All Blog Posts Tagged 'Law' (146)

UK media alarmed by govt bill allowing seizure of journalists’ notes, files

UK media alarmed by govt bill allowing seizure of journalists’ notes, files

Published time: February 01, 2014 10:01

UK media organizations have warned that if a government bill authorizing police to seize journalists' notebooks, photos and digital files is passed Monday, it could seriously endanger press freedom in the country.

Currently, requests for reporters’ notebooks and…


Added by Ragnarok on February 1, 2014 at 9:16am — No Comments

An Open Letter to the Revolutionaries

EDIT TO ADD:  Note to whoever added this pic:  "The love of money is the root of all evil."  If We remove the soil in which the root grows, it cannot flourish. This quote was made from inside the scarcity paradigm, and as such does not reflect the options and expectations of…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on January 29, 2014 at 11:00pm — 54 Comments

Forget Democracy? Mob Rule? Now We Can Have a Solutocracy!

In Our past systems of governing, We pass "laws" - whether by consent of the "governed" (seldom) or by decree from a body of one to some number of Individuals who are making decisions.  (They aren't really Laws, for there are only three Laws.  If You look, You will see they are all statutes, codes, bills, declarations, constitutions, regulations, mandates, edicts, decrees, rules, and so on.  They are NOT Laws.)

So We operate under these decisions for Us as best We can.  We vote…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on January 24, 2014 at 4:47pm — 2 Comments

Foundations of Economics

Let Me take You down to the foundations of why We exchange to survive (economics). When We first began acquiring and creating things with Our meaningful energy expended, the product of that expenditure was valued (and represented that energy, with the meaning setting the value) because We did not have the time/energy to acquire and/or create all We might want. We bartered and traded and work exchanged to fill all the gaps.

Eventually, these modes of exchange became cumbersome, and…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on December 11, 2013 at 12:43am — 1 Comment

The End of Entropy: A Look at Our Entropic World and the Evidence Supporting How We Could Change This

The End of Entropy:

A Look at Our Entropic World and the Evidence Supporting How We Could Change This

 by Amaterasu Solar


Entropy…  That measure of disorder that increases as energy is dissipated into unusable forms effects many aspects of our present human condition.  It is easy to grasp the principle…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on December 1, 2013 at 5:02pm — 30 Comments

Pregnant woman has unborn baby girl forcibly removed by caesarean after social workers obtain court order because she had suffered a mental breakdown

Pregnant woman has unborn baby girl forcibly removed by caesarean after social workers obtain court order because she had suffered a mental breakdown

  • Italian woman claims she was not warned she would be given a ceasarean
  • Essex council obtained order allowing them to sedate her against her will
  • The case has now escalated into an international legal row

By …


Added by Ragnarok on December 1, 2013 at 8:50am — No Comments

Reports of a Meteor to hit Atlantic creating 200 Ft. Tsunami wiping out Puerto Rico & much of FEMA Region 3

One of my co-workers approached me this morning to ask me if I know anything about a meteor that was going to hit the Atlantic and create a 200 FT Tsunami, wiping out Puerto Rico and much of the East Coast.

He further explained that the local media, Red Live News was reporting that this event “will” take place in Late Sept./Early Oct. 2013.

His Grandmother called from Puerto Rico this weekend with what their local media is…


Added by 14300 on October 3, 2013 at 3:00am — No Comments

Why States Must Nullify Unconstitutional Acts of Congress: Instructions from Hamilton, Madison, & Jefferson

Why States Must Nullify Unconstitutional Acts of Congress: Instructions from Hamilton, Madison, & Jefferson

During August 2010, the People of The State of Missouri approved Proposition C and nullified key parts of “Obamacare.”  As a matter of constitutional principle, may the People of the States lawfully do this?  Or must they submit to every law made by Congress whether it is constitutional or not?  Are federal judges the…


Added by Central Scrutinizer on September 30, 2013 at 9:00pm — No Comments

The Psychopaths are SICK, My Friends

So, We have the psychopaths of Human society in control of the money (which affords power over Others), the mainstream media, the governments, the corporations, the militaries, the production of "news," the "geoengineering," the polluting, the rest of the mess on this planet.

