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Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against DHS To Suspend Airport Body Scanner Program

EPIC has filed the opening brief in EPIC v. DHS, No, 10-1157, a case that challenges the unilateral decision of the TSA to make body scanners the primary screening technique in U.S. airports. Three frequent air travelers are joining EPIC in the lawsuit: security expert Bruce Schneier, human rights activist Chip Pitts, and the Council on American-Islamic Relations legal counsel Nadhira Al-Khalili. The Petitioners have brought claims under the Administrative Procedure Act, the Privacy Act, the… Continue

Added by Swtnlovabl on November 24, 2010 at 4:53pm — 1 Comment

Google Earth : Does Not Work For Linux Users!!

There are pictures I posted up there for you to see that we need to do something about it. It's been not working since the last release of Ubuntu 10.10. So this might be the October surprise that is effecting linux users worldwide. When I download the .bin file it starts to give me a parser error and there is no way to fix it. I have talked to technical support about the error and they said that the code for Google Earth is proprietary and it cannot be fixed by the community. Now most of my… Continue

Added by WTRH-AM-AE on November 24, 2010 at 3:23pm — No Comments

Don't Turn Around, The Kommissar's In Town...

So let me see if I have this straight...

If I fly, I can be randomly chosen to go through a scanner that would, if run through a negative enhancer, would show most details of my nakedness.

If I choose not to be scanned, I can be sexually assaulted by a TSA agent who does not change gloves despite touching the genitals of many of the same gender, thus increasing the chance of catching an sexual disease.

If I choose to do neither, first you, the TSA, I would be… Continue

Added by Pauly B. on November 24, 2010 at 11:12am — No Comments

Life in Prison for Posting DVD?


James Corbett Interviews John Anthony Hill


The creator of 7/7 Ripple Effect joins us to discuss his ongoing persecution by the UK courts…


Added by Anti Oligarch on November 24, 2010 at 2:30am — 1 Comment

It's NOT Ireland! It's not a bailout of a country, it's the next phase of the bailout of the banks!

Ireland is not imploding. It is not in trouble as a sovereign nation as such. Ireland is being crushed under the weight of a collapsing City of London/Rothschild banking cartel, namely the Inter-Alpha Group.

We are witnessing a process of general collapse which began in 2007 as a result of forty years of gambling in the great global casino. The events of this past week are a continuation of that process, not a separate event. The bailout of "Ireland" is another stop gap measure which… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on November 24, 2010 at 2:13am — No Comments

Paul Craig Roberts: TSA Gestapo Empire - Who is cowing Americans into submission, terrorists or the TSA Gestapo?

It doesn’t take a bureaucrat long to create an empire. John Pistole, the FBI agent who took over the Transportation Security Administration on July 1 told USA Today 16 days later that protecting trains and subways from terrorist attacks will be as high a priority for him as air travel.

It is difficult to imagine New Yorkers being porno-screened and sexually groped on crowed subway platforms or showing up an hour or two in advance for clearance for a 15 minute subway ride, but once… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on November 24, 2010 at 1:59am — No Comments

Science: Another Ice Age?

Science: Another Ice Age?

Monday, Jun. 24, 1974,9171,944914,00.html

In Africa, drought continues for the sixth consecutive year, adding terribly to the toll of famine victims. During 1972 record rains in parts of the U.S., Pakistan and Japan caused some of the worst flooding in centuries. In Canada's wheat belt, a particularly chilly and rainy… Continue

Added by fireguy on November 24, 2010 at 1:08am — No Comments

Where have those latex gloves been TSA is wearing?

Check this out friends!

Added by Jade Anjoun on November 23, 2010 at 8:41pm — No Comments

Long Live the Web

By Tim Berners-Lee

The Web is critical not merely to the digital revolution but to our continued prosperity—and even our liberty. Like democracy itself, it needs defending.

The world wide web went live, on my physical desktop in Geneva, Switzerland, in December 1990. It consisted of one Web site and one…

Added by Fred Black on November 23, 2010 at 8:39pm — 2 Comments

Microwave popcorn contains dangerous chemical

Would you like salt, butter -- and a helping of perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs) with your popcorn? You may say "yes" to the first two ingredients and "certainly not!" to the last one. But the problem is, if you are eating microwaved popcorn or packaged snack foods, you are most likely getting dosed with these potentially toxic chemicals without any choice.

PFCAs, the best known of which is perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), have… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on November 23, 2010 at 4:29pm — 4 Comments

Rothschild Bank AND Goldman Sachs Are Both On The LIST Of Bondholders Getting U.S. Taxpayer Billions In Irish Bailout

U.S. taxpayers finance approximately 20% of the IMF's budget.

Guess what, Ireland. Brian Lenihan and Brian Cowen just sold you down the IMF river. Why? To bail out bank bondholders and giant European banks. Of course! That's what governments are for these days, apparently. And they'll tell you that the bailout policy is all for you own good. And for little old ladies and pensioners and orphans. Just don't tell that to the cancer patients.

