Gordon Duff - Runs Truth Website, Writes 40% False Information

Response to Gordon Duff, Kevin Barrett, Mike Harris and Jeff Rense's Lies on '40% False Information'

Gordon Duff of Veterans Today Admits To Writing 40% False Information

Matrix friendly nod to Matrix reference in the video - The Truth Movement Rawks [and Stuff]


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Comment by guest_blog on May 24, 2014 at 8:37pm

Christopher Bollyn - "9-11 Disinformation from Gordon Duff"

Gordon Duff, senior editor of the website Veterans Today, published an article on May 20, 2014, that can only be described as rank disinformation that is meant to obscure the truth about 9-11.

The article, entitled "Too Classified to Publish: Bush Nuclear Piracy Exposed - Russia Opens Files on Nuclear 9/11 and Israeli Proliferation" contains many flagrant errors as it pushes the idea that nuclear bombs were used to bring down the Twin Towers. Duff claims the evidence of a bi-layered composite of super-thermite found in the dust of the towers was somehow produced by the nuclear explosion that destroyed the tower.

The Duff article, which was edited by Jim W. Dean, is so full of errors that it cannot be taken seriously, except perhaps as evidence of his role as a agent of disinformation about 9-11. With this in mind, I wrote to Mr. Duff on May 23 to ask him why he had published this piece:

Comment by Maas on April 20, 2014 at 12:28am

The interview in question is now back online


Comment by Jim Raner on November 25, 2012 at 7:47pm

There is only question you need to ask, are the willing to name the Jew. If they arent then you dont to read any further, there only goal is misdirection to lead you around all these overly complex wacky plots

Comment by apeman2502 on November 24, 2012 at 10:28pm

  Disregard what you see by me below, in the other comment. I forgot to sign in.

 I have prided myself in being the offspring of a fellow who was instrumental in procuring the bid to build the World Trade centers I and II, yet had the good sense to have me document the preset demolition systems added several months into the construction so he could bailout of the project without being sued. This he did in 1969. I have had asmany as 117million listings@yahoo's search engine. After having this number cut back from over 90million and millions a few times to several thousand, it kept creeping back up, to numbers over George W.Bush. You would think after refuting the crap the usually brilliant Dr. Jim Fetzer threw out to test the waters, progresswouldbe made. NOPE. Dr. Fetzer told me to get lost and closed all comments. This is at Veterans Today, '911 Illusions,Special effects,and Other Magic tricks. It is just about the worst assembly of self-indulgence at the public's expense concerning 9-11that I have seen. One comment asked one question.

  More lately, the success of the CFRtv and the internet managers in disintegrating discourse hits Veterans Today in an article critiquing Jesse Ventura's latest show, 'Ventura Busts Tesla Ray 'Death ray-Death Squad' Secret'. Again,in the comments column, I outline my close encounter of the third  kind with the construction of the WTCs I and II, as well as the preset demolition system in both. You would think this would interest someone proporting to be issuing an ezine concentrating on issues of national security importance and information as to remedy of such problems. The only responses I received at this site were obscenities and the casting of false aspersions on my parents, both deceased. These comments were all from the commentscolumn,which culminated in someone chiming in as a 'mediator'. I had nothing to mediate with. No questions or corrections, just blank obscenity. There could be no significant corrections. My father told me as a boy  that most all of humanity was incredibly stupid and I was going to be dry-humped by these troglodytes on a daily basis. I realize Gordon Duff is very busy and he is being hacked and ripped off by these dry-humpers worse than I because he wore the US Marine uniform and cowards abound on the internet.So I will not judge him too harshly. He does need to get a screener though. Nobody believes the load bearing exterior walls of the uppermost 10 floors or more of the WYCs I and II were only 1/4" thick, which was easily dusted with sprayed on thermitic material and an accelerant to allow passage of the jets into thge interiors. They, like that shrimp bastard Richard Gage, are dragging their feet.

  Open question to Dr.Niels Harrit, chemistry authority and WTC investigator; Was the nanothermate residue found in the dust throughout Manhattan after the 9-11-2001 attacks of the World Trade Centers in existence in 1967-1970?

Comment by Rafael Espericueta on November 24, 2012 at 9:43pm

He hasn't mentioned that the other 60% of what he writes is fiction. Not that I'm one to judge, having not read 40% of what he wrote, and not having seen the remaining 60%.  But indeed all that is written is fiction, in the sense that words are at best tiny shattered fragments of what is in reality a vast indivisible whole.

Comment by apeman2502 on November 24, 2012 at 8:48pm

No. if this site is alsozionist jew,that makes it near unanimous

Comment by Doug Diggler on November 24, 2012 at 2:49pm

Yup, I've given Gordo and Veterans Today the old heave-ho and you should too. I think I started to suspect him when he talked about alien anti-gravity tech or when he said that Qadaffy was on Israel's payroll. Wotta turd that guy turned out to be.

Comment by Maas on November 24, 2012 at 2:00pm

Response to Gordon Duff, Kevin Barrett, Mike Harris and Jeff Rense'...

Click the link above to read my final report on these characters and the nonsense about the "40% false information"

Comment by Maas on November 22, 2012 at 9:20am

Bill Cooper admittedly gave false information too, whether knowingly or unknowingly and it didn't stop him from getting killed.

Also, just to beat this into the ground I've got a final report that I will be posting either later today or tomorrow.

Comment by Russ Hallberg Jr on November 22, 2012 at 5:18am

I haven't discovered that at Veterans Today. Duff says he writes false info for self preservation, which is credible to me. William Cooper and other dead people did not throw out any red herrings and they were murdered. Eric Phelps, author of Vatican Assassins, throws out some doozies sometimes. His book is now free online. Phelps says nuclear weapons are a myth! Phelps lives, when the Jesuit Oath says he should die. Phelps has meticulously documented the crimes of the Jesuits of almost 500 years.

If you use critical thinking skills, it shouldn't be hard to understand. Does anyone not understand Alex Jones is a Vatican gatekeeper?

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