January 2022 Blog Posts (135)

African Deplorables & Worthless


Added by luggnutz on January 31, 2022 at 11:15pm — No Comments

Nanotek Inn

https://archive.md/O8uUS  <~~~~ I hope this works. ( found in vaxx nz )…


Added by cheeki kea on January 31, 2022 at 4:52pm — No Comments

Tom Fitton in His Contnuing Legal Battle With the Traitorous Biden White House


Justice Stephen Breyer’s surprise retirement from the Supreme Court…


Added by Doc Vega on January 31, 2022 at 4:06pm — No Comments

Technology to Save the Existence of the US

Image result for Us Military Rail Gun

In the late 1990’s one military analyst predicted that when the battlefield was finally digitized there would be no escaping annihilation, that there would be no safe hiding places. Without the use of nuclear scorched earth doctrine, conventional weapons could be so accurate that decimation would be inescapable. If that isn’t horrible enough, Great Britain was the first nation to experiment with and refine its rail gun. Using a launch…


Added by Doc Vega on January 31, 2022 at 3:41pm — No Comments

Deserving Charity

Image result for images of a world that has changed

Deserving Charity

Trying to find love in a world that has changed

Really demonically re-arranged

Are all of my efforts in vain?

Those persisitent recollections of pain,
Image result for wordl of shadows and illusion

i didn't ask for all this confusion

This place of shadows and…

Added by Doc Vega on January 31, 2022 at 12:00pm — No Comments

The Shape of Things to Come

Image result for images of the corridors of time

The Shape of Things to Come


Struggling down the darkened corridors of time

Vaguely remembering when I was in my prime

Never realized how life could be such a steep climb

All for the grandfather’s clock chime,…


Added by Doc Vega on January 31, 2022 at 11:53am — 2 Comments

Convoy 'Fake News', The 'Racist' Slant

Well, the desperate dogs in the presstitute lying whore media are at it again.

They spent days bad-mouthing the convoy and giving it their demonic Disney best to spin fairytales of fear and 'threats'. "Racist extreme elements" and all the slanderous accusations that come with it. Claiming politicians and media whores had received 'threats' and intimidations. I don't completely doubt all the claims. If you're a low life vampire sucking globalist lap dog pharma whore politician…


Added by luggnutz on January 30, 2022 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Declaration of Helsinki


Added by Chris of the family Masters on January 30, 2022 at 12:17pm — No Comments

Until Your Demise

Image result for images of objects in blue

Until Your Demise


There’s fire in the skies fire in my eyes

Only open eyes can see their lies

Fire in the skies fire in my eyes

They don’t care how many die,

Image result for child's laughter  …


Added by Doc Vega on January 29, 2022 at 4:44pm — No Comments

Thousands Go Missing in the US Every Year Why?

Image result for richard h. hall

The year is 1980 and during a documentary film former NASA scientist Richard Hall says he has an answer for the 50 thousand children alone who disappear each year in the 50 states of America. Even though a certain number can be accounted for through custody battles between parents, human trafficking operations, and others from an unknown origin such as Dave Paulides 411 book series, Dave was a California enforcement officer, but had not…


Added by Doc Vega on January 29, 2022 at 2:25pm — No Comments

Carefully Crafting Your Public Image Pt. 2

Image result for deplorable images of Barack Obama

In 2008 one Barack Hussein Obama ran for the office of the presidency under the Democrat Party. Previously, he held a Senate Seat for the state of Illinois and was a do nothing politician, who denounced President Bush’s 20, 000 troop plan to stabilize Iraq in the midst of a terrorism crisis after the Democrat majority Congress’s urged speedy withdrawal. Bush’s program worked and among other false claims made by candidate…


Added by Doc Vega on January 28, 2022 at 5:35pm — No Comments

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"  Less Prone I agree with you.  I just received a copy of Radio World in the mail,…"
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🚨 LIVE: Germany Start Closing Down Islamic Mosques

🔴 Join Tousi TV+ https://www.tousi.tvSponsored by TAD Media (https://tadmedia.co.uk/). Definitely check them out if you need website design or development. ...
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"Dan, You bring up an important topic. There may become a time when all public communication systems…"
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Discover the shocking truth about Kamala Harris's involvement in seizing Nina Simone's estate and denying her family their rights. Uncover the hidden story b...
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ExpendableTo everyone you know you’re expendableGetting what you want these…See More
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Depraved Justice - Finnish Court Quashes Convictions of Several Men Found Guilty of Raping Intellectually Disabled Woman

Justice and Democracy are just fancy words used to hide decadence, corruption and lies...…See More
Burbia commented on Doc Vega's blog post Who was the Shooter on the Water Tower? More Exposure of the Planned Murder of Donald Trump
"He can't keep getting away with it!"
Burbia commented on Doc Vega's blog post You Don't Think There's a Government Cover up over attempted Trump Assassination?
"One step forward, two steps backwards..."
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Doc Vega commented on Doc Vega's blog post You Don't Think There's a Government Cover up over attempted Trump Assassination?
"Burbia, excellent quotes from the past."

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