Thatcher's bodyguard says he warned her about underage sex rumours about close aide amid claims senior ministers were named in dossier

Thatcher's bodyguard says he warned her about underage sex rumours about close aide amid claims senior ministers were named in dossier

  • Barry Strevens says he told Iron Lady about rumours about Peter Morrison 
  • Thatcher listened during No.10 meeting, but went on to promote her aide
  • New claims emerged about dossier handed to Home Secretary Leon Brittan
  • Reports ministers Keith Joseph and Rhodes Boyson were named 


Margaret Thatcher and her ministers were warned of child abuse claims against senior Tory figures in the 1980s, it was claimed today.

A former bodyguard to the Iron Lady revealed he told her to her face about rumours about one of her closest aides holding parties with underage boys.

And it was claimed a dossier on Establishment abuse handed to then-Home Secretary Leon Brittan named senior ministers Sir Keith Joseph and Sir Rhodes Boyson.

Mr Strevens was on hand to intervene in 1992 when an angry women tried to hit Mrs Thatcher with a bunch of daffodils

Westminster has been rocked by claims of senior politicians involved in sex abuse, and allegations of a cover-up.

Home Secretary Theresa May ordered a wide-ranging inquiry into how successive governments, charities, political parties, the NHS, the BBC and the Church failed to protect children from paedophiles.

But its chairman Baroness Butler-Sloss was forced to quit over criticism that her brother, Sir Michael Havers, had been attorney general in the Cabinet in the 1980s, and was accused of a 'cover-up' over a refusal to prosecute Foreign Office diplomat Sir Peter Hayman, who was a member of the Paedophile Information Exchange.


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Comment by Less Prone on July 29, 2014 at 1:01pm

Jimmy's "Love" For Margaret Thatcher

Comment by DTOM on July 27, 2014 at 6:47pm

The inherent corruption of the British establishment knows no bounds. I can only guess that its even worse in these times.

Comment by Ragnarok on July 27, 2014 at 2:34pm

Throw in a castrato singer, a dead parakeet and a bucket of fermented herring and watch them enjoy eachother for hours.

Comment by Less Prone on July 27, 2014 at 2:24pm

Maggie and Jimmy, what a cozy pair of xxx.

Comment by Ragnarok on July 27, 2014 at 1:52pm

"Destroying the New World Order"



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