Republicans will salute America's veterans Monday, while simultaneously trying to deny them benefits. In addition to reducing housing aid, and denying health care to vets, the GOP is also trying to remove thousands of vets from the food stamp program, known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP.
At least 900,000 veterans rely on SNAP. The House Republican version of the farm bill, the five-year piece of legislation that funds nutrition and agriculture provisions, would slash funding for the food stamps program by nearly $40 billion and boot 2.8 million people off the program next year. That includes 170,000 veterans, who would be removed through a provision in the bill that would eliminate food stamps eligibility for non-elderly jobless adults who can't find work or an opening in a job training program.
Veterans returning home from service have more trouble finding work than other folks, and rely more heavily on the food stamp program. The unemployment rate for recent veterans—those who have served in the past decade—is about 10 percent, almost 3 points above the national unemployment rate. War-related disabilities are one reason why. About a quarter of recent veterans reported service-related disabilities in 2011. Households that have a disabled veteran who is unable to work are twice as likely to lack access to sufficient food than households without a disabled service member, according to the nonprofit Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
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In its statement on Tuesday, the ADL cited the move as having spurred anti-Semitic sentiment [in Bolivia and Venezuela] and unleashing "an outpouring of anti-Semitic graffiti on the walls of synagogues, Jewish-owned businesses and city plazas [in Bolivia and Venezuela], the appearance of Nazi imagery in anti-Israel rallies and appeals to boycott Jewish-owned and Israeli businesses. [in Bolivia and Venezuela]"
Assuming "IMF" already has been thrown out, why should "IMF" care about Jewish-owned businesses and city plazas in Bolivia and Venezuela?
They want to globalize all countries under IMF. Especially those with lots of natural resources to be exploited. They also want to squash any country that rivals crony capitalism.
"It's all about protecting the wealth of Wall Street, bankers and large corporations. [=they?] "
Applied to Bolivia and Venezuela, "Wall Street, bankers and large corporations" "want to globalize" those countries under IMF?
I rather think we have a local, wealthy elite in Bolivia and Venezuala (expelled from power for the time being), who speak Spanish, not English. English-speaking "IMF" is hardly dominant down there. "IMF" will be like foreign gringos.
In conclusion: There is an Elite on earth we don't see.
Whatever religion they are a people, example: Bill Clinton/Hillary Clinton belong to this people. But we don't see it because there is no name for this people. They are hiding who they are.
In Russia there are millions of them. But if we read ethnicity statistics we will no find them, except as "others" maybe (maybe not even there)
The elite are 99.9% white men.
(unless they're Chinese)
IMF is no secret society. We have insiders like Karen Hudes who knows how they operate. They are dealing with government loans/debt (a bit Rothschild like) and austerity programs. They hope goverments will sell out to private corporation for pennies on the dollar. They are not dealing with local media/local politics. If they did Karen Hudes would have told us. It is just a bureacracy.
Who do you think controls the IMF? Those who control the money, control it all. They are connected directly to the world bank and the controlling elites. Karen has many insights, but she doesn't offer all the details of the whole pyramid scam. If you want to know how it operates, I suggest you watch this video:
Sometimes Max Igan show ignorance:
"Most of the so-called Jews in Israel are actually Western Europeans"
Max Igan does not know their origin is Asia and not Hebrews.
Immigration to Israel (1948-1951) by Major Countries of Origin:
(replace 2:00 in video with 5:40 in video)
(We think those in Germany were "hated". They did not want to leave Germany in the first place, and after WWII most of them stayed)
@ NM - It's a shame that you are hyper critical and got nothing out of the video. That too is something within itself.
That's good news, Ra. I was hoping Venezuela was not subverted with IMF and globalization. Hugo Chavez was such a hero to his people. I admired the man...
@ NM - religion isn't really a factor here. The elites care less who you pray to or what name you call God; or if you're an atheist. Except to say the elites use religion as a mind control instrument to divide us to better achieve their goal of full-spectrum dominance and a one world government.
They're going to take down the Grid just prior to the inevitable dollar collapse & blame it on Iran.
(a False-Flag Cyber attack)
Cyber-Attack the banks just prior to the inevitable collapse of the sham dollar & blame it on Iran.
Takes the blame off of themselves for the contrived destruction of the dollar while simultaneously providing a false pretense for a distractionary WW3.
If I were demonically-possessed Demon-Spawn;
that'd be the way that I time it.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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