CNN Journalist urges Americans to stop being so “nosy” about all the bad things the U.S. Government does

CNN Journalist: don't be so nosy

A self-mocking column has real value: it expresses the predominant attitude of America's media class toward secrecy

By Glenn Greenwald

LZ Granderson is a regular CNN columnist and contributor, and has written a column this week that — no joke — urges Americans to stop being so “nosy” about all the bad things the U.S. Government does. You just have to read it to believe it:

"We are a nosy country.

Though to be fair, it’s not entirely our fault. Between the 24/7 news cycle, social media and reality TV, we have been spoon fed other people’s private business for so long we now assume it’s a given to know everything. And if there are people who choose not to disclose, they must be hiding something. Being told that something’s “none of your business” is slowly being characterized as rude, and if such a statement is coming from the government, it seems incriminating.

Times have changed. Yet, not everything is our business. And in the political arena, there are things that should be and need to be kept quiet. . . .

You see, freedom isn’t entirely free.

It also isn’t squeaky clean.

And sometimes the federal government deems it necessary to get its hands a little dirty in the hopes of achieving something we generally accept as good for the country. . . .

And maybe it’s better for us not to be so nosy, not to know everything because, to paraphrase the famous line from the movie “A Few Good Men,” many of us won’t be able to handle the truth."

This was written by a journalist and published by a media outlet. And this is plainly not satire. What prompted his paean to the virtues of minding our own business was the Congressional investigation into the DOJ’s Fast and Furious gun-running program into Mexico — one that resulted in the deaths of numerous people, including a U.S. agent — but he finds many other examples where we should just stay out of the Government’s way:

"We do not want to open Pandora’s Box, not about [Fast and Furious] and certainly not about a bunch of other potentially scandalous things the federal government has been involved with. . . .

We still don’t have access to all of the messy facts surrounding the Iran-Contra scandal that erupted during the Reagan administration. . . .

Lt. Col. Oliver North took one for the team back then, and there’s a good chance Attorney General Eric Holder will have to take one for the team in the Fast and Furious controversy. And by team, I’m not referring to Republicans or Democrats, but rather Americans . . . .

Such as the death of Osama bin Laden. . . .

Were they legal?

Hell No.

Were they effective?

Who knows?

Were they done as a way to keep America safe?


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Hhehehehe ! : D LOL !

Storm Trooper, I think you are confusing the LZ Granderson NWO puppet from CNN with Glen Greenwald. Glen Greenwald was the one who brought LZ's bending over to the man rant to light.

we want to open every illicit and secret box these assclowns been hiding for years, LZ Granderson

If you stop being "nosy", then you stop being a Patriotic American!!


Communist News Network

well well well let me think about this!

We are fascists.
We are socialists.
We are communists
We assassinate our own citizens with drones
We have a para military police force to stomp on the people
we just ordered up 30,000 drones to fly over this once free land
We have official documents leaked out about re-education camps
We have open military exercises on the streets of the once free.
We have the GOvernment involved in Poppy growing then calling it's use illegal
We have banks laundering their money through the drug cartels
We have a fiat currency backed by nothing but the promise of your slavery
We have become invaders, invading countries without being attacked first
We have become a nation of 47 million people on food stamps
We have become a nation of welfare
We have become a nation with no boarders
We have become a nation where government is the largest employer in the country
We have become a nation of entitlements that equal the entire tax revenue collected, leaving nothing left over
We have become the largest debtor nation in the history of mankind.
We have become a nation of crooked liars, theft and corruption.
We have become a nation where the bank can just claim your money evaporated like MF GLobal
We have become a nation where they want to track your every keystroke
listen to every phone call
track your cell phones
track you on facebook
track you using your appliances
track you by smart meters on your homes
and track you from the air using drones.

We have become a nation of endless trade deficits
We have become a nation proclaiming freedom with non left.
We have become a nation of the NDAA where they can pick your ass up and make you disappear without trial
We have become a nation of slaves to bankers
We have become a nation where banking is our largest industry.
Or that they are using military grade weapons at the g20 summits in the streets on citizens.
Or that government has become the largest owner of private housing.
Or that we have a president who can't even show the same type of birth certificate you or I have to show to get a passport.
or that it is actually now harder to get out of the land of the free than to get in!

