Between 1859 and 1871 he, Pike, worked out a military-blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world which he considered would forward the conspiracy to its final stage in the 20th century. Again I remind you that these conspirators were never concerned with immediate success. They also operated on a long-range view. Pike did most of his work in his home in Little Rock, Arkansas.


Comment by TommyD on January 13, 2012 at 2:06pm

Nikki, I am not trying to argue with you about this topic. I just see the ones hiring people for all that money as being the very same ones responsible for subjugating the region in the first place. The added financial boost may add a bit of temporary security but how much freedom is given up in the process? And that is not to mention the potential blowback once this war "officially" begins.

Comment by TommyD on January 13, 2012 at 1:56pm

Nikki...look at the CORPORATIONS that are hiring people to work in the M.E.  Haliburton, Unicol, BP, and others....not sure I would want to work for them(worked for Haliburton in the mid 80's...sucked then too). Anyone who wishes to serve these masters for more fake money....well, freedom is a wonderful thing..enjoy the luxury while it lasts...

Comment by TommyD on January 13, 2012 at 1:52pm

Nukes are so last century...why is anyone worried about them anymore?

A- A nuke hits your long, see ya...ashes to ashes and radioactive dust to dust..

B- A nuke hits US...immediate FEMA take over, round up and concentration of targets for another shot...

C- I am willing to bet my life that no one will use nukes...lasers, death rays, scalar, seismic, sonic, microwave, and other new tech toys are the wave of the future...keep looking for that mushroom cloud but I advice you cover your ass because there is a taser aimed at it....

Comment by Nikki on January 13, 2012 at 1:52pm

@Tommy, there are a lot of Americans and other Westerners there for really good paying jobs that they don't have back home.  Staying here and taking a lesser job or collecting unemployment/food stamps doesn't sound like a great bargain either.  If it were my decision, I would probably go at least for a year or two.


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