Nevada Cattle Rancher Wins 'Range War' With Feds

PHOTO: Federal agents clash with armed protestors over a ranchers 20-year tax fight.

A Nevada cattle rancher appears to have won his week-long battle with the federal government over a controversial cattle roundup that had led to the arrest of several protesters.

Cliven Bundy went head to head with the Bureau of Land Management over the removal of hundreds of his cattle from federal land, where the government said they were grazing illegally.

Bundy claims his herd of roughly 900 cattle have grazed on the land along the riverbed near Bunkerville, 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas, since 1870 and threatened a "range war" against the BLM on the Bundy Ranch website after one of his sons was arrested while protesting the removal of the cattle.

"I have no contract with the United States government," Bundy said. "I was paying grazing fees for management and that's what BLM was supposed to be, land managers and they were managing my ranch out of business, so I refused to pay."

The federal government had countered that Bundy "owes the American people in excess of $1 million " in unpaid grazing fees and "refuses to abide by the law of land, despite many opportunities over the last 20 years to do so."

However, today the BLM said it would not enforce a court order to remove the cattle and was pulling out of the area.

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they did, 'twas called a "Free Speech" Zone ;)

So the government thought that they had passe-partout to run roughshod over Bundy. Not today!

Looks like a welcome break in the news?

Gotto ask though, how long will the feds leave it go?

Like Britain STILL trying [some say 'successfully] to win back the USA, since 1776, these majors don't throw their hands up and walk away, so readily.

The 'land' issue, is the underlying issue we all have problems and disputes/wars over.

If, "IF" the feds and other authorities DO retreat and retire the offensive, and even if the 'Militia' said to be in the several thousands, and bound to grow, US-wide, and if the USA IS finally looking at something sustainable - We The People against 'the corporation' - and the Militia and this birthed 'Movement' becomes the foundation, 

1, what then, and 

2, knowing the big asses don't forgive and forget, how long before they form up and make a fresh, overwhelming new offensive?

[I ask again, is this a 'right wing' reaction mostly to/against the alleged 'left-wing' and not to be discounted, the "black" Obama presidency, or something attacking/reacting to the overall corporo-corrupted federal level administration?  And, "would this have occurred and grown in Militia support were the feds under a 'white' and Republican presidency?"]

1, what then?  Is the Militia, and allied Supporters there, ORGANIZED, AND intelligent enough, in terms of knowledge on fiscal economics, to take any Revolt all the way through, until Reason, not mere numbers and firepower overcome the feds? 

Take the hypothesis; Militia win, People Revolt, government admits defeat, surrenders authority, suspends government in Washington DC, calls for a Referendum or such of, by and for the People to reorganize national administration.

People go sick dancing in the streets.  People, who hold influence across the polity, local and larger, get down to the business of reorganizing government, locally and nationally.

The National Guard come onside, avoid utter chaos and nationwide disruption and descent into "it's over Duckie!"

What comes 1st?  Financing the new admin.  "Funds?"  People just wanna dance!

"Elders" get down to it.  The corporation, aka "Rome, London, Washington" gets panicky.

Global finance goes wild, mostly down.  Industry shuts everywhere [except China and ancillaries]. Essentials' distribution stops.

Resource wars erupt - fuel oils, weapons materials, vehicles. FOOD.

"Going Green" is forgotten completely as the war for energy/fuels/food escalates.

NOT, a healthy scenario.

BIG issues, which an excited 'Militia' and happy-dance-and-party Mob, may NOT be up to addressing, for anything more than a few months long-term?

These bigger, funding, revenue and logistical, infrastructure issues are EVERYONE'S concern, from here on.  No-one can be part of any Reform, unless they too, accept their DUTY, as part of DEMOCRACY, is to also be fully cognizant of the BIG aspects of reforming, institutionalizing and ensuring Proper Management, from the Local Council, where they should be Marching to, to call for them too, to accept and address Reform, up to the Capital of the Federation of the States.

These big issues, if known by everyone from the start, will or will not make or break the future for you.  So, have a drink, and a smoke, and shout 3 CHEERS! etc. But don't miss this Opportunity, to take it all the way.

And your ONLY Route, is by ORGANIZATION, Nationally, from every Local Center, with fundamental knowledge on what this, and all wars are about.


