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Added by Citizen X74 on September 8, 2010 at 3:30pm — 16 Comments

Crazy Wisdom

To remain whole, be twisted.

To become straight, let yourself be bent.

To become full, be hollow.

—Tao Te Ching

A special kind of wisdom is loose in the world. This wisdom is difficult to codify or categorize and it refuses to be institutionalized. It is called crazy widom. And so it is, both crazy, and wisdom.

Crazy wisdom is the wisdom of the saint, the Zen master, the poet, the mad scientist, and the fool. Crazy wisdom sees that we live in a world… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on September 8, 2010 at 3:28pm — No Comments

C4L Rising

September 7, 2010

Dear Campaign for Liberty Supporter,

Two years ago, Ron Paul's Rally for the Republic formally launched Campaign for Liberty.

Because of the work of liberty-minded Americans, Big Government politicians are running scared this fall.

It's hard to imagine that just two years ago, Ron Paul's Rally for the Republic officially kicked off Campaign for Liberty.

Back then, all the "experts" told us "we are all… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on September 8, 2010 at 2:07pm — No Comments

WTRH-AM - The GCC Ning Networks Are Shut Down

All there is left is this network, lets hope that others donate to this group forum I am less fortunate. I cannot believe that the GCC lost another network. Well all that there is left of the GCC is the google website. Money is the route of all evil. I created the network so I can share the hobby with others. But all Ning wants to do is make money, money, money. You pay to get access to the web, then now you pay for extra services, that is what the… Continue

Added by WTRH-AM-AE on September 8, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

New David Ray Griffin book: Cognitive Infiltration

Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

(Olive Branch Press, September 2010), by David Ray Griffin

Griffin's meritorious effort to raise public awareness and understanding

Former Chicago and Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein, who in 2009 was appointed by President Barack Obama to direct an important executive branch office, had in 2008 co-authored an article… Continue

Added by Jonathan Mark on September 8, 2010 at 9:00am — No Comments

9/11: The Day The Media Died. Bombard the lying media with legal notices and complaints...

Below is a copy of an email I have just sent to Channel Five about their proposed scheduling of a documentary on Thursday 9 September 2010, to mark the 9th anniversary of that evil day in history. I urge all of you who read this to please do the same to every television network, who perpetuates this ongoing, utterly disgusting lie:

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to inform you that of you air your programme, 9/11 Crime Scene Investigation on Thursday evening, I will be seeking… Continue

Added by Glenn Gordon on September 8, 2010 at 6:00am — 3 Comments

Kurt Sonnenfeld : Exclusive interview 9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public

Let's not forget, let's never forget the real heroes who dared speak out!!

Kurt Sonnenfeld : Exclusive interview, 22 June 2009 From Buenos Aires (Argentina)

As official videographer for the U.S. government, Kurt Sonnenfeld was detailed to Ground Zero on September 11, 2001, where he spent an entire month filming: "What I saw at certain moments and in certain places ... is very disturbing!" He never handed his 29 tapes over to the authorities and has been persecuted ever… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on September 8, 2010 at 5:36am — 4 Comments

‘They Kill Alex’

By Chris Hedges

September 07, 2010 "Truth Dig" -- Carlos Arredondo, a native Costa Rican, stands in a parking lot of a Holiday Inn in Portland, Maine, next to his green Nissan pickup truck. The truck, its tailgate folded down, carries a flag-draped coffin and is adorned with pictures of his son, Lance Cpl. Alexander S. Arredondo, 20, a Marine killed in Iraq in 2004. The truck and a… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on September 8, 2010 at 4:58am — 6 Comments

ICH Update - News You Won't Find On CNN

"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.": David

Hume - (1711-1776) Scottish philosopher, historian and economist


"Any excuse will serve a tyrant." : Aesop - (c. 550 B.C.)

legendary Greek fabulist Source: The Wolf and the Lamb


Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq



Added by Anti Oligarch on September 8, 2010 at 4:42am — No Comments

Video: Houseless Resting - 3 PM

Resting and Napping

I love to take a nap in the afternoon

Those that are house-less ...."cant just take a nap"

Those with no home "cant rest"

Lets work for solutions together

~joe… Continue

Added by Joe Anybody on September 8, 2010 at 3:02am — 2 Comments

Soros gives 100 million dollars to Human Rights Watch

Soros gives 100 million dollars to Human Rights Watch


Published: Tuesday September 7, 2010

Billionaire George Soros said Tuesday he is giving Human Rights Watch up to 100 million dollars to help transform it into a global organization.

