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Door to Door Vaccinations:

Started by truth. Last reply by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 Apr 8, 2012. 7 Replies

CIA Fake Vaccination Really Kills Children

Started by truth. Last reply by Amaterasu Solar Feb 29, 2012. 1 Reply

There just sick people.

Started by Patty Volies Feb 29, 2012. 0 Replies

Flu Paranoia Season is Here

Started by truth. Last reply by Les Oct 20, 2011. 4 Replies

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Comment by peter b dunn on August 24, 2009 at 2:10pm
Australian Coalition calles for health refferendum
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd should call a referendum asking voters if they want Canberra to take over public hospitals from the states, the opposition says.

But the coalition's health spokesman Peter Dutton admits he's against the concept of the federal government running the health system.

"An idea of public servants running hospitals out of Canberra is a bad idea," he told Fairfax Radio Network on Monday, adding federal funding of local hospital boards was a better idea.

Mr Rudd should live up to Labor's 2007 election promise to hold a referendum on Canberra taking over the nation's public hospitals, Mr Dutton said.

"I think he should put forward a referendum asking this very question."

The security industry must remove criminal elements, Attorney-General Robert McClelland says.
Comment by truth on August 24, 2009 at 11:22am

Plans to Take Children from Schools for Mass Vaccinations and Quara...

Infowars | Draconian plans revealed at international conference last week.

WHO predicts ‘explosion’ of swine flu cases

CTV | The WHO says as many as 2 billion people could become infected over the next two years.

Health experts warn not to take Tamiflu

London Evening Standard | The World Health Organization advice directly contradicts British policy on the issue.

Kids Get $40 Gift Cards in H1N1 Vaccine Test

CNN | Many parents have already volunteered their children but openings still exist.

Flu pandemic archive

Comment by peter b dunn on August 24, 2009 at 12:49am
This is a copy and paste of an article here in australia, geeze they are stil planning/fearmongering to make people want it to protect themselves..ffs

World faces swine flu jab dilemma

Governments bracing for a second, possibly more lethal, wave of swine flu are all grappling with the same unforgiving dilemma: with not enough vaccine to go around, who is going to get jabbed first?

Any lingering hopes that pharmaceutical companies could rapidly fill orders for more than a billion doses from northern hemisphere countries alone were quashed this week by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

"We need to gather advice on priority groups for initial protection," WHO head Margaret Chan said on Friday.

"This is one of the most difficult decisions governments around the world will need to make, especially as we know that supplies will be extremely limited for some months to come."

But national leaders looking for guidance from international health authorities on how best to distribute vaccines that will not be available in most cases before early October, at best, are bound to be disappointed.

The European Union has yet to issue any guidelines specific to the new strain of A(H1N1) influenza that has swept across the globe, infecting hundreds of thousands and claiming at least 1,800 lives.

The WHO does suggest that healthcare workers should be given priority, a policy embraced by most states, but stops short of making further recommendations.

"Individual countries have to look at their own conditions and adapt," WHO spokesman Melinda Henry told AFP from Geneva.

"They have to decide whether they want to stop transmission, protect essential infrastructure, or reduce illness and death."

The problem is that these strategies each target a different segment of society which means, in the event of a shortage, that there simply won't be enough vaccine to protect everyone during the first critical months.

And that's not all: there is also disagreement among epidemiologists, who study how infections spread, as to which approach would save the most lives.

Researchers writing this week in the journal Science argue that the best way to halt the spread of the virus for pandemic flu is to vaccinate school age children and their parents first.

The study makes projections for the United States, but the model could be applicable in other developed nations, and perhaps across the board.

In Japan, the systematic vaccination of schoolchildren prevented more than 40,000 deaths across all age groups every year from the 1960s until the policy was dropped in 1994, according to an earlier study in the New England Journal of Medicine.

This strategy, however, is sharply at odds not only with the one adopted by most countries for fighting seasonal flu, but the one taking shape for the 2009 pandemic as well: prioritising what has long been identified as high-risk groups.

These usually include very young children older than six months, pregnant women, persons with chronic lung conditions, and the very elderly.
Comment by truth on August 23, 2009 at 2:32pm

H1N1 October surprise prevention

A growing number of doctors, other health professionals and citizens are attempting to prevent the humanitarian disaster planned for this October when the new H1N1 vaccine is to be deployed in a grand scale, military, war on terror manoeuvre .

"Primum non nocere" ("First do no harm"), medical ethics standard attributed to Hippocrates that became obligatory for physicians prior to practicing medicine in the 4th century AD is still upheld by some doctors who oppose the worldwide October plan including what Global Research Director, Michel Chossudovsky warns is a military operation leading to global militarization control of individuals.

