Constitution Day ‘money bomb’ explodes

Steve Watson
Sept 15, 2011

Rupert Murdoch

For the second consecutive month running Presidential hopeful Ron Paul netted over $1 million in a single day via the now customary ‘money bomb’ fundraising action events organised online by grassroots supporters.

The total now stands at $1,059,722.17, making this the fifth money bomb in this campaign cycle to pull in more than $1 million one a single day.

“Our campaign continues to grow in strength and numbers, and the success of these truly grassroots events is a telling example of Dr. Paul’s support,” said Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

“Our rising poll numbers and successful fundraising demonstrate that Dr. Paul’s strong message of Constitutionally-limited government, a traditionally Republican non-interventionist foreign policy and a return to sound money is clearly resonating with the American people.” Benton added.

The latest money bomb marked Constitution Day this past Saturday Sept 17.

Less than a month ago, the Congressman drew more than $1.8 million dollars in a money bomb set up by supporters to commemorate his 76th birthday. The huge total was reached despite a sophisticated cyber attack against Ron Paul’s official 2012 website.

It was a double whammy weekend for the Paul campaign with another straw poll victory, this time in California.

The congressman attracted 44.9 percent of the vote, beating Texas Governor Rick Perry who only managed 29.3 percent of the vote. The other mainstream media darling frontrunner Mitt Romeny scored just 8.8 percent.

The Congressman’s continued top tier performances at debates and straw poll is becoming embarrassing for the establishment GOP and it’s media mouthpieces, as they continues to write Paul off or ignore his presence completely.

This weekend MSNBC begrudgingly covered the poll win, bringing in a “deputy political director” to explain that Ron Paul has support that is only “an inch wide but a mile deep”, suggesting that such victories cannot be expanded upon by the Congressman’s campaign.

Following the California win, some supporters are now questioning why the Texas Straw Poll was cancelled for “lack of interest,” and whether it was actually killed because the Congressman would have inflicted an embarrassing defeat on Governor Rick Perry in his own state.

Paul made a rousing speech at the straw poll this weekend, “I’m running on peace and prosperity and personal liberty, the U.S. Constitution and the American tradition,” Paul said. “What is the purpose of government and political action? I think the main purpose of our Constitution and political action should be the preservation of liberty.”

Watch the full speech below:


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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