

Founding Principles/Essays (Liberty Tree Library) Discussion

WARNING! The knowledge one may acquire by reading this material may prove dangerous to authoritarians as well as the user who is unaccustomed to thinking for themselves. The knowledge herein is provided for academic study only. Any life decisions one may make based on this knowledge is the sole responsibility of the user. Discovering Liberty resides within and cannot be 'taken' from you (although one can abdicate the duty and responsibility of excercising it), may bring one untold happiness but, carries with it responsibilities and grave dangers in an un-free world. Use wisely.


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"Let us dare to read, think, speak and write." John Adams


(360 B.C.) The Republic - Plato


(46 B.C.) Cicero's Brutus - Cicero


(1517) Discourses on Livy - Machiavelli


(1553) The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude - Étienne de La Boétie


(1690) Two Treatises of Government - Locke


(1698) Discourses Concerning Government - Algernon Sydney

Sidney's Discourses and Locke's Second Treatise were recommended by Jefferson and Madison as containing the "general principles of liberty and the rights of man, in nature and society"


(1748) The Spirit of Laws - Montesquieu


(1748) The Principles of Natural and Politic Law - Burlamaqui


(1758) The Law of Nations - Vattel


(1764-1769) The Writings of Samuel Adams


(1765-1769) Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England


(1766) The Declaratory Act


(1770) The Writings of John Adams V1-2

The Writings of John Adams V3-4

The Writings of John Adams V5-7

The Writings of John Adams V8-10


(1771-1788) The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin


(1772) The Votes and Proceedings of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants


(1774) Novanglus - John Adams. The Principle Controversy between Great Britain and Her Colonies


(1776) Common Sense - Thomas Paine

The pamphlet Common Sense appeared on the very day that the King of England's speech reached the United States, in which the Americans were denounced as rebels and traitors, and in which speech it was asserted to be the right of the legislature of England to bind the Colonies in all cases whatsoever.


(1776-1783) The Crisis - Thomas Paine


(1780) Journal of the Convention for Framing the Massachusetts Bay Constitution


(1785) Remarks concerning the Government and Laws of the United States of America: in Four Letters addressed to Mr. Adams


(1787) The Anti-Federalist (audio)


(1787) The Federalist (text) The Federalist (audio)


(1781-1826) The Declaration of Independence and Letters by Thomas Jefferson


(1788) The Debates in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Virginia

on the adoption of the Federal Constitution


(1788) Speech delivered at the Virginia Convention debate of the ratification of the Constitution - Patrick Henry


(1789) James Madison Speech to the First Congress - Madison's proposed Amendments to the Constitution


(1791-92) The Rights of Man - Thomas Paine


(1792) A Letter Addressed to the Abbe Raynal - Thomas Paine


(1792) Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States of America - James Wilson, Thomas McKean

As far as I know this is the first legal treatise written on the subject of the U.S. Constitution.


(1794-95) Age of Reason Pt. I, II and III - Thomas Paine


(1796) Washington's Farewell Address


(1800) The Origin and Principles of the America and French Revolutions Compared


(1804) The Works of the Honourable James Wilson - Wilson signed the DoI and the federal Constitution, appointed to the Supreme Court by Washington


(1805) The Dangers of American Liberty - Fisher Ames


(1820) The Republican Part I & II Part III - Wiliam Jarvis

“I thank you, Sir, for the copy of your Republican which you have been so kind as to send me… looking over it cursorily I see much in it to approve, and shall be glad if it shall lead our youth to the practice of thinking on such subjects and for themselves…”   Thomas Jefferson


(1820) Construction Construed, and Constitutions Vindicated - John Taylor


(1823) New Views of the Constitution of the United States - John Taylor of Caroline


(1829) The annals of America - Abiel Holmes

From the Discovery to the year 1826


(1830) The Letters of Algernon Sydney, In Defense of Civil Liberty - Judge Spencer Roane's letters to the Richmond Enquirer, 1818-19


(1831) Essays on the American System, its Principle and Object - Spencer Roane


(1833) Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States - Joseph Story  

* [see 1868 - A Brief Inquiry....]


