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As a Bible scholar, Newton was initially interested in the sacred geometry of Solomon's Temple, such as golden sections, conic sections, spirals, orthographic projection, and other harmonious constructions, but he also believed that the dimensions and proportions represented more.
What West will not admit is Newton was doing copyworks.
No matter how great a genius Sir Isaac was, (and I believe he may have been one of the greatest minds EVER!), he was a product of his times, a time of ignorance, superstition, misplaced beliefs and dogmatic adherence to scripture, (although it WAS weakening even then). Sad that such a vastly superior intellect was virtually hamstrung by belief in imaginary sky fairies, the 'gospel truth', (lol), etc. Imagine how much further advanced we would be without those two thousand years of chwistian bullshit an dogma holding us back. So sad.
Blah, blah , blah, drivel, just utter drivel from the brainwashed and damaged mind of a buybull thumping twit. So sad that you probably sired children and brought them up to be little mindless copies of yourself. Never mind, the cosmos is eternal and your god is a fantasy. No science proves anything about god and to assert such lunacy puts you in a special little group of total nut-jobs to be avoided at all costs.
What a load of utter SHIT! DO you actually READ the crap you write or is it just an endless stream of unconsciousness? LOL. I don't have any handlers. People who follow ANY religion are the sheeple being HANDLED by their leaders and usually fleeced on a regular basis. As for your insane shit about my children lacking morals or human values, err, quite the opposite actually. Take a look in your US prisons and check how many inmates are religious, THE VAST MAJORITY. Nobody is going to be standing before your zombie rabbi as he never existed, (no proof to the contrary), keep on ranting, every post just confirms you are in need of mental health care.
The "geniuses" had studied ancient knowlegde
Pythagoras, Plato and other Greek philosophers were said to have been initiated into these cults -- which are said to have originated in Egypt.
Pythagoras -- a great mystic who is also regarded as the father of the western scientific tradition -- did not begin to teach until the age of forty. Until that time he studied in foreign countries with the resolution to submit to all of his teachers and make himself a master of their secret wisdom. We are told that the Egyptian priests with whom he studied were jealous of admitting a foreigner into their secrets. They baffled him as long as they could, sending him from one temple to another. However, Pythagoras endured until he was rewarded accordingly for his patience. Later on he was no less strict in dealing with his own disciples.
Totally agree. The Egyptian priests made the Greeks who visited feel "as children before their knowledge and wisdom". Nothing in their would tend to suggest that anything to do with them was as a result of an invisible sky daddy though.
Sorry but where is there any proof that moses ever existed? Where are the Egyptian records detailing the entire story of the Exodus? There are none. It's a made up fantasy created by the Hebrews to glorify themselves when in actual fact they arose peacefully from the other Canaanite tribes as DNA profiling has recently proved. There is NO DNA evidence that Hebrews were in Egypt at the time moses was supposed to have lived. No evidence of the Red Sea crossing has been found except a load of discredited twaddle by that charlatan Ron Wyatt. The Egyptians never suffered under your imaginary god as described in the buybull, it's all a pack of idiotic lies. Why on earth would it take those people forty years to cross the Sinai when the journey could be done in a matter of weeks? It's moronic and that reflects on your intellect, (or lack thereof).
Sorry, I didn't fully realise how mentally unbalanced you were before. Your medication has obviously worn off and you are in full 'WOO-WOO' mode now. Totally freaking nuts. Have the doctors told you what it is? Schizophrenia with paranoid delusions would be my guess but I'm no psychiatrist. If you get back to reality, cite your evidence, without it your gibberish is worthless assertion, nothing more.
PS. Please replace your tinfoil hat, it might help block out the evil signals from satan and the other 'baddies' LOL
I think evolutionism is dead. Life on Moon or March will kill the remnants
(Sitchin) "Enki bestowed the "secrets" of the calendar, mathematics, and writing on his younger son Ningishzidda, whom the Egyptians called Thoth. In The Lost Realms I present substantial evidence to show that he was one and the same Mesoamerican god known as Quetzalcoatl, "The Plumed Serpent." This god’s name, which means (in Sumerian) "Lord of the Tree of Life," reflected the fact that it was to him that Enki entrusted medical knowledge, including the secret of reviving the dead....
"....Relating it all to the orbit of Nibiru, to its cycle of 3,600 Earth-years, the precessional retardation of Earth in its orbit around the Sun - this is the secret of the Wisdom of Numbers of the Anunnaki lowered from heaven to Earth.
Wikipedia: Sexagesimal (base 60) is a numeral system with sixty as its base. It originated with the ancient Sumerians in the 3rd millennium BC, it was passed down to the ancient Babylonians, and it is still used — in a modified form — for measuring time, angles, and geographic coordinates.
yes, we actually do, we believe all that cloud crap is made up myth's ;)
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