"It's an American organization and… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on September 8, 2010 at 2:27am — No Comments

The Triumph of Evil

The Triumph of Evil

by Prof. John Kozy

Global Research

Modern societies have justified their adoption of criminal activities by claiming that such techniques are necessary to combat evil. But the war against evil by the good cannot be won using evil tactics. Evil never yields goodness, and by using these evil practices, the amount of evil in the world increases both in amount and extent. Attempting to save the nation by becoming what you… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on September 8, 2010 at 1:40am — No Comments

A Message to Garcia


A Message to Garcia

By Elbert Hubbard

In all this Cuban business there is one man stands out on the horizon of my memory like Mars at perihelion. When war broke out between Spain & the United States, it was very necessary to communicate quickly with the leader of the Insurgents. Garcia was somewhere in the mountain vastness of Cuba- no one knew where. No mail nor telegraph message could reach him. The President must secure his cooperation, and… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on September 8, 2010 at 1:17am — No Comments

The new 'Revers Economic Cycles' of the 21st Century

US indicts 11 executives for honey smuggling

US authorities have indicted 11 German and Chinese executives for conspiring to illegally import $40m (£26m) worth of honey from China.

The hilarity and irony behind this story is, yes the German and Chinese "smugglers" will be punished, but the 'damaged goods' they tried to bring into the US will still be sold to the American people. For obvious… Continue

Added by Localtarian on September 8, 2010 at 1:03am — No Comments

Regulators shut down big Chicago bank, 7 others

Regulators shut down big Chicago bank, 7 others

Big Chicago-based community bank, 7 others shut down; 118 total US bank failures in 2010






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o American Express Company

o Bank of America Corporation

o Citigroup, Inc.

Related Quotes

Symbol Price Change

AXP 40.09 -1.71

Chart for American Express Company Common

BAC 13.21 -0.29

Chart for Bank… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on September 8, 2010 at 1:01am — No Comments

Long Island Man Arrested For Defending Home With AK-47

Long Island Man Arrested For Defending Home With AK-47

Published on 09-07-2010 Email To Friend Print Version

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Source: CBS

UNIONDALE, N.Y. (CBS 2) — He was arrested for protecting his property and family.

But it’s how the Long Island man did it that police say crossed the line.

He got an AK-47 assault rifle, pulled the trigger and he ended up in jail, reports CBS 2’s Pablo Guzman.

George Grier said he had to use his rifle on… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on September 8, 2010 at 1:00am — 1 Comment

Pak minister wants Obama to be "leader of all Muslims"

MSN News

Pak Minister wants Obama to be ''leader of all Muslims''

Islamabad, Sep 2 (PTI) A Pakistani minister wants US President Barack Obama to offer Eid prayers at Ground Zero in New York and become the "Amir-ul-Momineen" or Caliph of Muslims.

Minister of State for Industries Ayatullah Durrani, who belongs to… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on September 8, 2010 at 12:51am — No Comments

RTC Rallies: Strength in numbers, organization & planning

Strength in numbers, organization, and planning

August 31, 2010 by alarmrideratl

US Park Police gathered at Gravelly Point on Sunday, April 18, 2010

From Cliffs of Insanity:

“At the Sunday leaders walkdown for the RTC 4-19 rally, one member openly carried his rifle onto the field at Gravelly Point. The bad news was that the police hadn’t been briefed on what was coming on 4-19 and this led to a few tense moments with the National Park Police. The good… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on September 8, 2010 at 12:41am — No Comments

WE HIT A NERVE by Chuck Baldwin


By Chuck Baldwin

September 8, 2010

My column last week announcing my family's and my decision to leave Pensacola, Florida, and move to Montana must have hit a nerve--and that's putting it mildly. Between my son, Tim, and I, we have received hundreds (no hyperbole) of emails. In fact, we have received hundreds of emails just from people who live in Montana. Altogether, the response has been overwhelmingly positive and… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on September 8, 2010 at 12:31am — 1 Comment

Osama Bin Ladin

I just wanted to say maybe you all knew this but I just heard it last night on radio show. Osama Bin Ladin's real name is Timothy Osmond. I never heard about his real name. Then the show talked about how the CIA hired him but I already knew that information.

Added by james on September 7, 2010 at 6:20pm — 1 Comment

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