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North American Union Meeting Proceeds with Little Notice, Hillary Attends

With little attention from mainstream media, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with the foreign ministers of Canada and Mexico in a North American Foreign Ministers Meeting in Quebec, Canada.

The Dec. 13 meeting is a prelude to the next North American Summit Leaders meeting in 2011, a yet unscheduled trilateral summit that is the… Continue

Added by Swtnlovabl on December 23, 2010 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

U.S. congressman declares: Borders will be 'irrelevant'

A so-called spiritual conference at which Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., called for the U.S. border to become an "irrelevancy" was led by a slew of extremists, including a Marxist who reportedly compared the tea-party movement to Hitler.

Conference speakers include radicals with deep ties to President Obama.…


Added by Swtnlovabl on December 23, 2010 at 12:39pm — 1 Comment

White House Gives Go-ahead For Elitists to Control DNA



It is official: in the name of "clean energy, pollution control and medicine," the White House is prepared to let scientists, spearheaded by the J. Craig Venter Institute, "manipulate DNA of organisms to forge new life forms," according to a recent AFP article.…


Added by Swtnlovabl on December 23, 2010 at 12:20pm — 1 Comment

John Pilger - The War You Don't See

John Pilger says in the film: "We journalists... have to be brave enough to defy those who seek our collusion in selling their latest bloody adventure in someone else's country... That means always challenging the official story, however patriotic that story may appear, however seductive and insidious it is. For propaganda relies on us in the media to aim its deceptions not at a far away country but at you at home... In this age of endless imperial war, the lives of countless men, women and… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 23, 2010 at 4:00am — No Comments



this is a link to a new bill in Ca proposed by Fiona Ma. This is one excerpt:


This bill would provide, subject to exceptions, that any person

who conducts a public event at night that includes prerecorded music

and lasts more than 31/2…

Added by TheEnthusiast on December 23, 2010 at 2:10am — No Comments

Terrorist may poison the food supply (but the food companies already have)

(NaturalNews) Always on the terror streak, the mainstream media is now warning Americans that terrorists may strike the food supply by dumping poison into restaurant salad bars and buffets, for example. CBS News broke the story, quoting anonymous "intelligence" sources who insist that terrorists might use ricin or cyanide to poison foods in salad bars.…


Added by Swtnlovabl on December 22, 2010 at 1:21pm — 1 Comment

The Illuminati's Ideology of Enslavement


Adolf Hitler and Aleister Crowley, the two great black magicians of the 20th century, shared a satanic ideology based on in "the survival of the fittest" and the enslavement of the masses.…


Added by Swtnlovabl on December 22, 2010 at 12:50pm — No Comments

Government attack on food supply increases

I was taught as a child what we eat today walks and talks tomorrow.

Throughout my life I have found that to be so true. If I eat processed food or GM modified food I get sick, tired and feel depressed. If I eat raw, healthy organic produce my energy levels are up, my skin has colour and I feel on top of the world.

Yet Governments are rushing in to regulate away that which would keep us healthy – good wholesome food. We have already discussed…


Added by Anti Oligarch on December 22, 2010 at 4:13am — 3 Comments

'Junk' E-mail posts on my alternate email account


Merry Christnas!

Sometimes, i get posts in my 'junk mail', which i check only every week or so. Most of these I delete (like the usual Ugandan monobotic requests for my bank account number), but every once in a while, I seem to be getting posts from '12.160'.

FOLLOW the threads, and link to the linked responses, for the way that I need to deal with the issues that I pick up on, every once in a while, trying to clean…


Added by XhackedbyNSA on December 22, 2010 at 1:03am — No Comments

The Unsustainable US Dollar Coming to Your Town Soon: PART ONE

The Unsustainable Dollar : PART ONE

All of us are quite aware of the continued deficit spending that has gone on ever since the Republican majority Congress held the Clinton Administration expenditures to a balanced budget. However, once the Clinton White House left office under a deluge of law breaking accusations from the White Water scandal to Monica Lewinski, from the missing hard drives at Los Alamos to Clinton’s midnight gravy train of faxed pardons, it… Continue

Added by Doc Vega on December 22, 2010 at 12:48am — 1 Comment

The Unsustainable US Dollar Coming Near You : PART TWO

The Unsustainable Dollar Coming Near You : PART TWO

As I stressed in the first article, at the present rate of insurmountable pressure, it is unlikely that the US dollar can remain untouched, or for that matter, keep from being rendered into worthless paper in the hands of a besieged American consumer. I do not say this jokingly or lightly. If you think it just can’t happen here-think again.

