A Government Vision Of The Future That Isn’t That Great
2014 09 01
Here’s a report by the UK Ministry of Defense, a document that they’re not hiding - it’s not classified. In fact, they WANT you to read it: the Global Strategic Trends 2045. For your convenience, they’ve even produced a handy video about their dire predictions:
They present a warning call for how things are going to be bad in the future. They decry the path we’re going down, even as they push us there.
Former MoD official Nick Pope gives a rundown on the report...
A Government Vision Of The Future That Isn’t That Great
By Nick Pope | Neon Nettle
Imagine a future in which wars break out over access to water and in which those wars are largely fought by combat robots. Imagine a world in which quantum computing has rendered all codes crackable, making personal privacy virtually impossible.
Imagine a world in which robots are virtually indistinguishable from humans, are self-aware and make their own decisions. Meanwhile, human beings have begun to use a combination of drugs, neurosurgery and prosthetics to enhance their own abilities and senses.
You’re probably wondering where this vision of the future comes from. It sounds as if it’s based on a combination of the Terminator and X-Men movie franchises, with a bit of “I, Robot” and “The Matrix” thrown in for good measure. If you thought that, you’d be wrong. This intriguing and disturbing vision of the future is nothing to do with science fiction. It comes from a Ministry of Defence study into what the world will look like, 30 years from now.
The document is entitled “Global Strategic Trends out to 2045” and was drawn up by a little-known section of the MoD called the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre. The aim of the document is to look at how the world is likely to change and then to say what the implications would be for defence and security. The work reflects the views of experts in the MoD and elsewhere in government, as well as the views of industry, the scientific community, academia and various private think-tanks. As with many government studies, it talks in terms of “threats and opportunities”.
“Global Strategic Trends out to 2045” is one of the most bizarre, fascinating and controversial documents that you’ll ever find on a government website. You can read the document by clicking here:
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