All Blog Posts Tagged 'money' (142)

Drug money saved banks in global crisis, claims UN advisor

Rajeev Syal

Guardian UK

Drugs and crime chief says $352bn in criminal proceeds was effectively laundered by financial institutions

Drugs money worth billions of dollars kept the financial system afloat at the height of the global crisis, the United Nations' drugs and crime tsar has told the Observer.

Antonio Maria Costa, head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, said he has seen evidence that the proceeds of organised crime were "the only liquid investment… Continue

Added by Tara on December 13, 2009 at 1:16am — 5 Comments

Guns, Goldman Sachs & Bloomberg's B.S. FEAR OF RETRIBUTION!!

Guns, Goldman Sachs, and Bloomberg's B.S.

Janet Tavakoli

Read More: A.I.G., A.I.G. Bailout, Alice Schroeder, Bethany McLean, Goldman Sachs, Jose Argilagos, Lloyd Blankfein, Merrill Lynch, Vanity Fair, Zerohedge, Business News

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Bloomberg News has done a lot of good research during this financial crisis, so I was surprised yesterday when it released Alice Schroeder's article claiming Goldman Sachs Group Inc.'s employees are buying guns… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on December 3, 2009 at 9:54pm — No Comments

North Korea sharply revalues its currency exchange rate between old and new currencies is 100 to 1

North Korea has revalued its currency by a factor of 100, causing chaos on the streets of Pyongyang.

By Malcolm Moore, in Shanghai

Published: 12:29PM GMT 01 Dec 2009

In an alleged bid to curb inflation and suppress its growing black market, North Korea implemented a currency revaluation on Monday, according to… Continue

Added by Swtnlovabl on December 2, 2009 at 7:20am — No Comments

Another good read...

...about how money is made out of nothing and "the powers that be"...and it's free! :D

Example: At the head of Chapter Seven:

"The standard of living of the average American has to decline..."
- Paul Volcker, Chairman of The Federal Reserve, New York Times, 18 October 1979, p.1, Volcker Asserts U.S Must Trim Living Standard.

Who the HELL does he think he is???

Added by youhavetoforgiveme on November 22, 2009 at 11:45am — No Comments

Q: How many trillionaires are there in the world?

You guessed right if you said two, the Rothchilds and Rockefellers but of course that is a no-brainer. This question and answer from WikiAnswers is from a few years back and it is interesting to note that the Bildeburger group is mentioned, however alleged it claims.


A: Who was the world's first trillionaire? The answer is no one.....yet! Bill Gates reached the apex of his net worth in 1999 topping the $100 billion mark, but has since… Continue

Added by Tara on November 10, 2009 at 11:07am — 1 Comment

Goldman Sachs boss says banks do "God's work"

This story is a big whopping......WTF did he just say?????? Isn't it nice of our NWO controllers to claim they are doing God's work while they're looting, raping and destroying the worlds economies by design! They just love us don't they......not!


LONDON (Reuters) - The chief executive of Goldman Sachs, which has attracted widespread media attention over the size of its staff bonuses, believes banks serve a social purpose and are doing… Continue

Added by Tara on November 9, 2009 at 9:22am — 2 Comments

$1.3 Million is being spent to remove the largest tag in the country from the LA River.

The symbolic MTA tag is two football fields in length. Are graffiti tags a big enough problem in our society to spend millions of dollars in buffing them during a recession? We'll let you decide. The US Army Corp? A little too far?…


Added by Localtarian on November 2, 2009 at 2:44am — 1 Comment

7 Reasons Money Sucks and More Reasons

From this link here:

Top 7 Reasons Money Sucks228303_hands_7_money_burned

#7 Whenever you find a bill in your jeans, it’s always a $1 or if you’re lucky a $5 bill. Why can’t I find a $1,000 bill in my pocket just for once?

#6 Money issues can bring out the worst in people. You thought someone was your friend…then they screw you out of $100. I… Continue

Added by WTRH-AM-AE on October 13, 2009 at 11:00pm — 1 Comment

Now will Congress investigate ACORN?

Examiner Editorial

October 4, 2009

Evidence continues to accumulate from far and wide that the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now is lousy with corruption. The latest revelations come from Louisiana and Oklahoma. In the former, the local ACORN Housing Corp. office received contracts worth a combined $625,000 from the City of New Orleans for repairing existing low-income housing and developing new units in poor neighborhoods. The contracts were paid for with… Continue

Added by Tara on October 5, 2009 at 12:58am — No Comments

It's Time to Legalize Drugs

By Peter Moskos and Stanford "Neill" Franklin

Undercover Baltimore police officer Dante Arthur was doing what he does well, arresting drug dealers, when he approached a group in January. What he didn't know was that one of suspects knew from a previous arrest that Arthur was police. Arthur was shot twice in the face. In the gunfight that ensued, Arthur's partner returned fire and shot one of the suspects, three of whom were later arrested.

