June 2020 Blog Posts (138)

Rand Corporation Controlled by the Pilgrims Society

Rand Corporation Controlled by the Pilgrims Society

Thank you to archivists in a major public library for helping us obtain this Report–that was broken into numerous segments and  buried in a non-public archive. Thank you to Anonymous Patriots for assembling those parts into this single package, then indexing it to make it searchable, and…


Added by Aaron on June 30, 2020 at 10:15pm — 2 Comments

Supreme Court Clears Way For Federal Executions To Resume

Supreme Court Clears Way For Federal Executions To Resume

The Supreme Court has declined to hear a challenge to the federal death penalty method, allowing the executions of four men scheduled in the coming weeks to go forward. They would be the first uses of the death penalty in federal cases since 2003.

The court's …


Added by Aaron on June 30, 2020 at 10:05pm — No Comments

Here You Go, Folks.

By Anna Von Reitz

Image may contain: 2 people, text that says 'DENVER AIRPORT MURAL PAINTED IN 1994' https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/106422113_2600012066889534_4565481096858294130_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&_nc_sid=d4cf07&_nc_ohc=6pVGIXI6X2MAX-8hVJH&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=2690eff46366faff12db416a52d33c4a&oe=5F200785" width="624" height="640" />

Here You Go, Folks.…

Added by Chris of the family Masters on June 30, 2020 at 3:18am — 1 Comment



Added by Aaron on June 30, 2020 at 1:14am — No Comments

Donald Trump Wants Statue of Albert Pike, Freemason Leader, Re-Erected After BLM, ANTIFA Topple It

Imagine my shock (not). I was most amused to hear they pulled the statue down, by the way. Dan Dicks quotes from Pike's book, Morals and Dogma, about Lucifer being the true god of Freemasonry, and how the lower level Masons are purposefully misled as to their goals. No doubt Jared and Ivanka, and all his Kabbalist Zionist masters are on Trump's ass 24/7 to get the statue back up.

Press For Truth…


Added by James Roberts on June 29, 2020 at 7:00am — 2 Comments

Criminal Complaint Filed In D.C. District Court Exposes All the Players are TRAITORS

A criminal complaint filed in The District of Columbia District Court back on 2-26-20 detailing the players & the criminal acts all of which lead to the charge of TREASON. What's exposed will make you angry and the hair stand-up on the back of your neck. You may never want to carry a smart-phone again! https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/63190062/govuscourtscasd66035330

Added by Hyper Loose on June 29, 2020 at 1:13am — 1 Comment

Next stop nowhere

Accept the trance

or leave the dance

When Jews step forward as innocence itself, then the danger is great.

— Nietzsche

When they’ve got you by the short hairs and also by your wallet, how was it…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on June 28, 2020 at 3:33pm — 1 Comment

Links to over 70 unedited rioting videos

Henry Hess…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on June 27, 2020 at 4:38pm — No Comments

SARS-CoV-2 detected in Barcelona water study from March 2019

When Barcelona, Spain, started analysing waste water samples from 2018 to 2019 they found Covid-19 present in the samples a year before the pandemic.

"A study led by the University of Barcelona (UB) has detected the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater samples from Barcelona on March 12, 2019

The results of the research, published on the medical research website medRxiv, would indicate that the virus was present long before any…


Added by Less Prone on June 27, 2020 at 12:30am — No Comments

Soylent Green is people; COVID-19 is old people

In the 1973 film, a NY police detective discovers the vastly overcrowded, poverty-stricken population of the city---who are being sustained on processed government food, called Soylent---are now eating humans who have…

Added by Chris of the family Masters on June 26, 2020 at 4:54pm — 2 Comments

John Bolton Accepts Invitation To Join The Libertarian Party

I admit I didn't believe it when I heard David Knight say this, so I had to check for myself. WTF?

The Libertarian Republic article

The Libertarian Party, today, welcomed former National Security Advisor John Bolton into their ranks as a Lifetime member. Bolton…


Added by James Roberts on June 26, 2020 at 5:13am — 4 Comments

Total Surveillance

A gullible flock hurries head over heels to get the latest smart gizmos paying a fortune when they really can't afford it and could well do without them. It seems to be a matter of honour and to guarantee social acceptance to be abreast of the times to do it and follow the programming. Isn't that force of social engineering and manipulation awesome? People don't know or care what they are giving away using the smart tech phones and other appliances. We don't need a mark of the beast…


Added by Less Prone on June 25, 2020 at 10:30pm — 7 Comments

COVID Cases Transferred to Nursing Homes to Inflate Deaths

June 23, 2020

A third of COVID hoax deaths 
were in nursing homes where patients 
were literally murdered for profit
The state is genocidal. From Kathy Sloan...…

Added by Chris of the family Masters on June 25, 2020 at 2:43pm — 1 Comment

How To Check If Your iPhone Is Secretly A Coronavirus Tracker

How To Check If Your iPhone Is Secretly A Coronavirus Track

iOS & Android
Source: Zero Hedge by Tyler…

Added by Central Scrutinizer on June 24, 2020 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Transhumanism The Genetic Singularity and Super Soldiers

The designs of the globalist elites are becoming more and more frighteningly clear. Through science, industry, and a political agenda to subjugate the world we are witnessing an increasing trajectory to the final horrific solution! Technology and biomedical synthesis is moving ahead without…


Added by Doc Vega on June 24, 2020 at 12:19pm — 6 Comments

Khrushchev's Message 61 years ago

Not a very pleasant thought, but then the events that are happening right now seem to prove his words.

Khrushchev said "We [Communism} will bury you!”  A quick read but a lasting thought.  Pretty scary now.  …


Added by Chris of the family Masters on June 24, 2020 at 4:59am — 2 Comments

Questions to Do with Erasing the History of Slavery and Colonial Abuse


Added by Chris of the family Masters on June 23, 2020 at 2:56pm — No Comments

Militiaman Attacked By Mob of ANTIFA Shoots 2

They have this guy down, are beating on him, more coming over to beat on him. He gets up and shoots two of them. Bravo! Poor babies! It's a hate crime for sure, LOL.

Proud Boys Bitchute channel.

Bitchute video

Top comment -…


Added by James Roberts on June 23, 2020 at 2:02am — No Comments

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"  Less Prone I agree with you.  I just received a copy of Radio World in the mail,…"
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🚨 LIVE: Germany Start Closing Down Islamic Mosques

🔴 Join Tousi TV+ https://www.tousi.tvSponsored by TAD Media (https://tadmedia.co.uk/). Definitely check them out if you need website design or development. ...
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"Dan, You bring up an important topic. There may become a time when all public communication systems…"
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Unveiling the Dark Side of Kamala Harris: How She Took Nina Simone's Estate

Discover the shocking truth about Kamala Harris's involvement in seizing Nina Simone's estate and denying her family their rights. Uncover the hidden story b...
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ExpendableTo everyone you know you’re expendableGetting what you want these…See More
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Depraved Justice - Finnish Court Quashes Convictions of Several Men Found Guilty of Raping Intellectually Disabled Woman

Justice and Democracy are just fancy words used to hide decadence, corruption and lies...…See More
Burbia commented on Doc Vega's blog post Who was the Shooter on the Water Tower? More Exposure of the Planned Murder of Donald Trump
"He can't keep getting away with it!"
Burbia commented on Doc Vega's blog post You Don't Think There's a Government Cover up over attempted Trump Assassination?
"One step forward, two steps backwards..."
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Doc Vega commented on Doc Vega's blog post You Don't Think There's a Government Cover up over attempted Trump Assassination?
"Burbia, excellent quotes from the past."

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