Occupy the Hood Aims to Bring More Minorities Into the Occupy Wall Street Fold

Occupy Wall Street wants to represent the "99 percent." But if you've been down to observe the goings-on at Zuccotti Park, you'll have noticed that the majority of participants are white, which -- at the risk of sounding obvious! -- does not represent 99 percent of the U.S. population. Now, labor unions are in on the act repping more working-class minorities, but that isn't reflected in the makeup of the Zuccotti campers.

In response to OWS's crunchy white image, two activist friends based in Detroit and New York have started a sub-movement called Occupy the Hood, which is focused on bringing minorities into the protest. On Facebook, the group's page reads:

We are The Least Represented We are Among The Ignored We are Among The Unemployed We are Considered The Under Educated We are Considered The Minority We are The Consumers But most importantly WE ARE THE HOOD!!

The neighborHOODs is where the hearts of the people are. Our homes, our parks, our selves. It is in our best interest to have all abled voices heard to bring forth a peaceful solution in this world we have been given. There are millions of people that are effected by the Wall Street crisis. The questionable, unethical activities downtown Manhattan... and in Corporate America directly effects our economic struggles and the future of all business and personal endeavors.

Occupy the Hood is the brainchild of Malik Rhasaan, a construction worker and father of three from South Jamaica, Queens. He went down to Occupy Wall Street near the beginning and liked it, but "I noticed there isn't a strong black and Latino presence, or a strong Asian presence for that matter," he said. "I realized a lot of people just don't know about it."



                      At first glance it seems like an attempt to coalesce the races, and speak upon abnegated grievances in the impoverished neighborhood. Intuition tells me that this could be a detriment to a fledgling moving, as it can begin to focus on race instead of these criminal bankers. Many people have criticized the movement for its supposed banker involvement...they opine from a computer and have never took part in a protest in their lives. Its one thing to talk about the movement, its another to live it.


                 Justin Horne

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Comment by robert alpert on November 26, 2011 at 7:15am

Benn up posting with  Arthur  Scargill in UK--Arthur led the  most  militant  strike  I've  ever witnesses1  year  against thatcher.  NUM   National union of miners was  a top down orgainization--because  Arthur  eartned that right--starting  working in the pits  when he  was  15--he  and his  people are  very excited   about  Occupy  the Hood--if  you  have  videos  or   comments they will go on their  sites  particulartly  the wales site (since  Wales  loved  Big Paul   so much. Nikki of  course I support the  complete liberation of Palestine but  I  gotta say  the  destruction of the  congo is the  worst  crime I have  seen in my life--and  it  destroys  us in subtle  Ways  atL. Arthur  is  a figure  to be  rekoned  with--he will  never give up he  has much  to teach--your  call I'll  check for a  response --  i don't think Palestiner  can be  free until    Africa is  free too tired catch you tomorrow

Comment by Nikki on November 17, 2011 at 2:08pm

@Robert, we support free Palestine.  Here's a group for you to join


Comment by robert alpert on November 17, 2011 at 10:30am

Tahyhe   Philistiner!!!

Comment by robert alpert on November 17, 2011 at 10:29am

free  Palestine (would like to hear  some Palestinian  support)  but   NATO is  comin  down on all of  North Africa  and CONGO 

Comment by robert alpert on November 15, 2011 at 8:20pm

so tired missed  today --crackdown is  world wide  coordinated oakland  mayor  gave it  away-- grown ups gotta  be in charge   and  everyone thinks  the  technology  is so  good   they  are  wrong--not only  does it make penetration easier (you  don't  need  to  build a  karenga  but  the  streaming  from nyc   a  guy is  telling the  camera  what  is  gonna  be occupied  tomorrow   next  day-- tried to  reach Bob Moses  couldn't hell i am afraid to  write  stuff  here but  I am pretty  sure  crack down soon Black folk  not my   call   but i  got an opinion --stay  away  we'll take the hits or I  will 

