Former Eisenhower Officials Admit Alien Presence on Earth Part I

For decades there have been rumors of meeting between certain world leaders and aliens from space having made secret treaties in order to allow a form of classified cooperation without causing a public panic. There have been rumors that the Germans prior to World War II met with an extraterrestrial civilization and exchanged their cooperation with the alien world for advanced technical data that put them well ahead of the western allies. The problem was that in exchange for this there were compromises that allowed for a limited number of abductions that would be treated by authorities as unexplained disappearances.

Forced out of weakness

It has been rumored that during the Eisenhower Administration from 1954 to 1961 the US government was approached by another race of extraterrestrials who made an overture to Eisenhower for the exchange of technology for a discreet and controlled number of abductions under the condition that these people would be returned to their original point of contact. This alien presence negotiated from a position of strength due to the technical disadvantage of the existing military capabilities of America at the time. Eisenhower was forced to compromise when, unlike the Germans he was not willing to allow the exploitation of unsuspecting American citizens to an alien kidnapping.

Getting Even

In the book “The Day After Roswell” by Philip J. Corso the US Army under the aegis of Foreign Technology hid the artifacts of the Alien crash in the New Mexico desert near Roswell. Reverse engineering handled by US defense contractors was responsible for many of the advancements we take for granted today. Quietly seeded to the US defense industry, the instruments and weapons inside the Roswell crash debris were reverse engineered, but even more importantly Project “HAARP” initiated by the US Army based upon what was learned from the Roswell crash helped the US overcome the technological deficit that forced humans to kneel to the pressure of the Alien presence and attain parody with the extraterrestrial threat!

Offsetting the intruders

Utilizing the particle beam weaponry that was at the core of President Reagan’s “Star Wars” orbital defense Philip J. Corso describes the elegant system of a missile launched lazar weapon with a multi-directional targeting capability that could knock out several incoming targets at a time. This defense system put the foreign threat on notice that they could not just overwhelm human defenses without paying a terrible cost! Under the direction of General Trudeau, the former Army Intelligence Captain and later science consultant for the Eisenhower White House claimed all modern technology we have today was extracted from alien wreckage near Roswell, fiber optics, electronic transistors, pilot mental link to aircraft, digital instruments, laser rays, and exotic propulsion.

Major Disclosure

Predating the “Disclosure Project” organized by Steven Greer the first official admission came from two former Eisenhower White House officials. Seeming to corroborate Eisenhower’s bizarre extraterrestrial meetings thanks to the major announcement made in 2010 by former Eisenhower Official, Henry W. McElroy, now State Representative of New Hampshire who upon announcing his retirement from public service divulged that he had indeed read and reviewed files which revealed President Eisenhower’s arranged meeting with extraterrestrial emissaries to discuss terms of a secret treaty.

Major UFO incident

President Eisenhower while still a General after World War II was present during “Operation Mainbrace” in the North Atlantic in 1950, a joint maneuver with all NATO allies. This naval and air exercise was visited by an unknown presence where attempted intercepts by British Gloster Meteor jets were attempted and Eisenhower was said to have been so intrigued that he had remained on the bridge in his pajamas after being awoken and alerted sitting there at the command chair with a cup of coffee in the wee hours as reports came in.

The hazardous agreement

Yet, the treaty, that many claim to has been reached seems to be poorly enforced with numerous disappearances worldwide, with not only cattle mutilations, but even human mutilations. These along with dramatic increases of suspect military jet crashes and reported UFO shoot downs seem to indicate an uneasy peace agreement between the opposing powers. Some analysts have even gone as far as attributing the supposed presence of alien interlopers from another world to Satan’s fallen angels creating mayhem and intentional confusion. Writer and esteemed author John A. Keel believed that what we think of as an extraterrestrial presence has always been with us and has the same common origin as ghosts, spirits, demons, angels, and fairies who have played with the imagination of mankind for a millennium here on planet earth.

In Part II We will explore many ominous possibilities and incidents along these theoretical lines.

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Comment by Less Prone on January 29, 2019 at 1:03pm

Thanks Doc for the references.

Comment by Doc Vega on January 28, 2019 at 6:32am

Diana I have seen programs that try to explain away the Nazca lines as a source of underground water markers and artesian sources. Doesn't seem to fly at all. 

Comment by Doc Vega on January 28, 2019 at 6:30am

cheeki kea, You are right there is an evil now being released in the world that wants more abortion, baby sacrifice blood rituals like in Hollywood, Gays who are not at all tolerant or interested in co-existence, just as the left and the Democrats will not co-exist with ideologies they oppose, these evil entities are intertwined in radio, TV, politics, all of the globalist tools to bring about evil change across the world. Young people are definitely not waking up to this either.

Comment by Doc Vega on January 28, 2019 at 6:27am

Diana very good! Yes, I think this is true. Randy Maugans who interviewed me on 4 radio shows also mentioned the Archons.

Comment by Doc Vega on January 28, 2019 at 6:26am

Raz Putin, yes we are in agreement no problem. I have watched Hellyer and he seems very concerned about the subject for the sake of the people of the world.

Comment by Parrhesia on January 28, 2019 at 6:18am

Doc - Yes, Like Gnostic Archons, from Greek meaning "principalities", or "rulers", by reason that they held the world to have been created and ruled by malevolent Archons.   Now compare Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Comment by cheeki kea on January 27, 2019 at 8:58pm

They're all fallen angels, and angry ones because God made Man in His own Image, and not them. They and their followers will do Anything to destroy that image, prevent it from even being born if possible. They control the weapons of destruction, and their followers are using them. 

Comment by Doc Vega on January 27, 2019 at 4:10pm

Chris, no doubt we are under a hostile influence that is working covertly and overtly against us.

Comment by Doc Vega on January 27, 2019 at 4:09pm

Diana I am inclined to believe that they have been here a very long time and are not necessarily ET's they could be demonic or undetectable beings using human senses. Keel leans toward that hypothesis too.

Comment by Doc Vega on January 27, 2019 at 4:07pm

Raz Putin I am referring to a disclosure by Henry W. McElroy who made his announcement in 2010 he was a former Eisenhower staffer who witnessed files that detailed the President's ET meetings. Paul Helyer is the former Canadian PM who has been making similar claims. There is also a British former RAF commander who now says he flew alongside a UFO in his Gloster Meteor fighter jet.

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