Have we already forgotten the incredible sacrifice Julian Assange has done to bring us the truth and expose corruption? Why are they treating him like a terrorist? To give an example and to scare us. But is a slaves life worth?
The Unprecedented and Illegal…
ContinueAdded by Less Prone on November 20, 2020 at 1:00pm — No Comments
When in the middle of the election fraud investication/media campagn for Biden, it is worth remembering who is calling the shots. Could it be that if Trump plays his cards right he might get the corporate media to call back their Biden propaganda? An open opposition of Israeli policies would be a political suicide in America.
"A group of Republican senators sent a letter to US President Donald Trump urging him to alter US policy that differentiates between products manufactured on…
ContinueAdded by Less Prone on November 20, 2020 at 7:43am — No Comments
Christianity has been a solid foundation for building the European, American and British Commonwealth societies, among others. Many of them have nowadays turned secular with the church having minimal role in everyday life. Whether it was planned by social engineering or not, it has happened. Destruction of Christianity is accelerated by mass media that has lifted decadence…
ContinueAdded by Less Prone on November 20, 2020 at 6:08am — 2 Comments
Natural News November 17, 2020
Today attorney Sidney Powell declared that "the Kraken" was released two days ago, and results are beginning to emerge. Whistleblowers from the Dominion software company are going on the record, admitting the entire system was engineered from the start to steal…
Added by Less Prone on November 17, 2020 at 6:30pm — 4 Comments
" With Donald Trump fighting Joe Biden’s proclaimed electoral win, thousands of the incumbent president’s supporters are gathering in Washington, DC. Video footage shows pickup trucks en route, decked out in Trump flags.
Promoted on social media by Trump’s supporters, the #MillionMAGAMarch is being billed as “the biggest Trump rally in history.” The march is supposed to gather thousands of Trump supporters together at Washington, DC’s Freedom Plaza at noon, to protest what they see as…
ContinueAdded by Less Prone on November 14, 2020 at 12:33pm — 5 Comments
It isn't enough that they control the money issuing bubble, own most of the worlds Uranium and have huge holdings of the natural resources, land and real estate and the souls of their coven. What can you do to your nature? Keep cheating and stealing like never before. Nothing is enough.
"A prominent Russian businessman has accused Edmond de Rothschild, the Swiss private bank, of engaging in a kickback scheme that pilfered millions of dollars from his investment fund and ultimately…
ContinueAdded by Less Prone on November 13, 2020 at 3:59pm — 2 Comments
The NWO project rumbles on like a heavy locomotive from station to station, and each time we fall deeper in debt and slavery. We have seen false flags, political assassinations and horrifying terrorist acts, the locomotive invading humanity station after station further into a growing domain of a NWO hell on earth. The latest episode in this theater run by power hungry maniacs spreads like a cow pie under our feet. The election was stolen. There never was any meaningful support for that…
ContinueAdded by Less Prone on November 9, 2020 at 1:30am — 6 Comments
Added by Less Prone on November 5, 2020 at 9:00am — 1 Comment
The above title from aljazeera has quotation marks removed from the word terrorist. There is no doubt at all of the nature of the attact and still they try to downplay it into a ‘terrorist’ attack.
Our political leader are false empathy automatons who always tell how "shocked" they are about these brute acts of terrorism. And then they do nothing. Anyone who is aware of the problems linked to the uncontrolled immigration is not surprised at all.
These terrorist attacks are…
ContinueAdded by Less Prone on November 3, 2020 at 2:00am — No Comments
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