Last week, the New York Times ran a piece on the dire demographic problems facing Germany. The short version: Germans aren’t having enough kids, and as a result the economy is in trouble and there are all sorts of logistical problems—vacant buildings that need to be razed; houses that will never be sold, sewer systems which may not function properly because they’re too empty. If you want to read the long version, I write pretty extensively about Germany’s problems in What to Expect When No One’s Expecting. (Now available in hardcover, Kindle, and audiobook!)
I’m not selling anything myself. (Except a book—pick up your copy of What to Expect When No One’s Expecting today!) But I’d suggest that when it comes to demographics and falling fertility rates there are no easy answers. If you want to understand how truly deep Germany’s problems run, consider this:
In 2005, Europe did a Population Policy Acceptance Study [ ]
which looked at a broad range of demographic indicators. One of these indicators was “ideal fertility”—that is, how many kids an individual thought was the ideal number.
Twenty-three percent of German men—that’s not a typo, 23 percent—said that “zero” was the ideal family size. There probably aren’t public policy solutions to a cultural worldview like that.
Geman men, under the decadent propaganda of the west, has made german men pitiful indeed, how could propagnda short circuit such a natural function?
Cum shot!
Interesting claim, and I'm not surprised to say the least. Immigration in Germany is really high, and their numbers in fertility are incomparable to ethnic Germans. Immigrant families are outdoing ethnic Germans families by around 5 children (minimum) per household, compared to the 1 or "maybe" 2 children in a German house.
I believe demographics need to be taken into account, in terms of culture differences. Most of Europe has evolved into a time where women having the same freedoms as men (sometimes even more) is a norm, Europeans women are being "encouraged" to be independent and individualists ie; corporatists, careerists, or in other words exchanged her role as the [gatherer] and make her the [hunter]. All in all this is the set up of family breakdown in society. While the majority of immigrants who reside in Germany come from nations where freedom for women is unheard of and are still treated as baby-making mechanisms.
Check this link out;
considering the demographical mention above, whose to really benefit here?
Hmm... having children is a choice every family has to make and sometimes the choice is made for you and it has more to do with economics than anything.
There's nothing wrong with a woman who wants to have a career, a voice and say in society along with having a family. We are not just 'baby makers' and I take offense to that way of thinking. In the US, do we want to go back to a time when woman didn't even have a right to vote or their opinion didn't matter? Just keep making babies and shut the F up??? I for one do not want to go back to that time.
Like with most things in life, we must find a happy balance in everything.
Economics matters only for a certain demographic, notice in poverty stricken countries their cultures revolve around big families/multiple children. In many countries today, ie; African and the middle east, women have no freedom and are seen as what I said ; baby making mechanisms. I don't agree with this, all I am pointing out is the dramatic differences in mentality/culture being mixed into one-pot (consequently in Europe).
The "economic" argument doesn't work here, while most ethnic Germans are self reliant and do not depend on the Government for survival they are still having 1 or 2 kids, while poverty stricken areas in Germany which tend to hold immigrants from third-world nations have minimum 5 kids per house-hold, often up to 9, and they get government aid for each child.
hmmmm ... indeed.
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