If any here posses knowledge of this phenomenon, please post contributions, of any kind. I support the theory that the existence of the RH-negative blood type is not natural or even domestic but rather was introduced from an outside source. Perhaps manifesting when two species who are similar but genetically different interbreed and produce a type of hybrid specie. I also suspect that the true motive behind all mothers with this bloodline being deceived into allowing physicians to inject them before and after delivery was/is to effect the blood in some way, perhaps even contaminating its purity.
Interestingly, the RH-negative bloodline posses certain characteristics that are common among the majority. Here is a list of the most common:
¨ Extra vertebra.*
¨ Higher than average IQ
¨ More sensitive vision and other senses.
¨ Lower body temperature
¨ Higher blood pressure
¨ Increased occurrence of psychic/intuitive abilities
¨ Predominantly (possibly solely) blue and green eyes
¨ Red or reddish hair
¨ Has increased sensitivity to heat and sunlight
¨ Cannot be cloned
¨ Alien Abduction and other unexplained phenomenon
Thanks to any posters with anything to add to this fascinating topic!
*The extra bone/vertebrae is the rib.
"And from the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." Genesis 2:22
*Keep in mind, this "LORD God" is NOT God, as in God the Father, but rather the God of this world. and the "woman" is NOT the female, but rather a different specie.
I think the "Jew" is all too aware of the truth surrounding this phenomenon and explains why they seemingly choose to inbreed.. Keeping the "god-gene" in the family comes at a great cost to them, it appears. The make-up of this Rh- bloodline has a percentage of blood that is foreign, not of this world, and not cloneable. Having known this truth and keeping it secret from this rest of the world, they are among a shockingly few that retain this "god-gene". Having done unspeakable evil to do so has had it's costs- namely becoming evil gods.. All speculation at this point, albeit I think many will find this to have that special feel of truth to it.
No one has tried to explain where the Rh negative people came from. Any ideas?
Also, you will find NO scientific proof that the Rh negative blood was a natural earthly occurrence. Instead I have found proof that the Rh negative bloodline (which instead of possessing Rhesus monkey gene, posses a "god gene") has not evolved on earth in the natural course of events while the Rh negative bloodline,(which did not originate on earth) may prove to be a major factor in proving mankind is a hybrid. See the Book of Genesis. There are two accounts of two separate creations, one being created by "God" and the other by "Lord God".
Groups as in groups that are not necessarily genetically distinct: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidemiology_of_autism Or that are: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02354305
Look around. The info is out there- its just presented in a way that protects the act of inbreeding as a religious practice of one group to bring about a religious epiphany of another religious group.
Tidbit: short term or sporadic inbreeding brings about what we call "undesirable" outcomes. It lowers the fertility and live birth rate. BUT if it is allowed to continue over time, the genome will accommodate those undesirable outcomes by increasing the genetic expression of other genetic traits that work toward the likely hood of their survival to save the aggregate genes of that group so they are available in the gene pool of that specie. But the pool is still less than had the miscegenation not occurred.
The ACCOMMODATION -Christian Zionism. Super-Christians that believe that Jesus wants them to forget every fucking thing He ever said, excuse, promote and partake in the heinous actions of Jews as defined as 'Gods Chosen People' whom 'God Gave" a certain piece of real estate, because that will please Him so much that He will come back and then they can go to Heaven as the new chosen- need a brain transplant and to otherwise stay the hell away from me. Not surprisingly they tend to be Jew haters first and foremost. The Promised Land gets the Jews out of "our" countries.
Tomorrow I will reflect on a Son of Man that delivered to the Earth some of Truths that sews together a Perfect Universe, and then returned to It. Win!
I attended Christian fundamentalist/evangelical church faithfully for 2 decades. There is a strong political component to it, obviously. And what I became aware of was a silent resentment toward Jews. I noted no evangelical effort toward them. Jews, having rejected Jesus as the Messiah, are being used by Satan to promote his agenda. They are a very opposing liberal power block to our agenda. That they move to Israel would be a relief in that regard, and its where they are supposed to be. The greater Israel becomes, the closer WWIII and the Return.They are a rebellious and surly people, but if God chose them, so be it. It was our job to "bless them" unconditionally until the Return, at which time they may or may not believe accept Jesus is Messiah. If not, they'll burn with the rest of the heathen. Many will make it to Heaven. Probably more Jews than Catholics. Lol. That's my personal assessment of my time there re the Jewish issue.
