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Ukrainian Kids, New Victims of Israeli “Organ Theft”

© PressTV

An international Israeli conspiracy to kidnap children and harvest their organs is gathering momentum as another shocking story divulges Tel Aviv’s plot to import Ukrainian children and harvest their organs.

The story brings to light the fact that Israel has brought some 25,000 Ukrainian children into the occupied entity over the past two years in order to harvest their organs. It cites a Ukrainian man’s fruitless search for 15 children who had been adopted in… Continue

Added by Tara on December 7, 2009 at 10:02am — No Comments

The Brotherhood and the Manipulation of Society Part 1 Introduction & The Main Manipulating Groups

A ten part series of well written articles explaining the makeup and organization of the Illuminati elites who are behind the New World Order/Globalization scheme. An excellent tutorial, these articles are taken from Chapter 13 of Ivan Fraser's book Lifting The Veil: the Sign of the Sword.

This is part one.

Find more videos like this on…


Added by Citizen X74 on December 7, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

A new paradigm

I’ve been quietly observing with great restraint and disdain, the “climategate” circus and indeed for a much longer period, the climate change v skeptic debate. I’m not entrenched in either position, but the whole thing disturbs and unsettles me, something is not right. Here are a few of my thoughts.

Climategate = bullshit. Climate change v skeptic is just the new left/ right paradigm. It is exactly what was insidiously planned to be by our caring…

Added by Fred Black on December 7, 2009 at 6:00am — No Comments

The Global Oil Scam: 50 Times Bigger than Madoff

$2.5 Trillion - That’s the size of the global oil scam.

It’s a number so large that, to put it in perspective, we will now begin measuring the damage done to the global economy in "Madoff Units" ($50Bn rip-offs). $2.5Tn is 50 times the amount of money that Bernie Madoff scammed from investors in his lifetime, but it is less than the monthly excess price the global population is being manipulated into paying for a barrel of… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 7, 2009 at 4:00am — 1 Comment

No You Can't ...... Miss This Rally 12/12 D.C

12/12 in DC: The No You Can't Rally

“No You Can’t!” Rally at White House December 12.

Unity Among Peace Movement Groups against Obama War Escalation - Warning of Reprisals to Troop Surge.

Please remember

No Violence

No Agro

No Fighting

The elites are begging for a reason to set the troops loose on…


Added by Anti Oligarch on December 7, 2009 at 2:30am — 2 Comments

Do Christians Have a Right to Self Defense? Part 3 Corruption will cease when the people become moral

by Brother Gregory Williams

December 5, 2009

The right to exercise force to prevent a crime, injustice, abuse to another individual or even yourself has nothing to do with violence, vengeance, punishment, resistance, or judgment. It has to do with what Jesus called the weightier matters of law, justice, mercy, and faith.

If someone or something is out… Continue

Added by Swtnlovabl on December 6, 2009 at 8:47pm — No Comments

Union Carbide Kills 20,000 - Remember?

I do. I was a young man, a hippie but with short hair working as a business executive in Arizona, and it provoked more anger in me, more rage than I could ever convey with written words.

Indra Sinha, who was Booker-nominated for his book on the Bhopal disaster, explains why the gas leak that killed 20,000 people 25 years ago – and continues to create health problems for countless more – is still a national scandal.

"Wake up people of Bhopal, you are on the edge of a… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 6, 2009 at 8:34pm — No Comments

Spains Own 9/11 - The NeoCons Are Everywhere!

The Madrid 3/11 Bombings: Was it Really an Attack by "Islamic Terrorists"?

by Mathieu Miquel

A series of bombings plunged Madrid into mourning five years ago. The Spanish legal system concluded that this operation, attributed first to ETA and then to Al Qaeda, was Islamist inspired, though not linked with international networks. The Spanish press, led by the newspaper El Mundo, today is calling into question that conclusion, which was of obvious political character. As in… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 6, 2009 at 8:26pm — No Comments

Operation Garden Plot

Many people before me have provided better explanations than i am able to do. So i have collected website address that discuss "operation garden plot" and its implications and past uses in and for the United States of America.

If you think it cant happen here, i got news for you, it already has ... many many times over.

Historical Perspective

Operation Garden Plot

On the afternoon of 29 April 1992, the worst civil unrest since the 1960,s erupted inthe streets of… Continue

Added by Citizen X74 on December 6, 2009 at 5:31pm — No Comments

12160.ORG Round Table for December 5th, 2009 (Video)

Description: This week we talk about the plight of those caught up in the Ed and Elaine Brown Standoff with the feds and the Pentagon's fear of Canadian… Continue

Added by Marklar on December 6, 2009 at 5:00pm — 3 Comments

Yahoo Threatens Cryptome Over Leaked Surveillance Document

Yahoo, the internet corporation notorious for helping China implement totalitarian censorship of the web, has instructed its lawyers to go after Cryptome, a site that functions as a repository for information about freedom of speech, cryptography, spying, and surveillance.

