Can't is the worst word that's written or spoken;
Doing more harm here than slander or lies;
On it is many a strong spirit broken,
And with it many a good purpose dies.
It springs from the lips of the thoughtless each morning
And robs us of courage we need through the day:
It rings in our ears like a timely-sent warning
And laughs when we falter and fall by the way.
Can't is the father of feeble endeavor,
The parent of terror… Continue
Added by CHUCK W. on August 14, 2010 at 10:34am —
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Looking back on a disordered life that I occasionally package as journalism, but that actually has more in common with the path of a large ball-bearing through a pinball machine, I don’t really think I will slit my wrists. Though it has its appeal. I mean, it’s unnerving to sail through the vastness of an unasked-for universe, round and round a minor sun, on a ball of rock with billions of… Continue
Added by CHUCK W. on August 14, 2010 at 10:00am —
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As congressional leaders seek to ram through one Big Government bill after another as fast as they can, legislators are frequently voting on proposals without sufficient time…
(AP) – 1 day ago KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — A Malaysian state is allowing people to use gold and silver coins at stores and restaurants to revive a practice from early Islamic societies, an official said Friday.
The gold dinar and silver dirham coins provide an alternative to Malaysia's
currency, the ringgit, in northeastern Kelantan state, which is governed by the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, a conservative opposition group that promotes religious policies… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on August 14, 2010 at 4:06am —
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It's everywhere. I see the symbolism painted all over my kids clothes, in the movies, on tv, in the mags, on the web. It's like a barrage of subtle messages telling us our place in the plan.
Today I was at McD's drinking my coffee and the back of a man's t-shirt briefly caught my eye. I saw an assassin looking character up in a tree aiming a compound bow downward. The caption said, " THE POPULATION WILL BE CONTROLLED" WTF? Did I read… Continue
Added by Scott Roloff on August 14, 2010 at 12:30am —
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President Obama and his two best buddies — Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — have spun two new
political fantasies this week. (J. Scott Applewhite/AP File)
It cannot be said often enough that Washington is a city of endless fairy tales. Politicians in both parties can be found spinning these fantasies, but the yarns have been coming especially fast and furious since President Obama and his two best buddies -- Senate Majority… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on August 13, 2010 at 9:13pm —
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BEIJING: A Chinese General on Friday termed as "flagrant provocation" US plans to send a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to the Yellow Sea and said the country would retaliate if "offended".
"A country needs respect, so does a military. We will retaliate if we are offended," Major General Luo Yuan, deputy secretary-general of the People's Liberation Army's (PLA) Academy of Military Sciences, wrote in an editorial in the PLA Daily.
The Daily Reckoning Presents
The Rise, Fall, and Rise of Disaster
Bill Bonner
The US Department of Agriculture may have some usefulness. Projecting future prices isn't one of them. In 2005, it looked five years ahead and saw a bushel of wheat selling for $3.50. Last week, the price rose to more than twice that much.
Why? God himself is to blame. Not since 1880 has Russia been so dry. And not since Napoleon's invasion has Moscow suffered so much soot.… Continue
Added by CHUCK W. on August 13, 2010 at 6:42pm —
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Will the summer of 2010 be remembered as the time when we turned into a nation of sleepwalkers? We have heard reports of the intrusion of the state into everyday life, and of miscarriages of American power abroad. The reports made a stir, but as suddenly as they came they were gone. The last two weeks of July saw two such stories on almost successive days.
First there was "Top Secret America," the three-part Washington Post report by Dana Priest and William M. Arkin on the… Continue
Added by CHUCK W. on August 13, 2010 at 5:44pm —
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Three former U.S. soldiers involved in the infamous "Collateral Murder"
helicopter gunship attack on Baghdad civilians in July 2007, say that attack was nothing out of the ordinary. The massacre---that killed more than a dozen Iraqis, two of them employed by Reuters News Service---ignited a wave of international revulsion against the U.S. military when a video of the massacre was released by WikiLeaks last April.
"What the world did not see is the months of training that… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on August 13, 2010 at 5:06pm —
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He has many nicknames. He's been called "The Lightbringer." He's been called "The Messiah". He has been called, "The Anointed One." He has been called simply, "The One."…
The Flower contrasts a utopian society that freely farms and consumes a pleasure giving flower with a society where the same flower is illegal and its consumption is prohibited.
The animation is a meditation on the social and economic costs of marijuana… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on August 13, 2010 at 4:30pm —
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Ken Kesey (1935 - 2001) is one of the best-known authors to ever emerge from Oregon. He wrote his two most-acclaimed novels, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest...