Nicotine has an adverse effect on Fluoride which is a neuro-toxin

I've been doing research on Fluoride for the past few weeks.
What I uncovered is truly frightening.
We've been told that fluoride is good for our teeth, but every single research report shows that this is not true at all.
That fluoride has not, in one case, been helpful in tooth health.
What Fluoride does do is quite interesting.
Fluoride is a neuro-toxin, it attacks the nervous system.
It is a by-product of fertilizer and Aluminum production, therefore it bonds to aluminum quite well.
The brain cannot tell the difference between fluoride and a hydrogen ion, allowing the fluoride to deposit itself within brain tissue.
It inhibits cholergic activity, which basically is the function your body uses to turn off receptors in the brain and body.
The inability to turn these receptors off creates feelings of inner tension, restlessness, and the inability to stay still. Usually involving: constant pacing, purposeless movement of the feet and legs, and marked anxiety. Sound familiar? These are the symptoms so readily described as ADD or ADHD.
Fluoride will enter the brain easily carrying with it the attached Aluminum.
Large amounts of Aluminum have recently been associated with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
The International Society for Fluoride Research (ISFR) has reported studies implicating Fluoride as a cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorder, autism, down syndrome.
There's more.
Fluoxetine hydrochloride (Prozac, Fontex, Ladose, Sarafem.) Fluoxetine is an anti-depressant, anyone who knows what these evil drugs are capable of will know the danger this presents.

Another use for Fluoride? Methylphosphonofluoridate, or Sarin nerve gas or more commonly know as mustard gas.

Ever wonder how the Nazi's were able to get millions of Jews to walk themselves into their own death willingly?
Fluoride has a profound effect of causing people to become more docile and open to suggestion.

It makes you think twice about why people in this country don't seem to care about whats going on. Its not their fault entirely.

There is so much more on fluoride, I could put a lot more, but now I will show you where nicotine fits into the picture.

Nicotine, most know of it through smoking and tobacco use.
I've always wondered why the US Government is so adamant with anti-smoking and tobacco usage.
The carcinogenic properties are bad yes,I don't condone smoking. I do however condone nicotine gum, or other nicotine treatments. Here is why.

Nicotine has an adverse effect on Fluoride.

Remember how fluoride inhibits choleric activity?
Nicotine excites them, rebounding and undoing fluorides effect.
Nicotine is being used as a treatment for ADD and ADHD, Alzheimers, Parkinson's disease.
I will not list the rest, for every single ailment Fluoride is known to cause, Nicotine has the reverse effect.

Parkinson's disease is your brain's ability to receive and use dopamine from the the blockage or death of braincells in the motor regions. The cause is UNKNOWN.
On a side note, I'll mention again how Fluoride enters the brain tissue easily and deposits Aluminum at will, which has a conspicuous effect of killing brain cells and clogging up dopamine receptors.
The most common treatment is Levodopa, a drug that increases dopamine levels, so that what receptors and brain cells you have left can receive a better supply of dopamine.
Funny, nicotine has the same effect on a large level.
Large enough so that it becomes addictive. Your brain becomes used to the higher dopamine count, so when the dopamine stops coming, your brain says "hey, i want some more 'o' that."
There is a lot more info.
Here are some links for your own further research.,,

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Did you know that in middle eastern countries a lump of hashish was put into the arch of the boot and the hashish was absorbed slowly through the skin up to the brain.  Before we had "pills" medicines were administered via "foot baths".  If you don't believe this try putting a clove of garlic in your boot and you will taste it in your mouth.

Didn't know about the 'hashish foot'. Only knows that you don't wanna be caught in most arab countries smoking anything with THC in it.

I dont know much about the E-cig only tried one hit just to try what all the fuss was about. I do know that it's illegal here to cell those re-fill nicotin containers because they can contain really harmful stuff.....well according to our food and safety council/agency.

I make my own little ejuice with JWH-018. Totally odorless. Used to vape it at work all the time. Even movie theaters. No drug test for it either.

Indeed, fluoride is evil and harmful.  Indeed, the anti-smoking campaigns are to promote the removal of nicotine.  But smoking pure, organic tobacco does NOT cause cancer.

In 1945, We exploded the Trinity device in the atmosphere.  5-10 years later, People began to have lung and skin cancers and the Feds had to have a scapegoat to explain this sudden rise.  They did not want Their precious weapons testing blamed.  So...  Seeing what People put into Their lungs (cig smoke), They blamed tobacco for the lung cancer, and the SUN for the skin cancers!  Never mind that Humans have lived aeons under the sun without skin cancer!

To perpetuate the myth that tobacco was the culprit, They soaked the tobacco in carcinogenic stuff, added radioactive "fertilizers," and put fiberglass filters on.  In a very high percentage of lung cancers of smokers, the tumor seed is a bit of fiberglass (a known carcinogen).

When They discovered nicotine's anti-fluoride function, it was then that the anti-smoking campaigns were seriously ramped up.

Thank You for posting this, 14300!

@Amaterasu Solar - You are most welcome - and thank you for sharing ...

BTW - I have missed you- haven't seen much of your posts lately.  Stop in more often.

I do post now and then, but between contracting Lyme Disease and working on an interview series, I have had little energy for much at all these days.  Will be getting some cat's claw soon - it cures Lyme Disease over the course of a year or so.  So I will be having more energy soon.

The smallest bars are for standard cancer treatments.

The longest bars are for hospital treatment in Mexico

I will guess self-educated patients ( will have better statistics compared to patients just getting good hospital advice

The basics of is magnesium every day, fresh water/PH balancing with baking soda and breathing, and iodine (my guess is iodine at Japanese levels), more vitamins, and of course the right food/superfood and daily habits

I'm buying two packs !!!.. Lol I been puffin it up for years, organic smokes don't have any chemicals only tobacco. I drink whole raw milk, use lard I render myself, use real raw butter LOTS OF IT ! Eat bacon and eggs and use common sense. Too much of anything is no good for you. Live and let live. The healthiest thing I ever did was toss the television and that cleared the fog and I could think for myself for the first time in a long time. That damn thing is a weapon of MASS DESTRUCTION! Try not watching it for a week and see how much better you feel. I exercise and am not at all over weight. Now I find out the joke is on all the smoke stazi's out there.. Ya just gotta love it!


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