Comment by robert alpert on November 15, 2011 at 5:27am

i  woke up  Justin  as I  feared--wall  street under attack  I  knew  it  would happen  and  it  will happen here--the kids have no  sense of history and as I said  no  sense of how  powerful and  dreadful the  state  can be--the  vets  yes--I  agree  about a united movement  all i  was  saying is  that  black folks here nyc  everywhere  know these things  and  therefore should lead.  These kids  have not  seen people killed  they  go  back to their  college rooms--I am not mocking them  nor  am I  saying  that Black  folks should lead  because of some  racial thing. If I  were  in  england I'd  want  arthur  scargill and the  miners. Because  they understand the  violoence of the state-- i  am watching it now.  Chaos is not  democracy. Not permitting John Lewis  to speak out of  turn is not undemocratic --he has  as Mr. Moses  says  "earned the  right"--and  provocateurs  spies--when I  worked for  arthur  we  found out the man who  drove his  car--his  "friend"  was an agent"  I  agree  about  divide  and  conquer  but  there is only one  way  of fighting that  --again Mr. Moses "earn trust" --that is the only way to  discover  the karengas  among us--oh  this is  terrible   my back  still hurts I am  sorry I have to go back to sleep--but  if they  are  going to throw us  out here I  do not  want to shame myself  by not  being there--take  care.

Comment by Justin A Horne on November 14, 2011 at 10:35pm

Take care Robert, fear not my friend! I grew up in the movement as well. This is what they wanted, its so lucid its sickening. A divided populace can never succeed, but a unified army of critical thinkers can...divide and conquer...the oldest trick in the book. I have been broadcasting the evils of the Coltan mines and the prison-industrial complex since I was in my early teens; I'm now 23. The media will never report the truth, because its controlled by the liars,connivers, and megalomaniacal vermin. Please do not get entranced in the dichotomy of race, for a movement that amalgamates the races is the only one that can succeed. Love over powers the hate by two's is the adage I live by;even in a time of despair, when all benefit from the power of love. Peace--peace my friend

                 Justin A.Horne

Comment by robert alpert on November 14, 2011 at 9:59pm

@  Justin   I was   there  well maybe  60  feet  away--Lil  Bobby  as I  remember was  16--I  confess  I don't remember  seein Eldridge  but swear  it was Bobby who was almost naked as you  say  came out and oh God  they must have shot him   12 times. Karenga  you know we  knew it  at the  time!!  but  he  went on to fame  no? I  have never  come terms with that.  My  first  sncc  meeting  i think was  with John Lewis  but    it  was  the women  esp Mrs. Hamer   Mrs. Hicks  Annie   Divine  and above all  my  math  teacher  Mr. Moses who touched me  deepest --Stokley well  what  can you say  so  brave but  Mr..Moses's silence  (well almost)   was  overpowering. Mr. Moses  i think conceived of  freedom summer  as a  way of protecting local folks--who  remembers  Herbert Lee?   See  at  Dewey   I  have  heard nothin  about  the prison system the  biggest  not just in the  world but  in history--that  is  is  not  getting  mentioned  at  dewey nor is  Coltan  which has been  slowely  driving me  crazy--it  isn't white guilt  well some  but  I  do not believe that  a  white movement  will get anywhere and  I  am  terrified  that  a  black movement  will be  slaughtered--most of these kids  have not  seen  have no idea  of the  violence  that  the state  is capable of--I'm  old  and I'm  scared   and  gotta lie down    sorry   will  try and  catch ya  tomorrow   or when i  feel better you  think your 20 and you discover you aren't --take  care

Comment by Justin A Horne on November 14, 2011 at 8:29pm

@Robert: Yes, I know who that is in the picture, the date in which he was shot, where: April 6th, 1968. The police used a "supposed" gunman as pretext to fire at a house where Bobby and Elridge lay, over a thousands of ammo were fired! They forced a naked Elridge out the house, but Bobby came out just shirtless and he was fatally shot. Bobby was only 18 years old at the time. Same can be said for Bunchy Carter and Bob Huggins who was set-up by Ron Karenga(he was the architect of Kwanza). Student National Coordinating committee was started in 1960 by Stokley Charmichael(a hero of mine) to help blacks register to vote, as we all recall the poll tax and understanding clauses which kept us for voting(as if voting ever changed anything). I agree with the merit of this initiative, not the point that this movement should focus on one sector of the populace. This is how we create divide we do not need, especially now. We should all coalesce in this fight, as well as, be cognizant of provocateurs and saboteurs involved. History does repeat itself, but sometimes, fresh ideas from galvanizing figures to jumpstart a movement. Stay well my friend


Comment by robert alpert on November 14, 2011 at 6:46pm

just  as in sncc  let white folk  come i beg  you  it will give them pause!!

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