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Why are so many anti-gun mayors criminals?

Why are so many anti-gun mayors criminals?

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David Codrea

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Why are so many anti-gun mayors… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on September 21, 2010 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

BREAKING: US House puts oceans, coasts under UN: Senate vote will seal the deal

September 21, 2010

Piece by piece, America being given away

By Carmen Reynolds, Paul McKain and Karen Schoen

“It’s too late; it’ll just have to be stopped in the Senate,” Tom, the young male answering the phone in U.S. Rep. John Boehner’s (R-Ohio)Washington D.C. office, said about HR 3534 (CLEAR Act). This is the globalist bill designed to give away our land, oceans, adjacent land masses and Great Lakes to an international body, and makes us pay $900 million per year… Continue

Added by Swtnlovabl on September 21, 2010 at 4:27pm — No Comments

How Corporations Own Congress

How Corporations Own Congress

By Shamus Cooke

With the November elections quickly approaching, the majority of Americans will be thinking one thing: “Who cares?” This apathy isn’t due to ignorance, as some accuse. Rather, working people’s… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on September 21, 2010 at 3:42pm — 1 Comment

How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered a 'world-killing' event

How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered a 'world-killing' event

by Terrence Aym

Ominous reports are leaking past the BP Gulf salvage operation news blackout that the disaster unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico may be about to reach biblical proportions.

251 million years ago a mammoth undersea methane bubble caused massive explosions, poisoned the atmosphere and destroyed more than 96 percent of all life on Earth. [1] Experts agree that what is known as the… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on September 21, 2010 at 1:49pm — No Comments

S 510 and Codex Alimentarius - the removal of nutrition

Monday, September 20, 2010

S 510 and Codex Alimentarius - the removal of nutrition

by A. Goodwin

S 510 includes passages that would force harmonization with Codex Alimentarius. It is a name most people do not know and one that the media has not exposed though its consequences to human health would be extreme. Codex threatens the lives of millions through limiting access to adequate… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on September 21, 2010 at 1:10pm — No Comments

dead by dumb, bubbles 2

BUBBLES part two.

Big-Brother self destructs.

ONE: Finks are fodder for BB's ploys. Proven fact, complainers are usually hiding something. Busting walk-ins, like angry girlfriends, is the lazy way of law enforcement.

You might even bust the target instead of the leak sometimes. Doesn't seem likely thou, as certain team reflexes would kick in fast.

TWO: And not by conflicting ops this time. 14 yr old Chilean child slave labor selling coke in Vancouver… Continue

Added by pat donovan on September 21, 2010 at 12:01pm — No Comments

Pretext to War is Totally Fabricated

Progress for truth over deception and denial is moving, albeit slowly, but moving. There are now 1,311 registered architects and engineers signed up refuting the absurd official version of what happened on 9/11/01, which has led us to an insanely aggressive foreign policy and financial disruption at home and… Continue

Added by Jonathan Mark on September 21, 2010 at 11:59am — No Comments

USA In Debt

More disinformation by the New World Order! From

The H1N1 flu scare was a dismal failure. People informed about the health risks refused to get the vaccination. The United Nation’s World Health Organization tried to stampede people into getting the shot by declaring a level six pandemic. The CDC issued apocalyptic… Continue

Added by Robert Carobene on September 21, 2010 at 10:00am — 3 Comments


Senate Fax Numbers (flood them)

Senate Contacts (Find Individual Representatives)…


Added by truth on September 21, 2010 at 6:30am — 45 Comments

Satanists Encouraged by Lack of Opposition

Satanists Encouraged by Lack of Opposition

September 20, 2010

The primary reason I was instructed to seek publication the material of Petor Narsagonan (and indeed my own materials) was to ascertain if and the extent of any opposition to what is shortly due. If any credible opposition had been detected then some alternate arrangements would, of necessity, have been implemented.

[Disclaimer: This website… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on September 21, 2010 at 2:30am — 1 Comment

DBS interviews Gordon Duff!!! (WOW!!!)

Subject: Fw: DBS interviews Gordon Duff!!! (WOW!!!)

Every American needs to listen carefully to this interview of Gordon Duff, Editor of Veterans Today. It is that important. This one is a blockbuster......

This takes a while to load but well worth an hour of your time.

Either be informed or be a victim....