Our government has been irresponsibly… Continue

Added by Doc Vega on December 22, 2010 at 12:30am — No Comments



Wow, seems these days is often the word leaving my mouth as i look around me and with an open and rational mind ............I went through a Severe SHOCK as i was suddenly made aware of a few TRUTH about this world and a few LIES and yes to say the very least has changed my life.

Obviously its much too soon to sit here and lie and say my personal lifes and those of my freinds neighbors and loved ones have…

Added by bill green on December 21, 2010 at 10:37pm — 1 Comment

The Language of Health Tyranny: Decoding the Codex Alimentarius Guidelines For Vitamins and Supplements

Friday, December 17, 2010The Language of Health Tyranny: Decoding the Codex Alimentarius Guidelines For Vitamins and Supplements

Excerpt from Codex Alimentarius -- The End of Health Freedom

Brandon Turbeville --Activist Post…


Added by Swtnlovabl on December 21, 2010 at 8:25pm — No Comments

Japan bio-scientists produce ‘singing mouse’

labmicemouse afp Japan bio scientists produce singing mouse

"Mutations are the driving force of evolution. We have cross-bred the genetically modified mice for generations to see what would happen," lead researcher Arikuni Uchimura told AFP.

"We checked the newly born mice one by one... One day we found a mouse that was singing like a bird," he said, noting that the "singing mouse" was born by chance but that the trait will be passed on to future generations.

"I was surprised because I had been expecting mice that are…


Added by Sweettina2 on December 21, 2010 at 5:58pm — No Comments

Galactic Federation of Light - Earth in Quarantine before First Contact occurs 2012 2013

A great audio that talks about what is coming soon and what the Illumianti are contacting

Galactic Federation of Light, Sirius Star Nation, Earth and our Solar System has been placed in quarantine, our Solar System is surrounded by the Galactic Federation of Light .The Reptillians and the Greys have been erradicated out of Earth and our Solar System, and placed the Illumianti/Shadow Gov under supervision, what we seeing is the coming end for this dark group and the commencement of the…


Added by Robert Carobene on December 21, 2010 at 5:50pm — 2 Comments

Bombshell Report: WikiLeaks to Release US at War with UFOs

I am not sure how reliable this story is but it is a good story.

The European Union Times is reporting that WikiLeaks is about to release a diplomatic cable with information that the US has been engaged in a war with UFOs based near Antarctica since 2004.…


Added by Swtnlovabl on December 21, 2010 at 5:08pm — No Comments

FCC Approves Plan to Regulate Internet

In this March 12 photo, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski is interviewed at his office in Washington.

Added by Sweettina2 on December 21, 2010 at 4:42pm — No Comments

FCC Approves Plan to Regulate Internet

In this March 12 photo, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski is interviewed at his office in Washington.


WASHINGTON -- The Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday approved a plan to regulate the Internet despite warnings that it could strangle industry investment and damage an economy that is still struggling to recover. The 3-2 vote fell along partisan lines with Democrats capitalizing on their numerical advantage.…


Added by Sweettina2 on December 21, 2010 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Latest Terror Threat in US Aimed to Poison Food

CBS) In this exclusive story, CBS News chief investigative correspondent Armen Keteyian reports the latest terror attack to America involves the possible use of poisons - simultaneous attacks targeting hotels and restaurants at many locations over a single weekend.

A key Intelligence source has confirmed the threat as "credible."…


Added by Swtnlovabl on December 21, 2010 at 4:03pm — 1 Comment

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This is INSANE! The Biden administration is doing it in ALL 50 states! | Redacted w Clayton Morris

American Financing:N M L S 1 8 2 3 3 4, N M L S consumer access dot org. APR for rates in the 5s start at 6.799% for well qualified borrowers. Visit https://...
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Pete Seeger on being Black Listed in America, 1965: CBC Archives | CBC

In this clip from 1965, folk singer and activist Pete Seeger talks about being black listed for "un-American activities" and his refusal to answer questions ...
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Letitia James You know the one who Announced She was going after Donald Trump Now targets Ivermectin! 600w,…See More
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