Infectious disease risk in swine flu jabs

LEADING infectious disease experts have called on the Federal Government to abandon its mass swine-flu vaccination plan because of fears the vaccine is a contamination risk that could spread blood-borne diseases.

US has 20 Mil H1N1 doses to use even before trial tests

Federal Advisory Committee Issues Guidelines For H1N1 Vaccine Campaign
"Robin Robinson of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services told the meeting the government has contracted to buy around 200 million doses of vaccine and that 20 million have been delivered," Reuters reports. Anne Schuchat of the CDC "said it still was not clear when vaccination could begin," but added, "We want people to plan as though we will be able to go in mid-October" (Bigg, 7/29).

Swine Flu Campaign Waits on Vaccine

Only Third of Supply Is Expected for First Round of Vast Effort

To prepare, more than 2,800 local health departments have begun recruiting pediatricians, obstetricians, nurses, pharmacists, paramedics and even dentists, along with a small army of volunteers from churches and other groups.

Another wild card will be whether the vaccine will be delivered with an "adjuvant" to boost its effectiveness or stretch limited supplies into more doses. Adjuvants have been used in Europe, but the Food and Drug Administration has not authorized their use in the United States.

"This is an overreaction," said Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center, which opposes many vaccine policies. "There is no national security threat here. Why are we operating like this? This is not polio. This is not smallpox."

Fears and misinformation about the vaccine are circulating, including inaccurate claims that it will be mandatory.

"I'm very concerned about the dangers of vaccines," said Janice Smith, 58, of Misawaka, Ind., who attended a public hearing Aug. 15, one of a series of meetings the CDC has sponsored to gauge public sentiment about the vaccine.

Authorities are adamant that vaccination will be voluntary, and they say there is no reason to think the vaccine will be any less safe than the usual flu vaccine. An adjuvant will be used only if necessary and proven safe, they say.

To address concerns of pregnant women and parents with young children, some vaccine is being produced without a mercury additive. And because the short-term studies can identify only common, immediate side effects, the CDC will step up monitoring for rarer, serious complications such as Guillain-Barré.

"We're putting into place systems that are as good as we can have to identify problems quickly if they do occur," CDC Director Thomas R. Frieden said.

On Friday, officials reported that no "red flags regarding safety" had emerged in the clinical trials. "We are continuing oversight on the quality and safety of the vaccine being produced, and the production process itself," said Jesse Goodman of the FDA. "That's going well so far, but our oversight is continuing."

In the meantime, local officials are drafting plans tailored to their communities. The shots in the arms and squirts up the nose will happen in schools, medical offices, hospitals, public health clinics, workplaces, drug stores and at mass vaccination events, possibly including drive-through clinics in parking lots where people would stick their arms out their car windows for a stab.

The CDC is formulating a $4.8 million multimedia campaign to encourage people to get vaccinated and help alleviate concerns and confusion, including radio and television public service announcements, print ads, and messages delivered via Twitter, RSS feeds and video podcasts on YouTube.

(AP) No ``red flags'' have been reported so far in tests of the new swine flu vaccine, U.S. health officials said Friday.

Volunteers in the first of five studies of the vaccine got their first shots in the last two weeks, and so far no one has reported symptoms worse than a sore and swollen arm, said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

``There are no red flags regarding safety,'' said Fauci, at a Friday news conference.

That encouraged health officials to go forward this week with experiments testing the vaccine in children ages 6 months to 17 years, Fauci added.

Kansas governor announces swine flu summit

Gov. Mark Parkinson and Kansas health and emergency management officials said Thursday they hold a swine flu summit Monday in Topeka. The invitation-only meeting will also be broadcast to six locations around the state.

No side effects so far in trial of swine flu shot
New York Times

There have been no serious side effects from the first set of injections of the new swine flu vaccine, federal health officials said Friday in predicting that nearly 200 million doses could be produced by year's end.

Clinical trials in adults began on Aug. 7, and those in children on Wednesday.

"There are no red flags regarding safety," said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is overseeing the trials.

Because the only side effects in adults were sore arms, which are typical of any flu shot, trials on children were able to begin, and those in pregnant women are expected to begin early next month, Fauci said in a telephone news conference with officials from the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The vaccine will be tested in about 4,500 people. That is far too few to pick up subtle side effects, but the virus strain in the vaccine is close enough to one strain in seasonal shots so that side effects are expected to be similar.

The trials will help officials decide whether to recommend one dose or two. Even with seasonal flu shots, young children who have never had the flu sometimes need two doses to get a "take" — vaccinologist jargon for a protective immune response.