Yep, another nation made IMF debt… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on November 23, 2010 at 4:23pm — No Comments

US firms pressure Ireland to tax the people, not corporations

US firms pressure Ireland to tax the people, not corporations

Published on 11-21-2010 Email To Friend Print Version

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Source: Telegraph

The warning – from executives at Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard (HP), Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Intel – spoke of the "damaging impact" on Ireland's "ability to win and retain investment" should the country's corporation tax rate be increased from 12.5pc.

It came as talks between members of the Irish… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on November 23, 2010 at 4:15pm — No Comments

USDA Gives 12 MILLION to Dominoes Pizza, betcha haven't heard about that bailout!

As shocking as the news is that the United States Department of Agriculture facilitated a cheese bailout with a $12 million marketing campaign to help sell Domino’s Pizza, I believe there is much more to the New York Times story as it affects average Americans and their ever-expanding waist lines.

The story makes a strong case for the correlation between saturated fat consumption and obesity. Michael Moss nails the issue of the USDA’s two-sided policy: promoting cheese consumption in… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on November 23, 2010 at 4:00pm — No Comments

TSA: Travelers Who Refuse Scanning Can’t Leave, Will Be Fined

TSA: Travelers Who Refuse Scanning Can’t Leave, Will Be Fined

Published on 11-21-2010

Source: Antiwar

Faced with the prospect of large numbers of people refusing the invasive “screening” measures they’ve implemented this holiday season, the TSA is hoping to fight back with threats of fine and arrest.

“Once a person submits… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on November 23, 2010 at 2:50pm — No Comments

TC Indymedia Exclusive: Secret 'Trigger' & blueprint for emergency domestic military crackdown plan revealed

Digital presentations posted on an Army Corps of Engineers server, about military operations in a giant FEMA-simulated earthquake drill called National Level Exercise 2011, inadvertently reveal crucial new info about another 'Secret' Pentagon plan, Northcom CONPLAN 3502, including the “trigger” for domestic military 'Civil Disturbance Operations.'



Added by Sweettina2 on November 23, 2010 at 2:40pm — No Comments

Ron Paul ON THE ALEX JONES SHOW 23 Nov mp3 listen download stream

  • Ron Paul
  • Ron Paul

Breaking: Is Korean Peninsula provocation a geopolitical smokescreen? Alex covers this important and developing news story. Guests include: Texas Congressman Ron Paul and Judge Andrew Napolitano of Fox News. Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen talks with Alex about the situation in Korea. Alex also covers other…


Added by truth on November 23, 2010 at 1:20pm — No Comments



Thursday, November 18th, 2010

BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today is announcing its opposition to the nomination, by President Obama, of Andrew Traver as director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Traver is… Continue

Added by fireguy on November 23, 2010 at 12:17pm — No Comments

Breaking: N. Korea fires artillery at S. Korean island

N. Korea fires artillery at S. Korean island

39 minutes ago - AP 1:27 | 0 views

North Korea fired artillery barrages onto a South Korean island near their disputed border Tuesday, setting buildings alight and prompting South Korea to return fire and scramble fighter jets.


Added by Sweettina2 on November 23, 2010 at 5:00am — 8 Comments


Wonder what the powers that be would do if WE as AMERICANS wrote up a petition that says WE officially release them of any and all obligation they feel they have to be our daddy and keep us safe, If they will recognize that WE have certain Natural RIGHTS. Among those are the right to DEFEND ourselves, the right to obtain and freely carry arms and to travel unobstructed. Then WE announce to the whole world that Americans are now ARMED and if they'd like to commit any acts of terror to please… Continue

Added by Dave on November 23, 2010 at 3:56am — 3 Comments

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While the Wounds Are Still Fresh

 In this age of lies Love has become a sad compromise The source of my emotional demiseAll the…See More
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China has weaponized Ebola to take over North America after WW3

The Defense Minister with his own Mouth has said it.…See More
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My Twisted Destiny Darling why don't you come and play with meOn a planetary seaOn a frozen moon we…See More
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David⚡️Bowie - Ricochet documentary (1984)

In December 1983, David Bowie's massive 'Serious Moonlight ' tour arrived in Asia for three shows in Hong Kong, Bangkok and Singapore, virtually uncharted te...
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"12 units gone, 6 units heavily damaged, 6 units saved, including mine, been a stressful 10 days!"
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Gerald Celente discusses the retail sales report and what it means for the economy. He also talks about how politicians ruined the American Dream...To access...
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Has the antichrist been identified??? The overwhelming biblical proof will shock you! "Antichrist and the Crowned 666 King: RAPTURE ALERT!!!", Dr. Bruce Rui...
Doc Vega commented on Larry Harmen's blog post China has weaponized Ebola to take over North America after WW3
"The Chinese have had an ambition for a long time to occupy the US and they're pretty…"
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cheeki kea commented on Doc Vega's blog post A New Angle on Explanation of UAP’s
"Good question Doc V. It's the Air Force that carried out this (underhanded) action according…"
Doc Vega commented on Doc Vega's blog post A New Angle on Explanation of UAP’s
"cheeki kea Barium is a radioactive isotope that was once used for X-ray purposes in the patient.…"

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