How To Kill A Drone: Since Drones Can Kill Americans, Americans Can Kill Drones, Here’s How

Happy experimenting, and killing of UAVs


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NEW -> How to kill UAVs



 Since Barack Obama recently took it upon himself to label himself ‘dictator’ with free will to kill Americans with drones, isn’t it time that Americans learn how to fight back and kill drones? Where there is a will, there is a way! This excellent article informs Americans who are completely disgusted with the ‘Police State’ our once free nation has become on how to kill UAV’s. If UAV’s are going to be used to kill Americans, Americans need to learn how to fight back. Our GOD given right to defend our own lives is a much higher power than either Barack Obama or the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution or the US Pentagon and their killing machines. These monsters DESERVE to be grounded. Here’s how to do it!

The UAVs have two alternative systems for communication.

Line of sight radio :
In the military C-Band  500 – 1000 MHz that can be jammed with simple spark-gap radio

Satellite communication :
In the Ku-Band between 10.95 – 14.5 GHz, and  the satellite can be jammed.
The Uplink-Band to the satellite is 13.75 – 14.5 GHz
The Downlink-Band from the satellite is 10.95 – 12.75 GHz
And you should jam the Uplink frequencies with a jammer directed at the satellite.

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The satellite link system is from L-3 Communications.

Surprisingly, the resistance can tap off the military’s video feeds

As you can see in the specifications, the satellite link system uses the same civilian commercial technology as television broadcasting companies. And the surprise is that the resistance and others have tapped off the videos from the battlefield with simple commercial equipment.

But now the communication is perhaps encrypted.  Read more about SkyGrabber.pdf

If you jam the communication, then the operator becomes blind and the UAV will fly around until it crashes or the fuel is gone. But you must kill both links of communication to kill any rescue.

There are a limited number of satellite channels available which means that the satellite link becomes a bottleneck. The satellite is therefore used as a backup and jammer-rescue channel and for single special operations from far away from the target, while C-band radio is used for multiple simultaneous operations from near the targets. Every military base have their own UAVs that must be operated through the C-band radio. C-band radio is also reported to be used for take off and landing. Which means that the C-band radio is your primary target. The C-band radio is also easier to jam.

Read much more on how to destroy Americans latest and greatest enemy here.




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Comment by Less Prone on December 5, 2019 at 3:23am

What are radio frequency weapons and how do they work?

"A radio frequency weapon uses radio waves at power levels high enough to cause electrical disruption.

Microwaves (high-frequency radio waves) are usually preferred, so this type of device is sometimes called a High-Powered Microwave, or HPM weapon.

Radio frequency weapons also overlap with Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMP weapons, which emit a powerful burst of radio waves in all directions.

Unlike jammers, which just interfere with the signal received by radios or radar, radio frequency weapons do actual damage.

They do this by two methods: 'front door coupling', where radio waves are picked by the antennas and aerials normally used for receiving, and in 'back door coupling', where wires inside the electronics act as receivers.

Either way, the effect of an extremely powerful pulse is to put far more current through a component than it can handle."

Comment by Michael L. Veliz on November 4, 2019 at 5:15pm

When it was an extremely expensive military development, and now a similar range of devices is open to everyone at a low price.

Comment by truth on April 30, 2014 at 2:56pm
Comment by truth on April 21, 2014 at 10:07am

this is on David Icke site today !

Comment by guest_blog on July 5, 2013 at 12:14am
Comment by Ironsides on March 3, 2013 at 8:28pm

Wow! You don't know how happy I am, to read this blog-post, and learn that some of you guys are doing something about this shit.

Comment by B or D on February 22, 2013 at 8:26pm

The below is for information purposes only!!!


RS ( bake a cake)
1) Obtain a reliable generator
2) obtain a reliable industrial micro wave oven
3) remove the door to the oven and place the lock keys in the door locking receptacles which enables the oven.
4) manufacture a flexible wave guide from flexible copper or aluminium piping
5) Connect the new wave guide to the oven wave guide
6) Detect the frequency of the micro wave output and manufacture a resonant cavity emitter securely fit to the output end of the flexible wave guide
7) create a parabolic mirror of perforated metal freely available from the stock of metal merchants the perforations should be exactly one micro wave length in diameter.
8) the flexible wave guide and resonant cavity emitter should be positioned at the focal point of the parabolic mirror.
stand behind the mirror switch on the power and using insulated handles point the mirror at the drone. have fun everyone! Bake a cake

Comment by B or D on February 22, 2013 at 8:23pm

The drone bases are the vulnerable area of this American projection of military power.
1) The number of troops has to be held an a minimum or they become visible .
2) The defenses of these bases have to be held at a minimum to be hidden.
3) That makes these bases and the dumb stupid animals operating them easy targets.

Comment by TheLasersShadow on February 21, 2013 at 9:23pm
Comment by TheLasersShadow on February 17, 2013 at 11:21pm

@Alan K, Radar jammers will do nothing to a drone, cell phones and old PC's LOL? Use the old PC to make a linux firewall, old cell phones are useful as future burner phones use once and dump(changing sim card makes no diff tracking wise).  If you want something to do work on self defense and getting in shape, a lot more useful than trying to mess with a drone.

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