Nevada Cattle Rancher Wins 'Range War' With Feds

PHOTO: Federal agents clash with armed protestors over a ranchers 20-year tax fight.

A Nevada cattle rancher appears to have won his week-long battle with the federal government over a controversial cattle roundup that had led to the arrest of several protesters.

Cliven Bundy went head to head with the Bureau of Land Management over the removal of hundreds of his cattle from federal land, where the government said they were grazing illegally.

Bundy claims his herd of roughly 900 cattle have grazed on the land along the riverbed near Bunkerville, 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas, since 1870 and threatened a "range war" against the BLM on the Bundy Ranch website after one of his sons was arrested while protesting the removal of the cattle.

"I have no contract with the United States government," Bundy said. "I was paying grazing fees for management and that's what BLM was supposed to be, land managers and they were managing my ranch out of business, so I refused to pay."

The federal government had countered that Bundy "owes the American people in excess of $1 million " in unpaid grazing fees and "refuses to abide by the law of land, despite many opportunities over the last 20 years to do so."

However, today the BLM said it would not enforce a court order to remove the cattle and was pulling out of the area.

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Bingo! There are a lot of ways to skin a cat and this is not the time for the Feds to use face to face confrontation that goes as far as an armed assault on a crowd.

OTOH, if the the assault HAD occurred, it is unlikely that there would be photos of it online. If need be, the civilian internet would have a 'temporary technical problem' until the gov was sure there was no incriminating stuff posted, or available for posting, anywhere.

The Militia, as a whole, are not rushing off anywhere. Much as I like 12160, it isn't the news source I would go to before deciding to load the truck and head west.

One of them, yes. But I need to see this elsewhere before putting my life on the line. Too many teenagers with nothing to do except post crap to the internet for that.

A bloodbath in this matter would likely result in some serious repercussions nationwide. Bad idea, I would guess. They are better off if this is allowed to simmer down and one by one the Bundy bunch fall victim to accident, suicide and deadly infections.

This is just a setback for the murdering criminals who are the government. They will be back at the killing game soon enough.


Cliff Notes

thanx for gettin' it

apparently more ants are Awake than they would have hoped for...

Congrats America.!!!!

This story was almost totally blacked out in Europe. But what an awesome showdown.

Let's hope others will learn from this example all over the globe. 

I keep seeing talk of militia, Petunia Skrebbles, but I see no sources. Maybe I am just missing it because I haven't had my morning coffee, but where did you get your numbers? Searching the internet I keep finding these numbers being cited but I can find NO initial post.

Here is one of the posts I found and i tend to agree with: 12,000 Texans??? I keep wondering if this is something dreamed up by local chamber of commerce.

I watched most of the live feed of this event yesterday. It definitely was a big win for 'We the People.' It left me smiling on the inside :)

Just read about Harry Reids involvement with Chinese energy corp so wrote this to the news article, but couldn't sign-on to post it...

Hey!  Been watching the Bundy situation from Australia, and agree with your points, and warnings.  Good info for the Patriots.

Stopping this, and an American reaction against Washington, does not now just involve America, and any heavy weapons the feds use against Americans.  China will happily help Washington.

Be very careful America!  Don't.., whatever you do, let your pride and Patriotism invite a fabricated multinational, with the US govt, assault on your People.  Might be just what they're looking for, and plan to do?  Better to accept things, politrix and times are VERY different now, to 1776, 1865, and beyond.  IF...?  China is so intent on working with the US admin, then you have to consider the chances that the govts will deploy heavy weapons across US populations.  Bad scenes, as of The Terminator, of major destruction of the US cities, etc.  Worse-case scenario, sure.  But don't discount the possibilities, going by the Senator Reid and thus feds involvement and plans with China?

Things, economics, energy resourcing and people HAVE TO change.  Don't let them shoot you into changing. Adapt.  Rethink. Restructure your hopes, expectations and lives.

It's a new world.  For good or for ill.  Adaptation is our species best asset.

China will happily help Washington.


Not their problem. Their problem is about start dumping U.S. Treasuries now or later. U.S. will do anything for delaying it ...

From the Reid link:

“Good God, didn’t he grow up in this country? Are we gonna give it up? This is a helluva lot bigger than Clive Bundy.”
The audience erupted in applause as the man concluded his speech.
“And when Clive decides to go back in there after his cows, and they’ve got orders to shoot anyone who goes in there, I’m gonna be with him.”
Someone in the crowd piped up, “Carrying a gun I hope.”
“No, no,” he said, “because them son of a bitches will fire the next shot heard around the world … and we will fire the rest!”
The full speech can be viewed, below.

 Not good for fed :)


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