Will there be a free election in 2010

The initial efforts of the current administration to bring down the United States have been met with what appeared to be a grassroots reawakening of the American Spirit that has long lain dormant. The moves by the current corrupt regime immediately began to define what “change” means which can be succinctly defined as a take over of individual freedom by an oppressive government. Initially, these efforts seemed doomed to fail as Obama’s popularity and voter angst grew to levels never seen and a certain air filled the country with a new “hope” to throw off the shackles of an already corrupt, elitist, oppressive federal government. This initial ray of hope has been dimmed upon the advent of the decision by the current administration to have a trial for terrorists in New York. This decision by the leftist gang currently in power, if one assumes that they are not ignorant and arrogant, is truly frightening when taken to its logical conclusion.

The political fallout against the administration has already begun. With the support for their socialist/leftist policies crashing, it is hard to understand why they would propose show trials that appear to be political suicide. If one assumes that the leftist gang assembled in Washington is not stupid or arrogant then the reasoning behind these trials becomes truly frightening. These trials can only serve one purpose from a political standpoint. The show trials are purposely intended to further animate, mobilize and radicalize the right political spectrum.

It is well known that all political parties aspire to increased power. The current leftist gang is no different. Assuming that they are not stupid and intend to stay in power, one must logically conclude that they are not afraid of the election process. If they are not concerned about the elections in 2010 usurping their power, then what do they know that the rest of us don’t? One can only conclude one of two scenarios. One, that they think that they can control and manipulate the election process or two; they don’t plan on having any election. In either case the agitated right political spectrum that is already animated to the point of marching in the streets will not stand idly by while the final nail in the coffin of liberty is driven. Homeland Security has already issued warnings about right wing terrorists. The moves of this administration have pushed more and more people into that category. With the help of the Patriot Act adequate evidence can be gathered to protect them and their agenda against the “right wing menace” without adherence to the constitution. The acquisition of fire arms by ordinary people has been ongoing since Obama’s election and the state of the economy is purposely continuing to deteriorate. This is an extremely volatile combination that either scenario in the elections above will spark to insurrection.

An armed rebellion of the people seems to be the goal of the leftist in power. This eliminates the ability to have elections, creates martial law and devastates what little power the US has after the financial Armageddon in which we are currently mired. This administration appears to be building the bonfire with each and every policy it pushes. All it will take is a match to start the fire. Historically, the left has always gained its power through revolution and bloodshed. The Bolsheviks in Russia & Maoists in China should serve as adequate examples of what leftists are capable. Their policies must be implemented with force so that dissenters can be legally and quickly disposed of in order for them to have a free hand to build a utopian “fair” society. The truly brilliant part of this scenario is it can all be blamed on radical right wing terrorist, who will turn out to be everyone that doesn’t agree with their agenda.

This entire treatise is based upon the assumption that the Obama gang is truly intelligent and is under taking policies that it knows cannot be implemented without force. I truly hope that they are ignorant and arrogant to a level that their ideology has overcome intelligence and that they are not truly evil. However, I am hard pressed to find anyone from the cabinet appointees, to congress, to the Czars that would stand up for the Constitution if it meant sacrifice of their radical agenda.

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Comment by Less Prone on November 20, 2022 at 2:30am

Doesn't it sound familiar? The destruction of the west has been in the plans for a century and now we have the great reset in front of our eyes. Usury Cabal ...

Deep Inside the Satanic Cabal, World Agenda

Comment by youhavetoforgiveme on December 22, 2009 at 12:20pm
Seems a pretty fair assessment of the situation.....

"Destroying the New World Order"



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