August 2012 Blog Posts (385)

Lift off! Lunar 'space elevator' may be built by 2020 (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

US firm announced an ambitious project to build a lunar space elevator that could transport both robots and humans using an existing technology, in less than a decade. Fundraising efforts are already underway.

A lunar space elevator is a cable running from the surface of the moon into space. It is similar to a concept known as the earth space elevator, which is LiftPort’s ultimate goal. The idea of the space elevator is designed to permit transport along the cable from a planetary…


Added by mystery on August 27, 2012 at 8:09pm — No Comments

MnR Live From Montreal What is evil? Wed Aug 29 2012 @730 PM-

What is evil Is it a person an entity or a force? We attempt to discover what it really is! On MnR Live From Montreal What is evil?  Wed Aug 29 2012 @730 PM-

What is evil?

Yesterday, I…


Added by Robert Carobene on August 27, 2012 at 6:30pm — 1 Comment

Israeli Settler: ‘If I see her coming, no matter what age she is 3, 4, 7, I’ll f*#k her over’. Israeli Soldier: ‘No problem’!

Listen to the settler discuss these Palestinian girls with the Israeli soldier. 

0:04 – Soldier: “But you’re getting in our way, don’t you understand? You’re getting in our way.”

0:07 – Settler: “I’ll stand on…

Added by Ria on August 27, 2012 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

NSA, Pentagon Using Elementary Schools to Train Future Federal Agents


NSA, Pentagon Using Elementary Schools to Train Future Federal Agents

Our children may be learning to be more than just bilingual at their elementary schools’ language immersion program. Since 2006 the federal government has spent millions to turn elementary schools around the country into training centers…


Added by truth on August 27, 2012 at 12:04pm — No Comments

romeny past history

I would just like to say that Romney is Mormon by decent. This can be traced if you decided to look it up. It is fact. His great great grandfather came through the area of Arkansas. He is of dishonest decent. Read and learn who your next president may be!

Read today that Willard *Mitt* Romney's ancestor was Parley P Pratt (Jared Pratt b 1769 >Parley Parker Pratt b 1807 Otsego NY (brother was Orson Pratt) >  Helaman Pratt b 1846 > Anna Amelia Pratt m Gaskel Romney.…


Added by mystery on August 26, 2012 at 10:42pm — No Comments

Battle of Blair Mountain Anniversary. The Second Civil War.


This weekend marks the anniversary of the most brutal confrontation in the history of the American labor movement, the Battle of Blair Mountain. For one week during 1921, armed, striking coal miners battled scabs, a private militia, police officers and the US Army. 100 people died, 1,000 were arrested, and one million shots were fired. It was the largest armed rebellion in America since the Civil War.

This is how it happened. In the Twenties, West…


Added by EdensAsp on August 26, 2012 at 9:33pm — No Comments

Sixty Quakes Strike So Cal in 16 hours


Added by truth on August 26, 2012 at 7:30pm — 8 Comments

Colorado PBS-TV Airs AE911Truth’s 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out

This is SO COOL the first of it's time in the United States an American Public Television Station airing the 9/11 Truth "LIVE broadcast" aired on Colorado PBS-TV

Watch Live 8/18 Saturday at 7pm MDT

here's that broadcast :

ENJOY, and spread this around to people who need more proof that they have been played by their…


Added by jim on August 26, 2012 at 6:40pm — No Comments

William (Bill) Cooper predictions and facts, Shame on you America!


You know, even I get sick of people's utter lack of comprehension of the history and facts surrounding events that  even I was a part of.  At the first part of this video, Bill was stating the facts as I presented them to him before 9/11, on "Sign of the Times". This was the fourth in his series after I had been his guest, and he firmly grasped the significance of the events that was to happen. I truly owe a debt of thanks to the poster and videographer and…


Added by Freedomrox on August 26, 2012 at 4:30am — 3 Comments

All nine bystander shooting victims at Empire State Building were shot by police! NYPD needs to learn gun control

All nine of the bystanders who were injured in yesterday's Empire State Building shooting incident were shot by police, the media is now reporting. NYPD officers "fired randomly" into the street, striking nine bystanders in the legs, buttocks and elbow. The gunman, Jeffrey Johnson, had only one intended target: his former boss. Johnson never fired at police, it turns out, despite Mayor Bloomberg's initial description claiming he did.

