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I collected the links from members of the http://12160.org social network and from the great news site http://whatreallyhappened.com
Fort Hood's Killer Shrink: Was He One of the Army Docs Pressured to...
Perhaps we'll learn as details unfold that Hasan — himself a suicide killer — was one of the Army's psychiatrists and psychologists who were pressured during the first five years of the Iraq War to not diagnose screwed-up soldiers as suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Instead, the Army's doctors were diagnosing soldiers as supposedly having "personality disorder," a pre-existing condition for which they wouldn't qualify for treatment. The military had a financial motive — keep healthcare costs down — in addition to the motive of covering up the huge PTSD problems of returning soldiers.
In Response to the Tragedy at Ft. Hood
Fort Hood massacre investigators focus on suspect's internet activi...
AP source: Fort Hood shooting suspect Army major an Army mental hea...
Ft. Hood Killer part of Government Mind Control Program
Texas Gov. Rick Perry Gives Remarks on Fort Hood Shooting Says Ther...
ANYONE SEE THIS??? Officials: Ron Paul supporter involved in Ft. Ho...
Ft Hood Shooter Was a Member of Obama’s Homeland Security Transitio...
AP Video: Fort Hood Suspect Off Life Support
Orlando shooter, US army Fort Hood shooter both linked to psychiatr...

Fort Hood's Killer Shrink: Was He One of the Army Docs Pressured to...
Perhaps we'll learn as details unfold that Hasan — himself a suicide killer — was one of the Army's psychiatrists and psychologists who were pressured during the first five years of the Iraq War to not diagnose screwed-up soldiers as suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Instead, the Army's doctors were diagnosing soldiers as supposedly having "personality disorder," a pre-existing condition for which they wouldn't qualify for treatment. The military had a financial motive — keep healthcare costs down — in addition to the motive of covering up the huge PTSD problems of returning soldiers.
Fort Hood Shooting 'Oddities
US military faces potential minefield over Muslims
Ft.Hood cop shoots Hasan in uniform defending himself?
Female Police Officer Credited With Stopping Fort Hood Massacre, Hailed a Hero Friday, November 06, 2009 Munley and her partner responded within three minutes of reports of gunfire on Thursday, Lt. Gen. Bob Cone said Friday. Authorities say Munley, 34, exchanged fire with the gunman, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who remains comatose in a Texas hospital. Munley is in stable condition, officials said.
The official Fort Hood story is collapsing.
'Two US privates John Smith and John Henry had been seeing a military psychiatrist major Hasan at Fort hood for a few weeks. Both privates said they were completely against the war of oppression in the middle east and would refuse to report for active duty if ordered to do so. So the army put them both in therapy with Dr. Hasan. After more than five weeks of therapy both Christian privates were called to go to Afghanistan. Both privates warned they would not go and they would defend themselves with force if the army tried to force them to fight in a war they believed was morally wrong. Yesterday fellow soldiers tried to surprize the two consciencious objectors but the privates were prepared and killed 12 soldiers who tried to force their way into the privates' barracks at Fort Hood.
Fort Hood shooter used as excuse to scapegoat Muslims, Arabs
Lest you think that given Hasan’s name and religion, the backlash against Arabs and Muslims is only natural, recall that when Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people in 1995, no one raised alarms about his Catholic upbringing or his Irish heritage. And when it was discovered that Seung-hui Cho had compared himself to Jesus Christ before killing 32 people and himself at Virginia Tech in 2007, no one called for a “war" on either Christians or Korean-Americans.
Ft Hood Shooter Was a Member of Obama’s Homeland Security Transitio...
Incredibly, it appears that Maj. Malik Nidal Hasan, the alleged shooter in the massacre that resulted in at least 12 dead and 31 wounded at Fort Hood today, served on the Homeland Security Policy Institute’s presidential transition task force between April 2008 and January 2009 when Barack Obama was inaugurated as the nation’s 44th president.
Comments on Fort Hood shooting.
Imam says Fort Hood suspect didn't seem radical
Imam Faizul Khan says he knew Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan for more than 10 years. They first met at the Muslim Community Center in Silver Spring.
Kahn says Hasan was quiet and reserved. They mostly discussed religious matters, but Khan says Hasan never seemed controversial. They rarely discussed politics.
Intelligence officer: Did Fort Hood shooter have 'sinister' connect...
Among the "more sinister aspects" that Pheneger suggested were that Hasan is a "lone wolf" who has sympathy for Islamic militancy and "decided to go act on his own to do some damage" or that he could have "consciously been placed as a plant in the U.S. Army."
The Grand-daddy of all Fake Terror Fall Guys: Guy Fawkes
2009 marks the eighth anniversary of 9/11 – and the 404th anniversary of state-sponsored false-flag terrorism or synthetic terror in the English-speaking world: Guy Fawkes Day.
Even now, few understand that plot: Guy was no fox but a dupe ensnared by the chief minister himself in a madcap scheme to blow up King and Parliament. The real plot was royally successful: to invent a pretext for war with Spain. This fraud was the foundation of the British empire
Cover-up: At least Three Gunman at Ft. Hood, Not just one
DOW JONES NEWSWIRES Nov 5, 2009 Second Gunman In Custody At Army's Fort Hood -Report A second gunman is in custody after a shooting at the Army's Fort Hood in Texas in which at least seven people were killed and 12 wounded, reports KCEN-TV of Waco. The report comes about two hours after a first suspect was captured, shortly after gunfire broke out. Authorities say the gunmen were dressed in fatigues, though it's not confirmed whether they are military personnel. It's also not known if the victims were military personnel or civilians. The incident reportedly began at Fort Hood's theater and then moved to the Soldier Readiness Processing Center, Killeen City Public Information Officer Hillary Shine told Fox News. A graduation ceremony was scheduled to take place Thursday.
Fort Hood shooting: Nidal Malik Hasan 'said Muslims should rise up'
Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who allegedly killed 11 people before being shot and wounded by police at Fort Hood, had said Muslims should "rise up" and attack Americans in retaliation for the US war in Iraq, a former army colleague said.
AP sources: Authorities had concerns about suspect
Surviving Fort Hood shooting suspect arrested at golf course, offic...
The man was surrounded for 25 to 30 minutes, until a convoy of vehicles arrived, led by a Ford Crown Victoria and carrying men in suits, and he was taken away, the senior officer said.
Malik Nadal Hassan: Key Details Emerge About Fort Hood Shooting Sus...
Officials says it was not clear what Hasan's religion was, but investigators are trying to determine if Hasan was his birth name or if he may have changed his name and converted to the Islamic faith at some point.
This is Going to Get Very Dark
The fact that the primary assailant has an Arabic name and is presumably, though we don't know this yet, of Muslim extraction if not a practicing Muslim, is going to be the focus of attention. That is an issue that speaks for itself. And I'm sure it will be the focus of much discussion over the coming days. But in some ways what's more shocking to me is that the assailant was an Army Major.
Violence All Too Familiar at Fort Hood
A mass shooting Thursday at Fort Hood in Texas was the latest in a series of violence incidents at the military post in the past two years
If Girls in the Hood women can defend Fort Hood, they can defend Am...
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