In many ways, Dante Arthur was… Continue

Added by Tara on August 19, 2009 at 10:51am — 2 Comments

What Should Be Public? - What Should Be Private?

The Progress Report

by Fred E. Foldvary, Senior Editor

August 9, 2009

The scope of government has escalated during the past 100 years, so that government now dominates the economy. There was a rollback in the old Soviet Union and its satellites, but otherwise the ever greater dominance of the state continues, leaping with each crisis such as the Great Recession of… Continue

Added by Marklar on August 10, 2009 at 12:29pm — No Comments

UPDATE 1-Mayors, rabbis arrested in NJ corruption probe

Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:17pm EDT

By Ellen Wulfhorst

NEW YORK, July 23 (Reuters) - Three New Jersey mayors and several rabbis were arrested on Thursday in a sweeping federal investigation into political corruption that also uncovered human kidney sales and money laundering from Brooklyn to Israel, authorities said.

Among the 44 people arrested were Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano, who took office 23 days ago.

Cammarano, at 31 the city's youngest mayor, was… Continue

Added by Tara on July 23, 2009 at 2:24pm — 6 Comments

Who is strongest, states or firms ?

Société CA ou PIB d'état en milliard de dollars Nom de la société ou de l'état

526,1 Les 5 plus grandes firmes mondiales (CA)

454,5 Proche Orient & Afrique du nord (PIB)

297,4 Asie du sud (PIB)

269,9 Afrique Sub-Saharienne (PIB)

178,2 Général Motors(CA)

161,1 Danemark(PIB)

157,3 Thaïlande(PIB)

153,5 Ford(CA)

153,4 Norvège(PIB)

142,8 Mitsui & Co(CA)

135,7 Pologne(PIB)

129,1 Afrique du Sud(CA)

129 Mitsubishi(CA)

128,1… Continue

Added by Bertrand Sun-Tzu on April 26, 2009 at 7:30pm — No Comments

The Crash of '09, The Collapse of '10

The Crash of '09, The Collapse of '10

By Humayun Gauhar

April 07, 2009 "The Nation" --- Many American analysts are saying that America's real economic collapse could come by the end of this year. "It will come to be known as 'The Crash of 09', they say. Others, especially a… Continue

Added by Marklar on April 8, 2009 at 8:00pm — No Comments

The Smooth Criminal Transition from Bush/Cheney to Obama

Corrupt new administration deepens and expands systemic criminalization and war agenda

by Larry Chin

Marklar's Note: This article has many supportive links. Click Here to read the original article with… Continue

Added by Marklar on April 8, 2009 at 1:00am — No Comments

IMF to print billions of dollars in free global super-money.

IMF poised to print billions of dollars in 'global quantitative easing'

The International Monetary Fund is poised to embark on what analysts have described as "global quantitative easing" by printing billions of dollars worth of a global "super-currency" in an unprecedented new effort to address the economic crisis.…


Added by Marklar on March 22, 2009 at 5:30pm — No Comments

1 in 31 Citizens in the Corrections System

That is way to high of a number. We have to many ridiculous laws. States are spending at least 30,000 a year for each prisoner. The number is for adults only, just think if those below 18 were added to the statistics what it would look like. Are we safer in the US because of the high rate of incarceration? Hard core offenders need to stay of course. However, to some in jail, they made a stupid mistake and will likely not be a repeat offender. Others were pushed beyond their limits and acted.… Continue

Added by bob on March 4, 2009 at 1:05am — No Comments

The US Economy: Designed to Fail

Dissident Voice

by Richard C. Cook / February 26th, 2009

President Barack Obama showed a great deal of gumption in standing before Congress last night delivering his first speech to the joint assembly. All the trappings of power were on display as members of the House and Senate, the Supreme Court, the Joint Chiefs, the Cabinet, and… Continue

Added by Marklar on February 26, 2009 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Doomed by the Myths of Free Trade

Febuary 24th, 2009


How the Economy was Lost


The American economy has gone away. It is not coming back until free trade myths are buried six feet under.

America’s 20th century economic success was based on two things. Free trade was not one of them. America’s economic success was based on protectionism, which… Continue

Added by Marklar on February 24, 2009 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

The FBI is probing possible money laundering linked to Mexico's infamous narco-trafficking Gulf Cartel in its investigation of Allen Stanford

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The FBI is probing possible money laundering linked to Mexico's infamous narco-trafficking Gulf Cartel in its investigation of Texan billionaire… Continue

Added by truth on February 22, 2009 at 1:30pm — No Comments

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