(1835) Democracy in America - Volume I - de Tocqueville


(1837) Introduction to American law - Designed as a First Book for Students


(1839) The Jubilee of the Constitution: A Discourse - John Quincy Adams


(1840) Democracy in America - Volume II - de Tocqueville


(1849) On the Duty of Civil Disobedience - H.D. Thoreau


(1850) The Law - Frederick Bastiat


(1859) The Government Class Book - Designed for the Instruction of Youth


(1860) Diary of the American Revolution. From Newspapers and Original Documents - Frank Moore


(1861) Ancient Law, its connection with the early history of society and its relation to modern ideas - Sir Henry Sumner Maine


(1861) Memoir, Letters, and Remains of Alexis de Tocqueville, 2 vols. 


(1862) Considerations on Representative Government - John Stuart Mill


* (published 1868) A Brief Enquiry into the True Nature and Character of our Federal Government - Judge Abel Upshur (highly recommended reading - Frog )

A critical review of Judge Story's Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. 


(1872) A Manual of American Ideas - DESIGNED For the Use of Schools, For the Instruction of Foreigners seeking Naturalization and For the Use of Voters


(1875) History of the United States of America: - George Bancroft

History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent

covers America in depth up to 1789.


(1883) Social Statics - Herbert Spencer


(1885) Popular Government - Sir Henry Sumner Maine


(1888) The American Commonwealth, 2 vols. - James Bryce


(1889) The Old South Leaflets Seventh Series

The Old South Lectures for Young People were instituted in the summer of 1883, as a means of promoting a more serious and intelligent attention to historical studies, especially studies in American history, among the young people of Boston.


(1890) The Unwritten Constitution of the United States- Christopher Tiedeman


(1890) Life of the Hon. Thomas McKean - Roberdeau Buchanan


(1891) The Theory of the Social Compact and its Influence upon the American Revolution


(published 1891) A Fragment on Government - Jeremy Bentham (first published in 1776)


(1892) Essays on the Constitution of the United States, published during its discussion by the people 1787-1788 - Paul L. Ford


(1894) Sources of the Constitution of the United States - C. Ellis Stevens


(published 1903) The Complete ANAS of Thomas Jefferson


(1905) The John P. Branch historical papers of Randolph-Macon College-           Collected works of Judge S. Roane


(1908) The Mystery of the Pinckney Draught


(1963) Burke, Paine, and the Rights of Man - R.R. Fennessy





Discussion Forum

Town demolishes veteran’s home while he’s away for surgery

Started by Central Scrutinizer. Last reply by Central Scrutinizer Nov 30, 2015. 2 Replies

The March Towards Civil War Is Rapidly Progressing

Started by Central Scrutinizer. Last reply by Damonne Travis Jul 27, 2015. 1 Reply

How The TPP Is Going To Affect You

Started by Central Scrutinizer. Last reply by truth Jul 11, 2015. 7 Replies

Overthrow the Judicial Dictatorship

Started by Central Scrutinizer Jun 28, 2015. 0 Replies

Fully Armed Military Convoy Spotted In Montana

Started by Central Scrutinizer Jun 25, 2015. 0 Replies

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You need to be a member of A REPUBLIC; IF YOU CAN KEEP IT? to add comments!

Comment by T Stirhen on October 26, 2013 at 10:22am

No one can "take" our freedoms unless we allow it for whatever lying reason they give.

Want to really do something about this then start by teaching others how to survive, how to grow things, how to fight, how to shoot (Appleseed is a good way), how to do emergency medical; things that will help keep people alive - remember one of the main goals is "depopulation".

Second learn your state's constitution because it is the CONTRACT that all state law enforcement and government employees are under.  Know the ath they take because that is their affirmation that they KNOW the contract and will follow it. If they break the oath they break the contract. Fire them. You do NOT need an election or recall to dump them when they broke the contract. Expect them to take "the people of the great state of XXX" to court over it. It is up to them to prove that they did NOT break the agreed upon contract.  Do this in numbers and in the safest manner youc an as the USA and the US Constitution needs you alive. This includes all state law enforcement, all state repss, all those who work within state agencies and schools - that are required to take the oath.  Look up state laws they must keep such as:

Ca Government Code Section 19572. Each of the following constitutes cause for discipline of an employee, or of a person whose name appears on any employment list:

(a) Fraud in securing appointment.

(b) Incompetency.

(c) Inefficiency.

(d) Inexcusable neglect of duty.

(e) Insubordination.

(f) Dishonesty.

(g) Drunkenness on duty.

(h) Intemperance.

