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Barnyard: The Orginal Party Animals the Movie NWO Shill

This is a part of a review of the movie by

This movie was rated PG. Although, there was no foul language, there were a few implied comments. There is a comment about “an extra hoof right up your…” The word is never said. Another comment is made about an animal licking themselves and the comeback made is, “I can’t even reach mine.” At one point a policeman makes a comment “Nothing a… Continue

Added by Eleandrus on February 7, 2009 at 1:07am — 4 Comments

AIT Group offers Supply Chain & Lean Six Sigma Training, Coaching, and Certification

Hi, my name is Steven Bonacorsi and a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt. I would like to add you to my professional network

Let me know if I can be of any assistance to you and your business.

A good group to join is the Lean Six Sigma Group

Another good groups is Advanced Innovation… Continue

Added by Steven Bonacorsi on February 6, 2009 at 11:50pm — No Comments

OMG, the Senate is still voting on bills this late. Can not be good!

I know they have pulled some nasty tricks in the late of night like this.
I assume they are voting on this BSpayout to the banker gangsters now. I just tuned in.

span class="gray nowrap">watch Now on C-SPAN2

Added by truth on February 6, 2009 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Holy super kala frajulistic xpe al a propaganda...well it does make for an interesting title

Just a small increase in funds in order to win the hearts and minds of YOU. I bet the psychological operations are not just for foreigners. Do we really need to waste billions to influence other countries? Not if our leaders would stop sticking the US in other countries' business, devastating their land, and manipulating their governments. It is sad they hate using diplomacy to solve problems. Would rather act like they are trying to talk while launching a gorilla campaign. The ultimate poker… Continue

Added by bob on February 6, 2009 at 1:45am — 1 Comment

Another record day for this site. Feb. 11, 2009

This Week's Visits and Page Views
This Week's Visits and Page Views

Added by truth on February 6, 2009 at 1:00am — 9 Comments

Bombs and choppers startle New Orleans residents during military exercises

Bombs, choppers during military exercises startle residents

12:42 PM CST on Thursday, February 5, 2009

Katie Moore / Eyewitness News

NEW ORLEANS – Residents in and around New Orleans have been hearing the sounds of low-flying helicopters and… Continue

Added by truth on February 5, 2009 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

Harry Markopolos

The whistleblower who detected the alleged Bernard Madoff fraud nine years ago yesterday subjected the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to a devastating public attack.

Testifying to Congress, Harry Markopolos accused the US regulator of being scared of confronting big Wall Street investors and of being crippled by internal squabbling and incompetence. Mr Markopolos said that many banks and funds on Wall Street knew about Mr Madoff’s fraud before it was exposed but “those… Continue

Added by Ron Cesek on February 5, 2009 at 4:30pm — 6 Comments

to my mp

David: notes from the front lines. Feb 5th/09

First off, Luckers with the (impending) Obama visit. I'll be at home screaming 'BUST THE PATENT BUBBLE' during that... not standing on the parkway with the dog (waving) as my brother did a for Bush a few years ago.

My hours AND workweek have been cut, so I now have time to raise hell. (at least until one of my hobbies eats up this new free time) Here's your dose.

Going boldly where no man has gone before wasn't… Continue

Added by pat donovan on February 5, 2009 at 11:22am — No Comments

The Military is being turned into a Elite only Force. Just as Alex Jones has said the other day.

I ve been in the Navy 9 years now since Aug 25th 1999. Ive been proud to serve not knowing who i was serving or who ive been dis servicing. Ive built bombs personally that have been dropped on Iraq in Jan of 06 when i was on the USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71.

I ve always had problems keeping my weight off and under control. Currently i will be kicked out of the Navy in May if i cant not weigh under 191lbs iam at 5 10. they say that anything higher is overweight. I have to get tape… Continue

Added by Eleandrus on February 5, 2009 at 1:30am — 1 Comment

Google Latitude keeps tabs on friends' locations

Don't worry, its just a tool to get you used to being tracked. And I am sure a hacker or the FBI won't use the service for unintended reasons. The slow incremental push for the surveillance society continues.

By Stephen Shankland

(CNET) -- Just because the Internet has broken down geographic barriers, don't assume that Google doesn't care about geography.

With Google's new Latitude software, cell phone… Continue

Added by bob on February 4, 2009 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

Obama-Biden Continue Bush-Cheney Bloodbath


P.O. Box 1782

Lancaster, PA 17608

Obama-Biden Continue Bush-Cheney Bloodbath

“So Much For “Change”” Says Veteran’s Group

Anaheim Hills, CA- (January 28,2009) ,The National Veteran’s Coalition , an organization made up of active, retired and reserve members of the country’s Armed Forces expressed outrage at the Obama - Biden administration’s flagrant disregard for the lives of… Continue

Added by fireguy on February 4, 2009 at 4:22pm — No Comments

mp3? we're gonna getcha for that!

Back door man.


The trade treaty. HA! NOW use the trade treaty to sneak in LOTS of copyright protection. from every angle, too. This is much worse than it sounds.

You remember hearing about homeland border police getting 60% of the US pop in their gun sites? THIS is what you gonna get hit with.

NO TOLERANCE. BIG momma S'mother hits hard here, kiddo.

My favorite tech sites include a few of the (secret) overviews... ya gotta LOVE this… Continue

Added by pat donovan on February 4, 2009 at 9:09am — 1 Comment

Tropical Turtle Fossil Found in Arctic

My 50 cents on the subject. (devaluation and all)

Two things about the article. First, it seems that the world will not come to a devastating end where all life is extinct as some want the citizenry to believe. Yes in a warmer climate some species will become extinct. However, if the planet cools some species will become extinct. I bet most animals and plants will adapt like they always do. Seems to be, for the most part, beyond our control.

Second, volcanoes are thought… Continue

Added by bob on February 4, 2009 at 1:28am — No Comments

Kids for cash: Judges Bribed by Private Contractor to Sentence More Kids to Juvie Detention

The setting is Pennsylvania coal country, but it's a story right out of Dickens' grim 19th-century landscape: Two of Luzerne County's most senior judges on Monday were accused of sending children to jail in return for kickbacks.

The judges, Luzerne County President Judge Mark A. Ciavarella Jr., 58, and his predecessor, Senior Judge Michael T. Conahan, 56, will serve seven years in jail under a plea agreement.

They're alleged to have pocketed $2.6 million in payments from… Continue

Added by truth on February 3, 2009 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

The End of Black History Month?

So here's a link to a story that is interesting.

Cartoon Judas Goat

So as we arrive here in what is Black History Month with a counterfeit pseudo-black president, this article appears. Several pictures are shown of prominent historical figures alongside of Barry Soetoro's… Continue

Added by Burbia on February 3, 2009 at 5:26pm — No Comments

Gazan testimonies detail Israeli use of human shields

By Dion Nissenbaum | McClatchy Newspapers

EZBT ABED RABBO, Gaza Strip — The Israeli soldiers outside Majdi Abed Rabbo's home were after the three Hamas fighters holed up next door, and they wanted Abed Rabbo to be their point man.

For the next 24 hours, Abed Rabbo said, the soldiers repeatedly forced him to walk through the battle zone to see whether the militants were dead or alive.

Abed Rabbo wasn't alone. Eight… Continue

Added by Marklar on February 3, 2009 at 4:32pm — 1 Comment

Violent unrest rocks China as crisis hits

The collapse of the export trade has left millions without work and set off a wave of social instability.

China's new year of the ox portends calm but there is little sign of it as workers in Shezhen protest over unpaid wages as factories shut

China's new year of the ox portends calm but there is little sign of it as workers in Shezhen protest over unpaid wages as factories shut

Michael Sheridan in Hong… Continue

Added by Marklar on February 3, 2009 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Mouse Study Suggests ADHD Drug Might Be Addictive

Ritalin, a drug commonly used to treat children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), caused changes in the brain cells of mice similar to those seen with cocaine, a new study shows.

The researchers, from The Rockefeller University in New York City, said the findings suggest that chronic exposure to Ritalin in high doses could prove addictive, and highlight the need for more research into its long-term effects.

However, one ADHD expert said he doubted the… Continue

Added by C on February 3, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Israeli War Crimes - Under the Black Flag


A Spanish judge has instituted a judicial inquiry against seven Israeli political and military personalities on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The case: the 2002 dropping of a one ton bomb on the home of Hamas leader Salah Shehade. Apart from the intended victim, 14 people, most of them children, were killed.

For those who have forgotten: the then commander of the Israeli Air Force, Dan… Continue

Added by Marklar on February 3, 2009 at 10:35am — No Comments

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