Welcome to regulatory capture, the age of the corporation.
Call it the new world order, the council of 50, (The saucer invasion) or whatever... I don't really care.
I look around me and see the old age boom turning into the the security boom.. or insecurity boom, really.
weak ties are all that are necessary. ie: speed-trap warnings, etc.
(old school flashers, right?)
acta is the avro arrow part two: (The conservatives, in a fit of stupidty two weeks after sputnik, took chainsaws to the world's FIRST suipersonic jet and exported the pieces stateside. Howard huges became the world's richest man developing the tech)
the one click patent etc (patent just allowed here in canada) will DRAIN the economy.. Much the same way xerox fees are… Continue
Added by pat donovan on October 18, 2010 at 9:58am —
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DW Description: Chris Langan is known to have the highest IQ in the world, somewhere between 195 and 210. To give you an idea of what this means, the average...