Have you read Gilad Atzmon's 'The Wandering Who?' ?
"Jews" are Zionists / anti-Zionists
"Christian Zionism" (more Zionist than Christian since Zionism is last word) are Zionists
They unite because they are the SAME people by blood, some are Judaists, some are Christians, some are Atheists.
The ACCOMMODATION -Christian Zionism. Super-Christians that believe that Jesus wants them to forget every fucking thing He ever said, excuse, promote and partake in the heinous actions of Jews as defined as 'Gods Chosen People' whom 'God Gave" a certain piece of real estate, because that will please Him so much that He will come back and then they can go to Heaven as the new chosen- need a brain transplant and to otherwise stay the hell away from me. Not surprisingly they tend to be Jew haters first and foremost. The Promised Land gets the Jews out of "our" countries.
I myself am a former "Zionist Christian", and I assure you that they are NOT "Jew haters" nor do they wish for "Jews to get out of their country". On the contrary, Zionist Christians (which is every kind of common day Christian although they are unaware of this) actually worship the "Jew", believe and teach that they are indeed "holy and "chosen", and even spiritually superior to themselves. Zionist Christians or Judeo-Christians also teach and believe that the Son of Man (whom they falsely believe is "Jesus") was a "Jew" Himself.
They are taught and teach that "Jews" are to be revered, that they posses the ultimate spiritual authority, and that they will be "saved" without converting or "accepting Jesus as Lord" and as I stated before, wish to join the "Jews" in the "Holy Land" if found worthy. All these truths can easily be seen by simply attending any American church or attending their "Bible studies" which are really just Zionist indoctrination on steroids, converting men to "Satanists". *Satan is not the name of the enemy of our Father, as he doesn't have a name. He does however answer to and is called "Jesus" far more often than Satan, and is who actually receives prayers addressed to "Jesus".
"Tomorrow I will reflect on a Son of Man that delivered to the Earth some of Truths that sews together a Perfect Universe, and then returned to It. Win!"
Excellent way to spend the day.
"I AM the way, the truth, and the life and no man comes to the Father but through me."
"Christian Zionism" (more Zionist than Christian since Zionism is last word) are Zionists
They unite because they are the SAME people by blood"
Actually, no, they deceive the "Christian Zionist" (who do not share their bloodline) into following/worshiping them.
"They unite because they are the SAME people by blood"
Actually, no, they deceive the "Christian Zionist" (who do not share their bloodline)
"Jewish" is defined as a bloodline basically. When in family religion is not that important. Converting from Judaism to Christianity does not change much, still same parents and same family. Half? (facts are difficult to obtain) these people never converted to Judaism in the first place.
(facts are difficult to obtain)
Indeed. They are hiding their identity using mind-numbing systematic confusion, leaving the masses believing some vague combination of both religion and "race".
In truth the very word "Jew" is merely an invented title, a word they invented after the creation of the language English, which is actually a stratagem, using NUMEROLOGY. This insidious invention is actually a weapon (English) in which they hide truth and bury it between mass amounts of worthless gibberish. This stratagem also works as mind control as the brain receives a completely different message subconsciously without the reader even being aware. Be advised that this language (English or stratagem) was introduced to west Germany when it was Christianized, and shortly after destroyed by the "Jew". In fact, this stratagem has and always will be introduced to a country targeted for annihilation, then made its official language used in the process of manufactured moral decay, and finally it's destruction. Note that this whole process (weapon) is ofttimes used on a populous that was INTENTIONALLY targeted and IMPORTED and brought to one land, and on one targeted group. Example: Rh negative bloodline populous.
I reject Rothschild being "Jewish". The Rothshild family tree on Wikipedia is just what I expected, with lose ends. In no way they can make connections to Biblical Jews. They can make connection to "European Jews" :) - not Semitic.
This is the most laughable piece Shiite that I have ever had the displeasure of reading LOL. So in essence you are saying that anyone possessing RH negative blood type is alien in nature?! Totally absurd... Further you are saying that everyone else came or, "evolved" from a monkey? LOL Well, that doesn't say too much about you , does it?
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