SHELBURNE, Vt. – Peter Garritano thinks it's time for Vermont to call it quits with America.
The way the 54-year-old automobile salesman sees it, the "empire" is about to implode and tiny Vermont can lead the way by becoming its own independent republic. So he's running for lieutenant governor, topping a slate of secession-minded candidates seeking statewide offices this year.
Their name: Vermont Independence Day.
"The only hope is to just say, 'Look, this isn't… Continue
Added by Jeff on January 13, 2010 at 8:54am —
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Russian scientists are reporting to Prime Minister Putin today that the high-energy beam [photo top left] fired into the upper heavens from the United States High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) radar facility in Ramfjordmoen, Norway this past month has resulted in a “catastrophic puncturing” of our Plant’s thermosphere thus allowing… Continue
Added by Swtnlovabl on January 13, 2010 at 8:48am —
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---> Link to C-Span2
Public Hearing: “Causes and Current State of the Financial Crisis”
Day 1 of 2 Chairman: Phil Angelides Panel
1: Financial Institution Representatives (9a-12:15/12:30p…followed by 30 minute break) Lloyd C. Blankfein, Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer Goldman Sachs Group,… Continue
ST. LOUIS — Confidential contracts detailing Monsanto Co.'s business practices reveal how the world's biggest seed developer is squeezing competitors, controlling smaller seed companies and protecting its dominance over the multibillion-dollar market for genetically altered crops, an Associated Press investigation has found.
With Monsanto's patented genes being inserted into roughly 95 percent of all soybeans and 80 percent of all corn grown in the U.S., the company also is using its… Continue
First of all.....when 28% of you brain dead *SNIP* morons give a blithering IDIOT like Sarah Palin positive approval ratings and think she ought to run for president in 2012, it really makes… Continue
Added by Swtnlovabl on January 13, 2010 at 7:40am —
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By Kathy Freston, AlterNet. Posted January 9, 2010.
The chicken and pork industries have wrought unprecedented changes in bird and swine flu. Billions could die in a flu pandemic, the likes of which we have never seen.
While Americans worry about FEMA camps and Martial Law, two items I feel are pure fantasy, the world moves forward.
While individuals are side-tracked with Lucifer worshiping shape-shifting global networks of pedophilia interested aristocracy (also a fantasy) the global elitists continue their efforts at domination.
But what is it that they want to dominate? You and me? Well, one might say that but that's hardly the endgame.
That's the title of a best-selling book by F. William Engdahl, an economist and author and writer.
Mr. Engdhahl has written on issues of energy, politics and economics for more than 30 years, beginning with the first oil shock in the early 1970s. Mr. Engdahl contributes regularly to a number of publications including Asia Times Online, Asia, Inc, Japan's Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Foresight magazine; Freitag and ZeitFragen newspapers in Germany and Switzerland respectively. He is based in… Continue
Added by Jeff on January 13, 2010 at 12:30am —
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January 10, 2010
by William Blum In November I wrote:
Question: How many countries do you have to be at war with to be disqualified from receiving the Nobel Peace Prize?
Answer: Five. Barack Obama has waged war against only Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia. He’s holding off on Iran until he actually gets the… Continue
Added by Swtnlovabl on January 12, 2010 at 10:17pm —
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Forwarded Email to me I thought you may be intrested
I just had Jason Pacifico on as a radio guest on my radio show Monday Brown Bagger on COOP Radio out of Vancouver Canada, via phone, on Monday (Dec 21,2009).
During our interview, we talked about:
-60 million homeless in US by end of 2011
-14 million foreclosure in US by end of 2011
-9-10 members of the Trilateral Commission working in the Obama's… Continue
When President Obama made his first post-election visit to San Francisco, two groups of protesters met him in Union Square. About 500 activists (the “Left”) carried signs, sang songs and chanted for an end to the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, for environmental action and Medicare for all.
Sharing space with us were about 250 “tea-baggers” (the “Right”) carrying anti-Obama signs. Their main issues were lower taxes and opposition to “government… Continue
Added by Tara on January 12, 2010 at 8:23pm —
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I received a disturbing email yesterday regarding massive amounts of grain shipping out of the U.S. to foreign countries. Granaries that long stood idle are going full-bore. Miles and miles of rail cars are filled and ready to transport our wheat, oats and corn reserves for shipment out of… Continue
"We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their parents at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen. The sex instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an animal formality like the renewal of a ration card. We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now. There will be… Continue
Added by Jeff on January 12, 2010 at 6:14pm —
The “underpants bomber” has renewed calls for new and more invasive security measures. Already, there’s a push to install scanners that show travelers’ naked bodies through clothing, using either millimeter wave or backscatter X-ray imaging. But even those scanners might not have caught the terrorist who nearly brought down Northwest flight… Continue
Added by Swtnlovabl on January 12, 2010 at 6:05pm —
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The U.S. government staged the failed Christmas Day terror attack so that the United States wouldn’t have to transfer any more Guantanamo Bay detainees to Yemen, according to a well-known former Guantanamo Bay detainee.
Lakhdar Boumediene – who made headlines in 2008 when his Supreme Court case affirmed detainees’ rights to challenge their detentions in federal courts – told reporters on Monday that President Obama has “changed his mind” about closing Guantanamo Bay, and the… Continue
Added by Jeff on January 12, 2010 at 6:00pm —
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I try not to visit a place and then forget about the people and the struggle they are engaged in. Since my visit to Jeju Island, and the Gangjeong village last October, I have been closely following developments about the South Korean government's plan to build a Navy base where pristine coral reefs, fishing, and tangerine groves are now integral to the people's way of life.
The base construction is soon set to begin in Gangjeong. The villagers are currently setting up a tent camp… Continue
Added by Jeff on January 12, 2010 at 5:53pm —
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Here is a shocking statistic that you won't hear in most western news media: over the past nine years, more US military personnel have taken their own lives than have died in action in either the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. These are official figures from the US Department of Defence, yet somehow they have not been deemed newsworthy to report. Last year alone, more than 330… Continue
Added by Jeff on January 12, 2010 at 5:43pm —
Here is the complete "Bel Air Fire" episode of the TV series "When Havoc Struck" from 1978. Includes intense footage and dramatic interviews from survivors o...