Monday, September 20, 2010 6:56 AM…


Added by CHUCK W. on September 20, 2010 at 11:40pm — No Comments

Special thanks

I'd like to give special thanks to the folks at 12160 who have at last converted me and released me from the bonds of common sense, logic, and reason. I am fully with you now unhampered by taste, credibility, or or the ravages of tolerance. It's so freeing to do away with all of that bull.

The best part is that when I send my friends, family, or associates to 12160 I will no longer have to be embarrassed by dry political articles that expose or combat the NWO in any way, confident… Continue

Added by Marklar on September 20, 2010 at 11:40pm — 3 Comments

Grey Husky Hybrids

Dr James Segal, a whistleblower from Livermore Laboratories reveals in this footage the true nature of the alien hybrid program which seeks to merge dog and alien DNA with the human Soul in order to realize the age old dream of talking dogs for use in the entertainment… Continue

Added by Marklar on September 20, 2010 at 11:09pm — 1 Comment


Moist golden sponge cake.

Creamy white filling of joy.

Boy, I love Twinkies!

Enriched flour and

water, sugar, corn syrup

oils - many kinds

eggs, dextrose, food starch

whey, leavenings, salt, starch, and

yellow corn flour

corn syrup solids

mono and diglycerides

dextrin, calcium

caseinate and

sodium stearoyl and

lactylate also

cellulose gum and

polysorbate 60 and

wheat gluten… Continue

Added by Marklar on September 20, 2010 at 10:56pm — 1 Comment

And his grace was wrapped in blue sued shoes

The First Church of Jesus Christ, Elvis

``For unto you is born this day in the city of Memphis a Presley, which is Elvis the King.''

And Elvis saw them berating the poor recording artist, whose music was terrible and lyrics insipid, and Lo, the King said unto the mob:

`Let him who is without bad singles cast the first rhinestone.'

And the mob turned down their eyes, each considering his own Don't Worry Be Happy or Man in the Mirror, and shuffled… Continue

Added by Marklar on September 20, 2010 at 10:43pm — No Comments

Is Jesus Lucifer and the Devil?

Jesus = Lucifer = THE Devil

That the christian bible is the composition of Lucifer, the fallen rebel archangel and Devil supreme, is scientifically proved in these volumes.

The Ancient Mother Series

We address you with this message transmitting the news that a series of new books titled as 'The Ancient Mother Series' of which Ancient Mother I & II are out. The term is used in a universal sense and beyond all considerations of race, language, history or sect. The series… Continue

Added by Marklar on September 20, 2010 at 10:38pm — 3 Comments

The Truth

This article is dedicated to exposing the dreadful truth about the supposed work of fiction “The Lord of the Rings”, and the true identities of the supposed stars of this sham of a film!

This is no mere story dreamt up by an English writer, this is the true actions of a group of incredibly noble and brave people, captured on hidden cameras that were put in place by an evil wannabe dictator in a bid to capture and brainwash all of Middle-earth.

In short, The Lord of the… Continue

Added by Marklar on September 20, 2010 at 10:31pm — No Comments

America's Torture Doctrine

turday, September 11, 2010

America's Torture Doctrine

John Galt

Activist Post

The new mainstream American value of torture is steeped in self-deception, legal justification, and propaganda. We idolize torturers in our favorite TV programs, and are happy to see our enemies (real and imagined) vicariously taken apart in order to protect our beacon of freedom. It is an Orwellian undertaking. Only a massive propaganda effort and a… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on September 20, 2010 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Baseball, Apple Pie & Torture; The New American Value

Baseball, Apple Pie, and Torture; The new American value.

Published on 09-19-2010 Email To Friend Print Version

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By John Galt - Activist Post

The new mainstream American value of torture is steeped in self-deception, legal justification, and propaganda. We idolize torturers in our favorite TV programs, and are happy to see our enemies (real and imagined) vicariously taken apart in… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on September 20, 2010 at 6:45pm — 1 Comment

FDA wont allow foods to be labeled free of genetic modification

FDA won’t allow food to be labeled free of genetic modification

Published on 09-19-2010 Email To Friend Print Version

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Source: Raw Story

That the Food and Drug Administration is opposed to labeling foods that are genetically modified is no surprise anymore, but a report in the Washington Post indicates the FDA won’t even allow food producers to label their foods as being free of genetic modification.

In reporting that the FDA will likely not… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on September 20, 2010 at 6:31pm — No Comments

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