AND..., y'all might be pleasantly surprised by how many fed operatives and admin are ONSIDE.

Get it, the laws, the economics and the TAXATION right, and they'll rush to support you.

Good Fortune, America!


Wow, what this write up proves is you have no clue what is happening in this country.   This is NOT a left/right issue.  This is way bigger than that and both parties are in on it.  How can you even say that about the right hating Obama, if you have seen what Obama has done so far.   ITS A FRIGGEN AMERICAN ISSUE.   Just look at what he has done AND THE FOUNDATION FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE WAS LAID BY BUSH.  The powers that be simply use the "left/right" issue to distract and divide us.   Wake up and research.    If you had done that you would know that these PTB have united this nation with respect to right left, like nothing else could have.   I see it all the time.  We are coming together, and not dividing so, leave that stupid stuff out of the conversation.  There is no bias against Obama, except by the usual minority who controls nothing. 

Derr?  No I ain't there.  My point about 'left v right' was one 'bracketed' paragraph, and it was merely a point some might think about, not any assertion of mine.

And, derr..., I actually say this is a big issue, somewhere...[without bothering to prove myself to nobody?], beyond left/tright.

Maybe you are one of those who just thinks they can read.

Why are the Americans the most offensive people on earth?

Is it the guns?  Or the drugs, the CIA, NO it's the religion/s?

Dumb as dogshit.

So thanks for the denigration, 'Petunia, but obviously you, being the almighty America, want me to piss off, and leave the BIGGER issue, which I might have alluded to, to the brains of the planet - the yanks.


bye..., enjoy the nukes.

[Maybe it's all the beefburgers...?]

Damn sorry America, about my previous slights against Americans.

'Divined' that there's a troll here, as there are aplenty on Google plus, attacking my REALPolitik Land Reform Human Justice.  This one, is [as close as I can figure] a female landlord hereabouts in Queensland, an extremely backward state in Australia, intellectually, and ethically, who's part of a cult of realtors and such, trying to break me so they can 'ooowwwwwnnn' me to play puppet.  Stalking on the internet is just another way they try get to me and piss me off.  So juvenile.

So, Apologies, and Good Fortune with the Bundy Movement!

Yes, I AM biased against Obama ... the list of grievances is long and onerous ... but his skin color isn't even on the list.

I'm gonna side with the feds on this one.  Just because he has a history of being allowed to graze on federal land doesn't give him the right to continue after the laws have changed.  Let's not be paranoid here.

I agree with you about "...doesn't give him the right ..."

Could be a good catalyst for a larger move though, for Proper Land and Law Reform to grow from, if the Militia keeps growing, and can know the best laws to demand and follow?

I'm sittin' on th' fence for now, 'cause, like you, it's not clear as to who's really correct.  "Wait and see" policy from down under........

Fact is his family has been using that land for well over a hundred years for cattle grazing and the Feds just claimed the land and don't use it. Under natural law the land belongs to the Bundys as they use the land and aren't even harming the tortoise on it.  It's not like he's disallowing the public to go on the land, he just letting his cows eat some grass you can safely hike by them and maybe even pet them if you wanted to, harmless animals. The BLM comes in with machine guns and trys to remove the cows for a Chinese solar project... Laws are ink on paper, common sense and natural law are what matter. Not ink on paper from a far off disassociated place like D.C.

Yes, Hitler used laws to control his people too.  Same powers that be, the international bankers that run Obama, also ran Hitler.  In case you did not know this,  there were many many ranches out where he is for years, generations and they all had grazing rights on the "publics land".   IT WAS NOT FEDERAL LAND, it belonged to the state.  WHAT HAPPENED IS, THE GOV CONFISCATED AND TOOK CONTROL OF STATE LAND, LIKE THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IN UTAH, AND THEN STARTED CHARGING AN OUTRAGEOUS AMOUNT OF FEES FOR FEEDING EACH HEAD OF CATTLE. 
Because of those charges,  EVERY SINGLE RANCH HAD GONE OUT OF BUSINESS so that this ranch is the last one left.  Its not paranoid when these people actually tell you what they are doing.   "BY DECEPTION, WE WILL CONDUCT WAR."   And they have.   We all better wake up and smell the treason here before its too damn late.



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