Markets are manipulated 72% of the entire market is computers trading not people.
Regulators refuse to regulate.
The Federal Reserve buys over 60% of our own treasuries sold
And markets move on rumors of bailouts, and twists, and Quantitative Easing and printing of money instead of physical reality!

We are a failed nation, a nation without a legitimate government any longer, one that has sold us out to things like the United Nations.

We our a government without the right to vote our true leaders into office.

You will never vote for those at the Federal Reserve, those at the United Nations, or any of the other secret societies and organizations that run our nation.

We are a nation who use to dream of the stars, and now lives in chains of austerity, taxation, and broken promises of freedom nope as far as I'm concerned they can stick their nose;s where the sun don't shine.

Great answers from all this CNN journalist should get the IDIOT of the year award for this comment is he not aware that we the people put these Bozos in office and all they have done is rape our constitution we ay the the salary of our eleted officials. we have every right to know exctly what they are doing!

FREEDOM actually means, "The right to tell others to mind their own damn business!" This is true throughout all facets of a free society. It also a truism, that while so many of us "in the know" belittle and scoff at the Sheople, that they too should enjoy the freedom of "Going to Hell in their own Handbasket."

But...... (you just knew that was coming, didn't you?)

We are not speaking of either a free society or individual rights, but instead are speaking about Government being for and by the People. This speaks to consent of the governed, (guess that's why I am known as an anarchist, because I never gave my consent), and for their to be consent in a Free Society, then the People must be fully informed. While it is true that every individual has the right to keep any part of their lives secret, that same right does not exist of ANY Public Servant, and gives up the right to say "None of your business", whenever they take an "Oath of Office".

Yet no matter how many times that the People demand their "Public Servants" live up to this seemingly anachronistic bond of trust between the Office holder and the People, then they are abruptly reminded that they now live in a "democracy" and not a Representative Republic. Well, then why isn't the next question, "When did this change?", or "Why do you still take an "Oath of Office"?" Long have i wondered why these two simple questions have never been asked?

I have a feeling the answers would surprise as many folks as they are self-evident. 

Answer to Question 1: It has never changed. This is an Incorporated Entity that used "The United States of America", but changed it's Charter of Incorporation. US Incorporated, (copyright in place), is a For Profit Entity that still maintains the "Oath of Office" addendum to pacify the weak minded.

Answer to Question 2:

Refer to Answer 1, and that the Charter only invokes powers granted by the current CEO and stockholders, which can be overridden at any time without consequence.

Hopefully this helps others to understand that they never have lived in a Representative Republic, Democracy, or even a "Banana Republic", but a subsidiary of a wider Corporation, whose charter is subject to change at any time by the CEO's Executive privilege, or by the stakeholder's (Federal Reserve Owners) and their attorney's, (Congress), by fiat.

Have wonderful day and welcome to US Inc.! Where Safety is Our Watchword!

Of course he says this nonsense. The guy who signs his paycheck wrote the script. I totally agree with Max Igan:

"The mainstream media has little or nothing to do with keeping people informed and everything to do with controlling the flow of information and shaping the thoughts, beliefs and opinions of the populace. These institutions simply present theory and propaganda as fact and promote ridicule towards anyone who questions them. It is a very cleverly constructed system but once you have figured out how to see through the haze of propaganda, the real truths become painfully obvious, but still, many people fail to see through the haze and so now we find the entire human race facing a most precarious situation. The first step in remedying this situation, the first step in regaining an understanding of reality and our true connection to it is to first free ourselves from the control mechanisms of the physical world and the way to achieve this is for each individual on this planet to stand up and to reclaim their birthright."

"What we are experiencing in this reality is freedom of choice, so step away from the fear because it's truly time for people to begin to understand the real power that they have. Turn your back on the TV, shake off the fear mentality and stand up and say no. Come to the realization that we are not numbers, we are not consumers, we are sovereign people and the governments are our elected servants. Understand where their position in the hierarchy actually lies - the government serves the people, the people do not serve the government and with public awareness of the true situation currently facing humanity we can quite peacefully and very easily rectify things."


"Destroying the New World Order"



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