Bloomberg, always an opponent of the…


Added by mystery on August 25, 2012 at 10:20pm — No Comments

Over 2,500 DHS employees and co-conspirators have been convicted of crimes in the past eight years, according to federal auditor

A new federal audit of the monstrous agency, created in the heat and passion of the moment in the weeks following the 9/11 attacks, 2,527 DHS employees and co-conspirators have been convicted of either being corrupt or engaging in outright criminality since 2004, CNSNews.comreported, citing written testimony submitted to Congress recently by the department's inspector general, Charles Edwards.

"Border corruption may take the form of cash bribes, sexual favors, and other…


Added by mystery on August 25, 2012 at 8:31pm — 1 Comment

Taking back America from Dysfunction Politicians-Without Firing a Shot

Taking America back from politicians

We need a revolution because our current system is no longer a system for the people! People have the power, but fail to use it…

How Citizens Could Take Back Control of the Country-if they had the cajones

Simply put…all citizens need to quit being obedient servants instead of scratching their head wondering ‘how did we lose control & become the servant instead of the…


Added by Bruce David on August 25, 2012 at 5:29pm — 7 Comments

Stand And Keep On Staning

I have posted the video link below after being confronted by a Cointelpro who was very interested in my political affiliations. To his surprise, I had none, and instead of using angry words to scorn him, I prayed for him. The link below is my response to this poor young man's handlers . . . for one day your own quickening and awakening must begin. 


D.M. Simonds

Link to the video:…


Added by D.M. Simonds on August 25, 2012 at 3:15pm — No Comments

The Empire State Building Shooting another UN challenge to gun ownership

It is indeed easy to establish a timeline between Secretary of State's meeting over UN gun control envoys and the sudden outbreak of MK-Ultra style senseless lone gunman shootings. The Obama administration is playing for keeps.

Jeffrey Johnson an embittered fashion designer who had been laid off for a year, made his way down the streets of New…


Added by Doc Vega on August 25, 2012 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Brandon Raub Has Lost His 2nd Admendment Rights.

The real fallout from Brandon Raub's Facebook posts is that he has lost his 2nd Amendment right to Own and Bear Arms. This might have been the game of the Feds Along. I'll bet he name is in the NO section of the ATF Database!

Becareful what you post…


Added by Roy Patterson on August 25, 2012 at 11:30am — 5 Comments

Why Revolt Is All We Have Left

Truthout Interviews Chris Hedges About Why Revolt Is All We Have Left

Wednesday, 22 August 2012 00:00 By Mark Karlin, Truthout | Interview…


Added by DTOM on August 25, 2012 at 8:47am — No Comments

The Iron Fist in Tampa All dissent must be crushed

The Iron Fist in Tampa

All dissent must be crushed

by , August 24, 2012…

Added by DTOM on August 25, 2012 at 8:12am — 2 Comments

FBI sharing facial recognition software with police departments across America

FBI sharing facial recognition software with police departments across America

By Madison Ruppert

Editor of End the Lie…


Added by DTOM on August 25, 2012 at 8:09am — 1 Comment

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This is INSANE! The Biden administration is doing it in ALL 50 states! | Redacted w Clayton Morris

American Financing:N M L S 1 8 2 3 3 4, N M L S consumer access dot org. APR for rates in the 5s start at 6.799% for well qualified borrowers. Visit https://...
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"The Communists from within will not let you co-exist they will continue to try to steal your…"
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Letitia James You know the one who Announced She was going after Donald Trump Now targets Ivermectin! 600w,…See More
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IDAHO SHUTS DOWN FARMERS "We're all going to fail"

Idaho shuts down 500,000 acres of farm land with water curtailment. Video sourced from @oneatatime8677 0:00 Water curtailment impacts Idaho farmers, risking ...
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