Unless the virus changes, health officials do not expect to recommend mixing in adjuvants. Adjuvants, usually oil-water emulsions or
aluminum salts, boost the immune system but also often heighten unpleasant side effects.

Since it was first detected in April, the pandemic virus has not produced any nasty new surprises during its spread around the world, said Dr. Jay C. Butler, director of the H1N1 Vaccine Task Force at the CDC.

AFP News Briefs List
Swine flu looms over global economic recovery

Markets around the globe have started to celebrate the first signs of economic recovery, but experts have warned that a possible resurgent swine flu could still take a toll of productivity and financial systems.

First reported four months ago, the new A(H1N1) influenza virus spread by June into a global pandemic with some 1,800 deaths and now affects more than 170 countries, according to the World Health Organization.

Though the number of cases reported to WHO has topped 182,000, the United Nations health watchdog cautions the real number is higher because countries are no longer required to test and report individual cases.

Health officials are gearing up for a resurgence in cases as the northern hemisphere enters winter. So far swine flu infections generally have been relatively mild, with typical flu symptoms that last about a week.

However, the pandemic virus could mutate into a more deadly form. Officials are projecting a shortfall in vaccines being rushed to market in hopes of warding off a potential global health disaster.

Faced with the unpredictable nature of flu viruses, economists say it is difficult to assess the impact of swine flu on the delicate global economic recovery taking shape amid the worst world recession since World War II.

"As the severity of A(H1N1) is so far not severe, we would not expect the magnitude of the shock to the economy to be large relative to GDP (gross domestic product)," said Simonetta Nardin, a spokeswoman at the International Monetary Fund.

"The main threat to financial stability is the risk that high levels of absenteeism could lead to breakdowns in the functioning of key financial systems," she told AFP.

School closures would exacerbate absenteeism, further reducing workplace productivity.

Nardin said that the effects of swine flu on global financial stability and the world economy would be covered in future updates of the IMF's Global Financial Stability Report and World Economic Outlook (WEO), "as warranted by events."

World Bank experts have estimated the potential economic costs of a global influenza pandemic could range from 0.7 percent to 4.8 percent of global GDP depending on the severity of the outbreak.

The lower estimate was benchmarked on the Hong Kong flu of 1968-1969, while the upper bound was based on the devastating 1918-1919 Spanish flu, which infected an estimated one third of the world's population and is estimated to have caused 50 million or more deaths.

Based on the IMF estimate of 2009 global GDP of 54.863 trillion dollars, the swine flu pandemic, using the World Bank simulation, could cost the global economy between 384 billion dollars and 2.633 trillion dollars.

"In the case of a serious flu, 70 percent of the overall economic cost would come from absenteeism and efforts to avoid infection," World Bank experts wrote in the Global Development Finance report released in June.

"Generally speaking, developing countries would be hardest hit, because higher population densities, relatively weak health care systems, and poverty accentuate the economic impacts in some countries."

The swine flu virus was first identified in California in late April and officials linked the new virus to an outbreak of illnesses in Mexico.

Mexico has borne the brunt of the economic costs of the pandemic, particularly in the transportation and tourism sectors.

"While we expect these effects to dissipate quickly following the peak of the epidemic in May, we estimate that the swine flu epidemic will have lowered GDP growth in Mexico on the order of 0.5 to 1.0 percent in 2009," an IMF official said, on condition of anonymity.

"These effects are already factored into our baseline outlook for growth in Mexico of negative 7.3 percent in 2009, as released in the July 2009 WEO," the official said.

Comment by truth on August 21, 2009 at 9:45pm
NY Funeral Directors preparing for Mass Deaths from Swine Flu

Boro prepares for fall’s swine flu cases

By Anna Gustafson
Thursday, August 13, 2009 9:14 AM EDT
City officials are bracing for a surge of swine flu cases this fall and funeral home directors need to be prepared to accommodate a possible related 50,000 to 85,000 deaths, the director of the Metropolitan Funeral Directors Association told a gathering of funeral home representatives in Forest Hills last week.
Comment by truth on August 21, 2009 at 9:41pm
Comment by truth on August 21, 2009 at 9:29pm
Chile confirms swine flu in turkeys, alerts WHO to possibly ...
Chile said Friday that tests show swine flu has jumped to birds,
Comment by Ian on August 21, 2009 at 5:15pm
I found these today worth a read the first is about the early trials of the vaccine. The second is about a link between a neuro disease developed from vaccine that leaked
Comment by Fred Black on August 21, 2009 at 11:16am
Comment by Fred Black on August 21, 2009 at 11:15am

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