Last week, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's Board of Health voted to require that all children between the ages of six months and five years who are enrolled in licensed day care and preschool programs receive annual flu shots. This decision, of course, infuriated parents who don't want their children to be forcibly injected with the vaccine industry's questionable chemical concoctions.
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They want to poison us all before the resistance gets insurmountable and all the lies and abuses get exposed. These are the times that determine whether the mankind descents to a hell on earth or breaks out of slavery.
Of course ordinary citizens are not able to check how much poison there are in these vaccines.
In Filipine 3 mill. women were injected with sterilizing vaccines without being told (UN agency found guilty in Court)
"Bloomberg Name Meaning: Jewish (American): partly Americanized ornamental name, a compound meaning 'flower hill' (from Yiddish blum 'flower' or German ..."
Not "military-industrial complex" at all
You are correct about the Philipino women being injected with sterilization shots without their knowledge or consent. This is just ONE of the evil Bill & Melinda Gates projects. They told the Philipinos that these shots were being given by Bill Gates for "free" and they were "Tetanus shots" - but suspiciously these shots were only given to females of child bearing age and not to any males. A Priest got suspicious and started doing some research and asking questions and found out these were "sterilization" shots. The first time I heard of this was in the early 1990's. The evil Illuminati Bill Gates has repeated these free "shots" all over the world under the guise of "vaccinations".
OMG - that's horrific - If I had a child being subjected to Bloomberg's flu-shot madness I would pack up and leave the state.
Bloomberg wants a city of unarmed, sickly people primed for slaughter.
those sheeple are just about ready right now,how sad.
What an inefficient use of genocidal vaccines, because when the banksters shut-down the Grid, the city dwellers will be the first wave of Humans to starve to Death, anyway.
Stick your vaccine up your arse... ho ho fucking ho ;)
crazy people usually will chop on their mayors neck with a dull butterknife,until the job is done!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm a pacifist. I oppose the Death Penalty. But I'm not a stooge. I understand the difference between violence & Self Defense. That said, I'm shocked that no one has offed this Nazi scumbag yet.
With so much pointless (well, maybe not so pointless ,when one considers the effect of manufactured poverty/scarcity) violence committed in America & by Americans throughout the World; you'd think (hope?) at least *some* of this misdirected violence would hit the right target, at least, once in a while, by sheer random luck, in honor of the Gods Of Odds?
Are we in Vegas?
I am very familiar with what meds can do to not only one person but generations. Any family maybe affected as mine was with ( Diethylstilbestrol (DES)
Because of just this event I believe they have been trying to sterilize the population for years longer than anyone believes. Myself and my daughter (don't know about my twin sons yet) are proof of it.
At seventeen I was admitted into the hospital for a medical emergency, I had to have surgery. When I came back around I was told my body was naturally sterilizing itself and I would never have kids if I did not within the next few years. I had my 3 kids when I was 23 and 25.
Now years later my daughter has started having problems and has only one child. She is showing signs of menopause, she has not even hit her 25th birthday yet! Her twin brothers are older than her and do not have any children at all.
I have no doubt in my mind the government used my family as a experiment in a sterilization program.
Barrie Trower is a British physicist and former microwave weapons expert. His is conserned about genetic damages that will being carried over from mother to child (why that can happen is new)
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