(i) Addiction to the use of controlled substances.

(j) Inexcusable absence without leave.

(k) Conviction of a felony or conviction of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude. A plea or verdict of guilty, or a conviction following a plea of nolo contendere, to a charge of a felony or any offense involving moral turpitude is deemed to be a conviction within the meaning of this section.

(l) Immorality.

(m) Discourteous treatment of the public or other employees.

(n) Improper political activity...

(s) Refusal to take and subscribe any oath or affirmation that is required by law in connection with the employment. (con't)

Comment by Robert David Hummel on October 25, 2013 at 12:40pm

Good Day,to all Servicemembers.and "OATHKEEPERS"..."We", have provided Blank Check  in Service to our Country...since Jun 16 1775... YES', Some gave ALL, but ALL Gave Some...In our endeaver to Preserve, Protect, and Defend the Constitutioon, the Bill of Rights and more especially The Freedoms etched in Our Great Nation's, "UNDER GOD", Foundation.

Here comes the time..."of those that are presently elected"... to lead in guide our countries well being...within the Three (3), branches of our government, (PARTICULARILY the POTUS),... all of whom  are incessantly, accumulatively, and disasterously....wreaking havoc...in their efforts to Destroy the..."Truth, Justice, and Our American Way".

Our Founding Fathers...did effectively... prescribe powerful and worthwhile ...Checks and Balances...within our governmental authorities ...that are significantly....being Wantantly, Willfully, and Defiantly, USURPED , by the POTUS, ...while the Democratic Senate is purposefully alligning with the POTUS, and the Republican House of Representatives are FAILING to effectively UNIFY and apply appropriate retraint and control of the nations Purse values,... And the Supreme Court and the USAG,  are limp or laxidaisily, ...defining the Rule of Law...which in effect...gives credence for  the POTUS and the Democratic Party...to Purposefully, Fraudulent, deceitfully, and destructively...ERODE the FOUNDATION and FREEDOMS  of Our Great Country. 

With, "ALL of The Above", precisely providing the Din and Angst...To "We The people"...makes the call ...WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT OUR PRESENT CALAMITY ?

Based on the FACTS of the present Governmental FAILURES 'To Serve The People within the Confines of the Constitution and the Rule of Law",...Our only SOLUTION is a REVOLUTION..."We The People, Patriots ...and OATHKEEPERS, NEED...PEACEABLY Apply the "WEAPON of OUR VOICE", and NECESSARILY,...Our Physical Presence... WHILE THE GOVERNMENTAL OFFICES are IN SESSION,...To IMPOSE... "CITIZENS ARREST" of all Persons and Parties ASSOCIATED with the FAILED LEADERSHIP and Fraudulent Enactment of Destructive Legislation, that impact the Well-Being of Our Great Country. 

Yea' ...I am only ONE , I'm Old, and assuredly not very well financially capable, BUT I am willing to again RISK MY LIFE and LIMB, and my Limited  Fixed Income resources....to Join the Power of  of all Responsible, and Accountable "Patriot, and  Freedom Organizations"..... NOT FOR MY COMFORT....But for the CONTINUANCE of Truth, Justice, The American Way, to Preserve, Protect, and Defend, the FREEDOMS of Our Great Nation....Be provided to My Children and Grandchildren. 

Comment by MAC on October 24, 2013 at 8:58pm

Washington DC. This is NOT "IN" AMERICA and DOES NOT "REPRESENT" AMERICA and is NOT "ON" AMERICAN LAND. It is an INDEPENDENT NATION which is a "DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA". This tiny piece of land is a SMALL TOWN size and NOT a STATE OF AMERICA. It operates under ROMAN LAW, where the entire concept originated and is SOVEREIGN and because of that, it operates AUTONOMOUSLY under the laws that lean to its own benefit in every single possible way! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City-state

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on October 3, 2013 at 3:35am

Welcome Dr. Sardonicus U have good taste!

Comment by MAC on September 15, 2013 at 11:51pm

nice chart

Comment by mystery on September 15, 2013 at 9:21pm

so sad.

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on September 15, 2013 at 4:28pm
The Left Right Paradigm
Comment by Nobody Will Observe on September 9, 2013 at 3:33am

Land of the weak. Home of the slave.

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on September 3, 2013 at 4:30am

Will Observe

Comment by MAC on September 2, 2013 at 9:21pm



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