Michael T. Gershberg of the law firm Steptoe & Johnson sent a DMCA takedown notice to John Young, Cryptome webmaster, on December 3. The law firm claims that Cryptome has violated… Continue

Added by lloyd fuller on December 6, 2009 at 3:46pm — No Comments

dec 09

interesting week.
it's the brit method of releasing 16 stories.. only this time not 16 versions of the same story.
climate gate, copenhagen, ACTRA treaty, iran nukes, swine flu vacinations..
WHICH is what covering up?
love the new pic. doing any styling? (Are guys still dumb?) have a seasonal anyway...

Added by pat donovan on December 6, 2009 at 9:29am — No Comments

Lawrie Covey, 58, has been out of work for two years.

Trickle-Up Economics

by Paul Craig Roberts

Goldman Sachs senior executives are arming themselves with New York gun permits, according to Alice Schroeder on The banksters "are now equipped to defend themselves if there is a populist uprising against the bank."

One can understand why the banksters are worried. The company, now known as Gold Sachs, has a large responsibility for the financial crisis and the fraudulent… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 6, 2009 at 5:57am — 2 Comments

Banksters made sure: The American Dream Is More Of A Dream Than Ever Before!

Quotes of the day

"They promised us transparency and they kept their promise. We can see right through them!" ~ Carole Bending

"The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one's real and one's declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink." ~ George Orwell

Ah! . . . the dream. The American Dream. Sadly it's much more of a… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 5, 2009 at 11:50pm — No Comments

Philippines’ Arroyo May Maintain Martial Law in Maguindanao

- Philippine President Gloria Arroyo may have enough legislative support to maintain martial law in Maguindanao province, where the ruling clan has been linked to the election-related killing of 57 people.

Arroyo declared military rule in Maguindanao yesterday and arrested its governor and several relatives, alleging they plotted “rebellion” as the government took steps to charge and prosecute them in the killings. Invasion and rebellion are the only constitutional bases for martial… Continue

Added by lloyd fuller on December 5, 2009 at 10:27pm — No Comments

Uninformed? No, Complete and Utter Morons!

When we talk about sheeple, people that are asleep at the wheel, what comes to mind? Because that's something that many of us here on 12.160Mhz discuss passionately and with fair frequency. All of us seem to recognize that Americans are just ill-informed, many are simply ignorant (not the same as stupid, just uninformed), and of course some really are just your garden variety stupid.

There are uninformed or ill-informed Obama supporters and there were, equally, uninformed and… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 5, 2009 at 5:39pm — 4 Comments



To all targeted individuals who corresponded with the late Darrim Daoud (deceased 15 November 2009):

Please disseminate this far and wide, and post it in other forums.

I need our community to provide me with the source materials I need in order to compile a folder of Darrim Daoud's communications with our community, in chronological order. This is a massive task, for which the help is needed of anybody who had contact with… Continue

Added by Astrid Fuchs on December 5, 2009 at 4:58pm — No Comments

CIA Operated Plane Carrying "Mutated" Virus Shot Down in China

CIA Operated Aerial Spraying Plane

Carrying "Mutated" Virus Shot Down in China

Reports circulating in the Kremlin today are stating that a US government contracted airplane piloted by American CIA agents and carrying a cargo of a "mutated"swine flu virus intended for aerial spraying was shot down at China's Shanghai Pudong airport by a saboteur team of what are believed to be Israeli Mossad soldiers

seeking to prevent an American attack upon one…


Added by Ya'aKov on December 5, 2009 at 4:00pm — No Comments

The Results Of War

Yes, this is one of my longest posts.

Yes, it will take some of your precious time to read.

Is it worth it?

I think it is. I think it's worth every moment of your time if you have any desire to understand the scope and breadth of the military industrial complex.

I think it's worth every moment of your time if you want to understand the economics that underscore the war effort and exactly how it's effected your own personal life.

It's worth… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 5, 2009 at 2:10pm — 3 Comments

Rep. Ron Paul greeted warmly by crowd at ASU

by Dianna M. Náñez

The Arizona Republic

The very ideas that clashed with Republican and Democratic leaders when Congressman Ron Paul ran as a GOP presidential candidate won cheers from the more than 1,000 people listening to him speak at Arizona State University on Friday.

Young Americans for Liberty, a group that originated as a national network of college students supporting Paul's 2008 presidential bid, invited the Texas congressman to speak at… Continue

Added by Tara on December 5, 2009 at 1:49pm — No Comments

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New technology could help save the Colorado River

Cloud seeding is a form of weather modification that can increase rain and snow production by up to 15% and is being used to help the Colorado River recover ...
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“The Stench is Unbearable”: Dead Bodies Piling Up, FEMA Abandons NC Residents Amid Hurricane Helene

CORRECTION: Amanda stated the fire chief of Fairview, North Carolina had sent private helicopters away that were attempting to provide relief to residents. S...
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1970's profile of Stephen Stills. By the end of the 1960s, Stephen Stills had written one of the decade's most successful protest songs, played a central rol...
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"Link to Ukrainian Military News Site "Stubb added that since the Middle Ages, the Finnish…"
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