Many I see wanting to strike out at These who assume the things the "elite" assume about Themselves - KILL this One!  Sentence that One to life!  IMPEACH!

When I look at these Ones I can only pity, seeing…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on August 2, 2013 at 3:00pm — 3 Comments

Miami looks to 'criminalize' homelessness

Miami looks to 'criminalize' homelessness

Published time: July 23, 2013 03:00 

Edited time: July 23, 2013 07:49

The city of Miami has stirred controversy after a commissioner floated the idea of reneging on a landmark agreement that instructs police officers not to arrest the homeless for largely minor offenses.

In 1998 Miami enacted an agreement on the…


Added by Ragnarok on July 23, 2013 at 6:07am — No Comments

Why Are Extremists a Safety Concern?

  Officer Safety and Extremists: An Overview for Law Enforcement Officers

New World Order/Jewish/Other Conspiracies. Members of many fringe movements, whether right-wing or left-wing, are susceptible to belief in one or more conspiracy theories. Many such theories describe shadowy, behind-the-scenes figures secretly manipulating and ruling the entire world.

The most common conspiracy theory among anti-government movements such as the militia…


Added by Cryptocurrency on April 2, 2013 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments

FBI's Lawyer Says Modernizing Surveillance Law For Real-Time Online Snooping Is A 'Top Priority' In 2013

The FBI’s "top priority" in 2013 is to modernize surveillance law so authorities can monitor in real time the Web activities of Americans suspected of committing crimes, the FBI’s general counsel said.

At a luncheon for the American Bar Association in Washington last week, Andrew Weissman said that a 1994 federal law designed to help law enforcement conduct lawful surveillance was not keeping up with modern…


Added by Cryptocurrency on March 28, 2013 at 4:21pm — 8 Comments

If You Control the Gold, and Money is Tied to Gold, You Control the Money Supply

If You Control the Gold, and Money is Tied to Gold, You Control the Money Supply.

Why do You think that China keeps upping the amount of gold They are importing?  Why do You think Germany is now asking for gold back?  Given that if You tie money to gold You can control the money, having gold, and therefore/thereby control the society that money supports…  It’s pretty clear that, with the…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on March 5, 2013 at 11:33am — 8 Comments

Propaganda (LIES) by Our Government is Now Legal

For some reason this video will not embed.  It needs to go viral!

And They ARE using this against Us NOW!



Added by Amaterasu Solar on February 7, 2013 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

UK planning broad online domestic spying regime

UK planning broad online domestic spying regime

Published: 06 February, 2013, 08:03

Edited: 06 February, 2013, 22:26

UK officials plan to monitor Britons' online activities by placing surveillance devices on the country's telecom networks, a Parliamentary report says. The program would keep tabs on which websites were…


Added by Ragnarok on February 6, 2013 at 2:56pm — No Comments

Stigmergic Governance Via the Web

In My piece, The End of Entropy (, I propose the following:

With a central website, in forum style, to address major issues – divided into local sections, regional sections and global sections, with “votes” at a…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on October 26, 2012 at 12:35pm — 2 Comments

The Hot Dog Stand: How Much Would You Charge?

The Hot Dog Stand: How Much Would You Charge?

by Amaterasu Solar

Let Us presume a world where free energy is available to all.  Also, Let’s add robots doing all the necessary work no One wants to do - or taking up the slack where not enough People are doing necessary work.

In this scenario, there would not be any need for money - in any form: barter, trade, work exchange,…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on October 21, 2012 at 11:46am — 5 Comments

Government Sponsored Mind Control In America: The Teen Screen Scam


Through the former President, George Bush, and the current President, Barack Obama, the government has unleashed a modern day version of the mind control police in America by attacking the psychological well-being of America’s school children and veterans by forcibly incarcerating veterans who are not drinking from the globalists’ Kool-Aid.

On the surface, screening the mental health of children for suicidal tendencies is a noble idea worth pursuing.…


Added by Ria on October 8, 2012 at 12:33am — 2 Comments

Americans already detained under NDAA?

Americans already detained under NDAA?

Published: 28 September, 2012, 02:01




Added by DTOM on September 30, 2012 at 7:25am — No Comments

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