In the days following a societal collapse, there will be some people who will be on the move from where the problems exist to where they hope safety lies. There can be many reasons why people are on the move, and an equal number of reasons why someone else may wish to stop your progress. Getting on the move and out of a hostile area as early as possible in the wake of a…
Added by Swtnlovabl on November 24, 2009 at 8:05pm —
Ecclesiastes 1:9,
"All the things that have been are the things that shall be, and there is no new thing under the sun." Many of you may not read any further, thinking that I am just going to be some bible thumping Christian living in La-La land trying to explain why you too should join the Jesus team. But thankfully for your sake I am not. I am not a professing Christian, but i am a follower of Jesus Christ. I know you are probably wondering whats the difference, but that blog I must…
Added by Anthony Polenski on November 24, 2009 at 7:27pm —
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every blog i attempt to share, with inform my fellow australians, in relation to the global warming Scam and the Hacked E mails and their contents, are being rejected by the, therby they are ,.. joining in on the turning away (pin k floyde song) and our politicians over here are about to agree to the ETS Scheme with some exemptions. If one section of industry or production is exempt re whatever reason , if its good enough for…
Added by peter b dunn on November 24, 2009 at 7:08pm —
Glenn Beck, Community Organizer
The Fox News star’s plunge into political activism is more than rank hypocrisy. It’s the work of an unprincipled propagandist who’s draining his followers’ bank accounts.
Remember when Glenn Beck accused President Obama of winning followers like a totalitarian demagogue, warned against the nefarious tendencies of community organizers, and was himself defended against critics by Jonah Goldberg,…
Added by Marklar on November 24, 2009 at 7:02pm —
Opera 'censors' Chinese content
Web browser Opera has closed a loophole which allowed Chinese users to access sites banned by the government.
At the weekend mobile users of the Opera Mini browser were asked to upgrade to a Chinese version.
According to the BBC's Beijing Bureau, this version no longer allows access to sites such as Facebook.
Previously traffic ran over Opera servers bypassing the so-called Great Firewall of China, making the browser…
Added by truth on November 24, 2009 at 4:30pm —
1 Comment
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 27% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15. This is the lowest Approval Index rating yet measured for…
Added by Swtnlovabl on November 24, 2009 at 12:45pm —
1 Comment
by William Fisher
With the health care debate preoccupying the mainstream media, it has gone virtually unreported that the Barack Obama administration is quietly supporting renewal of provisions of the George W. Bush-era USA PATRIOT Act that civil libertarians say infringe on basic freedoms.
And it is reportedly doing so over the objections of some prominent Democrats.
When a panicky Congress passed the act 45 days after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001,…
Added by Tara on November 24, 2009 at 12:24pm —
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There's only one thing...
1. Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.
2. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.
3. I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy.
4. When seconds count, the cops are just minutes away.
5. A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him 'Why do you carry a 45?'…
Added by Jeff on November 24, 2009 at 8:41am —
Let's peer into the future...
I am the leader of a band of 8-to-12 looters. It varies. There are more of us in the summer months. I have some basic military training. We move from place to place like locusts devouring everything in our path. My group is armed with light weapons and can develop and follow simple plans of attack. We take what we want by force of arms. We prefer none of our victims survive because that could cause problems for us in the future. You are a…
Added by Jeff on November 23, 2009 at 11:30pm —
Added by truth on November 23, 2009 at 8:00pm —
Local community colleges were once absolutely free. When I was in college a course ranged from free to $5o bucks at the local college. I could have completed two years of advanced education for less than $1,000.
That's over. They are removing advanced education from the grasp of most of society to allow not only for a dumbed down population but to provide the labor for the society they're creating. Young people with advanced degrees can't populate the Wal-Mart cash registers all over…
Added by Jeff on November 23, 2009 at 5:58pm —
I don't know everyone on this web site however I have interacted with many of you. I'm older than most all of you. Fortunately for me, in that I won't live much longer (10 years or so at best), I have escaped the coming storm. It won't ever affect me. I'm retired and a non-participant. It's just a slight drizzle now and it will only be a rainfall for many years to come. The actual storm is a long way off.
For those of you that are between 20 and 40 the future holds a myriad of…
Added by Jeff on November 23, 2009 at 5:48pm —
1918 RBD D225G in Lung Cases in Ukraine and Norway
Recombinomics Commentary 11:29
November 21, 2009
For the two 1918 HA variants, the South Carolina (SC) HA (with Asp190, Asp225) bound exclusively alpha2-6 receptors, while the New York (NY) variant, which differed only by one residue (Gly225), had mixed alpha2-6/alpha2-3 specificity, especially for sulfated…
Added by Swtnlovabl on November 23, 2009 at 3:59pm —
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false flag attack is a military term that describes a nation attacking itself disguised as an attack coming from another nation. The purpose of a false flag attack is propaganda for public support for war. The best known historical example is Nazi Germany’s attack on Poland under Operation Himmler.
If US “leadership” is committed to war with Iran, a predictable…
Added by Tara on November 23, 2009 at 3:03pm —
1 Comment
TALLAHASSEE, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Warning that coming federal action on water quality could devastate Florida’s struggling economy, two former Florida Department of Environmental Protection secretaries and leaders from taxpayer advocacy and business groups are alerting Floridians to onerous and arbitrary water quality standards that lack scientific merit and…
Added by Swtnlovabl on November 23, 2009 at 2:34pm —
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Republican members of Congress and what masquerades as a “conservative” media are outraged that the Obama administration intends to try in federal court Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of 9/11, and four alleged co-conspirators.
The Republican and right-wing rant that a trial is too good for these people proves what I have written for a number of years: Republicans and many Americans who think of themselves as conservatives have no…
Added by Tara on November 23, 2009 at 2:30pm —
1 Comment
I don't celebrate corporate holidays.
Before you go, listen to my reasoning. I'm not asking you to agree but simply to think it over.
Because gift-giving and many other aspects of the Christmas festival involve heightened economic activity among both Christians and non-Christians, the holiday has become a significant event and a key sales period for retailers and businesses, the same corporate entities I've chosen to boycott for the remainder of my life. The economic…
Added by Jeff on November 23, 2009 at 4:06am —
I figured not many of you regularly view Russia…
Added by Jeff on November 23, 2009 at 3:02am —
1 Comment
The 'too big to fail' banks are preparing to thank Americans for their kindness in agreeing to loan them the money necessary to prevent their failure.
They'll be outsourcing jobs to India as our reward. To the tune of BILLIONS.
MUMBAI (Reuters) – Leading Indian outsourcers such as Tata Consultancy (TCS.BO), Infosys (INFY.BO) and Wipro (WIPR.BO) stand to gain contracts worth about $1 billion in the next one or two years as U.S. banks emerge from the troubled asset relief…
Added by Jeff on November 23, 2009 at 2:44am —
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November 20, 2009
Las Vegas Sun
Las Vegas is the designated spot for a mock nuclear explosion planned by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Las Vegas is the designated spot for a mock nuclear explosion planned by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
FEMA had planned to simulate a nuclear explosion right on the Las Vegas Strip to test…
Added by Swtnlovabl on November 23, 2009 at 2:14am —